every day i go into my mirror, **** in my stomach and pretend i'm a professional dancer, then i realize i'm too overweight.
i care too much about everything
i wish i could commit suicide, then i get sad when i find something to live for
there's something deep behind everything i say
i can't stand complements
i don't ever say i have bulimia, because it sounds like a disease, i am bulimic i didn't catch bulimia
the reason i don't like compliments is because i don't think i deserve them
another thing is i don't see the point in praising a being on not being human (long story)
i don't trust people just because they're human
most people think there is a deep reason
i just don't
i don't like when people think there is something deep to something that is just simple
i hate when everybody believes a lie i told and thinks too much of the truth (they don't even know the lie was a lie, they just do it)
i might be the only person in the world who never has deep moments while it rains
i choreograph better than i dance
everybody loves my singing voice yet i hate it
i wish nobody existed but animals so they could live in peace
i wish i lived in an abusive home so i could stop being in between.