Depression is a killer,
Eating at ones wary soul.
Keeping to yourself,
So no one will ever know.
Many different vices,
To keep your thoughts buried.
Keeping things a secret,
To the point you become wary.
Time passes by,
And yet the pain remains.
Depression is a silent killer,
That will drive a person insane.
Yet you continue on,
And always carry your smile
Stricken with lots of pain,
You’ve had for quite a while.
Hoping and praying,
Just to barely hold on.
Fighting every day,
Trying to be really strong.
With each passing moment,
You try not to think.
Of things that cause pain,
And push you to the brink.
Some of us are weak,
And others are very strong.
That’s the deciding factor,
On how long many hold on.
Don’t get things twisted,
And tied all in a knot.
I am very strong,
Weak that I am not.
I am very grateful,
For many things every day.
I thankful for the people,
That listen when I say.
Im very sad inside,
And struggle a hell of a lot.
I’m thankful for those of you,
Cause you are all I’ve got.
Written By
Richard B Shick