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I hope my good old ******* holds out
60 years it's been mostly OK
Tho in Bolivia a fissure operation
     survived the altiplano hospital--
a little blood, no polyps, occasionally
a small hemorrhoid
active, eager, receptive to phallus
     coke bottle, candle, carrot
     banana & fingers -
Now AIDS makes it shy, but still
     eager to serve -
out with the dumps, in with the ******'d
     ******* friend -
still rubbery muscular,
unashamed wide open for joy
But another 20 years who knows,
     old folks got troubles everywhere -
necks, prostates, stomachs, joints--
     Hope the old hole stays young
     till death, relax

                                        March 15, 1986, 1:00 PM
 Aug 2014 Andrew Parker
No, I am an immortal,
now that I desire death.
I'm really not sure
how I got here,
to this lonely place.
Was it the wind,
the sins of my father,
Perhaps, it was all
those pretty faces
I fell for,
who took traces of me
& left me brokenhearted.
And though I'm not a boy anymore,
I'm not just another hard toy either.
Seems like that's
all I've ever been to them.
But maybe I'll write
a book of poetry someday
& try to work this out
with heartfelt words.
Look, no hands.
I thought heartbreak was a movie deal
Never knew it would turn out to be this real
But when everyone you care about
Leaves you in a world of doubt
You feel,
Like your heart is never gonna heal
And that ain't all you're gonna feel but now it's got some massive mass appeal.

I stepped into the world out side,
Shortly after I began to die
I left my eyes wide open
And they were quickly stolen
And I,
Could only turn a blind eye,
When everybody walking by
Were ***** thieves, and they were sly.

Just as I was looking to spread my wings
I saw them for sale on a street corner with my other stolen things:
But they were somewhere far away,
I saw them through my eyes stolen just the other day.
I'm all over the place in some love-devoted crime ring,
But while I'm everywhere, I'm still dreaming
Cause maybe someone out there can mend these lonely heart stings.

And I don't care what happens to me!
Cut off my legs and I'll search the seven seas
Cause I'm not a machine
I'm a human being
Just because I'm broken i won't run out of steam!
I'll gather myself one day, whenever that may be,
And she'll be the one who bought the missing pieces of me.
Probably going to add to this, I think it still needs a bit of closure to bring it full circle.
There's a secret garden in my mind
Here are the keys
Dreams and nightmares lined with silver
Enter with caution, please

We walked the laurel floral covered fast lanes that were once meant for ships and planes
Lifetime friendships forged over baggage claims

Blessed to live the life live that was once only Pay-Per-View televised
Ive memorized moves made by ghosts that left me mesmerized

This is privileged private property I'll share with you not for publicity
Although this is a part of my recipe to leave a legacy
A high density dose of tranquility
Dream of me Mzanzi
Dream of me 3thirty
(Ln. 5)Laurel- Caesar's crown... also my ex-girlfriends middle name.
(Ln. 8-9) I've met some incredibly interesting people while getting over my fear of heights
(Ln.  12-13) RIP Madiba,  Aunt Harriet & Uncle Jim, TLF<3
(Ln. 19) South African nickname for South African
(Ln. 20) Northeast Ohioan nickname for Northeast Ohio... Akron area code... 330 to my city!
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