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Pluck Nov 2023
A darkness approaches, candles made of desires fade into the obscurity one by one.

There is a thin line between healing and creating a monster, what do you get when your insecurities are undone?

How do you think you’d feel?

Be careful what you imagine for the mind possesses a proclivity to manifest them real.

In my darkest hour I studied my heroes, but summoned a monster to save me.

Stumbling over my steps, I did not calculate the price of the stability he gave me.

There was horrific power in men who’ve died, most escaped life having cloaked It.

A darkness approaches, and I send my apologies,  for I myself, provoked It.
Pluck Jul 2015
God told me that I had to change.
I promised them I would stay the same & I didn't.
It used to be Love now to my name they send spit.
I Apologize but I'm no longer that negative person you were such good friends with.
Pluck Feb 2024
The most contagious substance in life is an idea, true inspiration is rare to find.

Whereas a bacteria bites on the body, an idea munches on the mind.

An idea collides with your soul, invades your flesh and spreads about like a **** of lice.

Inception is a sickness, my diagnosis changed my life.

It’s not that I overlook mirrors, Yet I’ve become unrecognizable from thoughts consuming me.

Everyday It’s there, that maybe, just maybe, I could be free.
Pluck Dec 2015
What if what you feared was always here?
Pain must be felt once it's there.
Where will you run to if there's only one where?
We try so heavily to avoid the inevitable because we're scared.
To embrace is to defeat, to conquer and adhere.
The cure to death is to live, the cure to hurt is to feel, to trust like the cuts were never there.
I know the pain & the failure, can make ****** minutes & depressing seconds feel like years.
We must stop hiding & open our vision to a world where we're encased in our fears.
I shall walk by Faith and not by sight with Belief in my tears and hope in my ears.
We are awake when everyday we see our fears.
I see hell everywhere.

Caution, not perfection. Caring, considerate, there's so much kindness we're meant to live out.
Imagine if we had to feel all the pain we give out.
Pluck Feb 2024
Can intelligence be explained by physics? Can we point to an asymptotic build of elementary particles?

Could it be ideas do not have limits? The complexity from their composites cloaking the repetition in articles.

I guess what I am pondering is, can genius simply be an eternal dive into a domain?

To produce a thousand iterative answers while the question has simultaneously remained the same.

Does an obsession with musical notes teach one to notice rhythm in thunder?

Is it irrelevant to know and more productive to wonder?

Was the renaissance the use of numbers to write, colors to add, and an abundance of letters to spend?

It could be genius is simply the perfection of a lens, looking through said lens, and seeing the earth begin to bend.
Pluck Feb 2024
Isolation is no friend to intimacy but to deviate you have to simultaneously love and ignore your peers.

My most difficult moment as well as biggest breakthrough was in a mirror asking “having you done so any of these past years?”

Now, this is something no one likes to hear so I evaluate my own life and none else.

Proceeding to ask myself if my path looks like everyone around me, how could It be this is my true self?

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life. This is how It goes see.

There are multiple choices & if mine matches the class, I know how hard the test will be.
Pluck Nov 2023
Heard the Heavenly Father say Thomas just stacked a plethora of edits son, the light bulb was made by small errors.

Only way to fail is if he called me home. If I must roll in the deep I promise to make everyone rich pallbearers.

Moving to the beat of my own drum, I’m destined to finish the journey even if they stop believing.

Less focused on what I’ll be able to possess, more obsessed with what they’ll say when they’re grieving.

A decade’s time of stacking and stashing dimes.

History doesn’t repeat itself but I’m the next word in human history that tends to rhyme.

I studied the predecessors before my time, a frightening realization to feel that we’re in mine.

There was nothing special about the first men to reach the peak of Everest, they just decided to climb.

Stones can no longer pop my bubble, I’ll go in any space, any room, any market and air It out.

I trade so well it’s scary now.
Pluck Feb 2024
Man exists outside of time or space, why should time dictate seas of temperament?

A grateful, fulfilled, and at peace mind begins to show symptoms of a forgetful sentiment.

I should not know what day was before me if the world was not obsessed with thee.

The only conditions that influences thou’s outlook is if thou doesn’t continue to breathe.

No woman fears labor if she feels It aligns with her birth.

Of course, I understand how dreadful a Monday can be if freedom was signed away to be cloaked on earth.
Pluck Jul 2017
100 degrees in Puerto Rico.
I'm Bahamian, it isn't  to hot for me though.
I'll just say there's no end.
Because I don't know where to begin.
I win, look at my best friend, her circle's thin but custom made delicacies usually don't fit in.
I mean when I pray your name comes before mine.
I'm blessed, I'm good, I'm asking God when it's gonna be your time.
Her voice sounds like answered prayers.
Personality so capturing you want to keep her company for years.
Elevator love, up and down, we go through it.
I might have to propose one day, you deserve so much & I just don't trust anyone else to do it.
All these memories in my head that's why I talk like this.
They call me cocky, but blame my best friend that's why I walk like this.
Pluck Jan 2024
Can’t you see what’s happening inside of my brain?

Peace is from beaches acting as bleaches removing the stains.

This lion removed all of the sides and out sprouted his mane.

Asleep on mountains of insurance covering any costs missing reassurance could claim.
Pluck Dec 2019
Haven’t written, I’ve lacked inspiration.
So much red pen & forced erasing.
We never out grow bad grades. We never outgrow mistakes.
& only thieves are happy because happiness is something you have to take.
Usually planted alone because photos, sins, and this don’t help me grow.
No one’s perfect, yet I’m obsessed with being close.
& what ever that space is will keep people close to me.
Long after I’m gone they’ll still choose me because of who I chose to be.
Pluck Jul 2016
Be cautious of what you dish out & what you take.
Things should just flow, know the difference between a river and a lake.
One has a destination, a purpose, the other is just sitting there being convenient.
& some people are like lakes, they'll say they can take you places but it's impossible for them to mean it.
If you're a river just be aware of the people that are so much like all the boats that transport stuff.
Those people who wipe their tears with your flaws,  you know the ones who have to push you down a little bit so they can stay up.
Never be scared to asked "what is it", "where are we", or "where are we going".
Because growth is the only evidence of life,  you're probably dead if you're not growing.
Pluck Jun 2015
I express what I'm feeling because to compress emotion is to request self destruction.
Say what you feel, share what you feel, there is no right or wrong, no proper instruction.
I release toxic emotions they poor out through vivid imagery & after I'm able to function.
My emotions blend together like a gumbo, one leading to the other & so forth, a fervent conjunction.
Pluck Jan 2024
My mind has turned novel, Jekyll on the left, Hyde on the right.

Creativity commingling with science, to create what’s right when I write.

Oh my that’s not proper? But is It art? The artist draws the line, the scientist says where.

Am I a victim? With my ideas carouselling with my education is my mind fair?

As you labor away remember the best smoothies have multiple fruits.

Yet; they made us think we had to choose one or the other during our youths.

Executive, Poet, mathematician, I can go over your head or pitch It underhand.

Science helps us understand the world but art creates a world we can understand.
Pluck Mar 2018
People will never forget how you made them feel.
In a realm of fiction & pretend, we’re scarred by the real.
All scars aren’t bad, healing took place.
Eternally inspiring growth then peeling my face.
Asking how can I help when I kneel in his place.
How can I touch lives before the devil is successful in stealing my race.
What is your legacy, what have you done that can’t be erased?
I pride myself in giving bottomless love that’s like a drug that’s been laced.
A controlled insanity, an absence of gravity.
& In the moment when Heaven is grabbing me.
I’m proud of how they’ll judge me.
My past is littered with people who still love me.
Pluck Oct 2015
When life gives you Lemons be thankful because nobody in life is going to give you anything, not even lemons.
Pluck Jan 2024
The irony is that the more intelligent you become, the bus becomes shorter.

For you’ve never met a wise man who was also a hoarder.

The path to any goal is simply getting the knowledge then learning what to discard.

You see knowing what to keep is easy, It’s what to cut out that’s hard.
Pluck Apr 2022
Fishers understand the water is thinner than the sky when they finally look up.
I’m not fishing, I’m the bait that put my hooks up.
It’s not that I’m impatient or that I couldn’t wait.
It’s actually the opposite, I wasted to much time at the lake.
I keep myself fed just in case one swims by that may catch my eye.
But this one I was so proud of so I ate my pride.
I feel like we have all taken a boat down that same double lapped route.
It’s like being disciplined in the casino all day but the one time you gamble you still crap out.
I know that’s how my best friend feels, she’s tired of being disturbed by every long John silver.
But life is about balance, there’s a grateful Reciever for every generous giver.
I know that’s easier said when your stomach is growling & you’re fishing for relief.
but catching what you need is much better than a constant catch & release.
Pluck Jul 2019
They don’t tell the whole story.
Every hero sounds like a villain if you withhold the glory.
They don’t talk about how the effort was never reciprocated.
Always how you left, never how it was instigated.
Condemned off the short when you were perfect for so long.
They know they can’t actually relate to those songs.
When you made their dreams come true, where was all this regret?
Truth is a bad person Is easier to forget.
Every time I’ve been demonized I left a high bar.
& not one person has found a replacement to meet It so far.
Remember a person at peace doesn’t make a sound.
& most good people aren’t appreciated until they’re not around.
Pluck Aug 2015
Starting to believe I wasn't I meant for loving.

Everyone I care for, the emotion ends up being evicted & the population reduced to nothing

I sit the ones that love me on a slide and push until they can't hold on or sit any longer.

I see the ones I love at the bottom of hopeful slides & fall irresponsibly, faster and faster, the feeling getting stronger and stronger.

Now here I am again, loving another, loving you, & you don't want that, another smile I must part ways with.

I sit on a playground, laying in a sand box of my hearts sediments dampened by my tears, can't believe it took me this long to realize Love probably isn't the best thing to play with.
Pluck Feb 2024
Well, such an embarrassment are the occasions when my ego grasps and glides my pen.

But I grow increasingly frustrated with confusion between those who buy eggs and those who raise hens.  

With a line of support, the ego immediately looks to those who doubt.

In my freshmen season, there were flashes of talent but none that should alarm the scouts.

But you see, I’ve closed the gyms, I’ve exhausted the film, I’ve crammed & crammed for standardized tests.

If that wasn’t enough, I’ve dramatically reduced physical labor, emphasizing recovery and rest.

The freshman has been dismissed as crazy, irrational, behind the curve, the new inferior peer.

Which is fine, long as no one should cry uncle or play victim my senior year.
Pluck Jun 2015
I go to a gym to run and lift.
After I feel weaker rather than stronger.
I eat for nutrition.
After the meal I feel sluggish and sleepy.
Weakness is a prerequisite of Strength.
Pluck Oct 2023
Life is a book where we’re surrounded with pages, where should we look?

The hardest memories are the ones you cherish but regret the route you took.

Whether we look back, up, or forward, what we wrote brought the story to now.

As I say, intelligence is measured by attaining one’s desires, what is less important than how.

I don’t know how to write my story, I don’t know if I’ll love what I read, but the book will grow.

Maybe gravity makes heights so hard because all the good things are found when we’re low?

Nonetheless, I feel my life is a book where the pages are in a river, I’m no longer fighting the flow.

and maybe someday down the road I’ll sit back and say to myself, “yeah I thought so.”
Pluck Sep 2023
How do we know Jesse doesn’t live anymore?

Is reincarnation something we still explore?

What religion can describe me?

Preachers preach what I’m working on like God called ahead to prescribe me.

Speculating isn’t racing, don’t be first or last.

Speed can be achieved if you perfect how you step on gas.

There’s so much obsession with the internet but I’m not into that.

Favored on the books, they betting on me & I’m not winning yet.

I have to make up for It, Lord knows I stepped on to many cracks.

The trades look like he was black, like Livermore back.
Pluck Jun 2016
Far too often they tell us we need to learn to be alone.
As if we haven't spent countless hours haunted by our own thoughts in motionless homes.
We know how to be & if we need to we can.
But there are things in life that are simply better when you're holding a hand.
Yes, the movie is good either way but it's amplified seeing their reaction next to yours.
The recipe doesn't change because they're there but the food somehow tastes better hearing their fork.
At first it was all selfish but we pray for them too so now we never forget to drop to our knees.
It was a good workout alone but with them you burned a few extra calories.
Yes we know how to be alone but we'll choose to hold a hand any day.
& honestly, God is always with us, we can never truly be alone any way.
Pluck Nov 2023
Internal satisfaction makes you a presentation that doesn't require zoom to show.

I like everything in my life a size too large so I have room to grow.

I dream of buying houses quickly, a life that I'll call rooms to go.

Some flowers take time, I'm a lily, please wait on the bloom to show.

She told me she didn't believe in God, a cataract to seeing eye to eye.

Now that I'm working on an empath, she understands my feelings & is willing to try.

Weird how money can change your beliefs if you believe in it too much.

All of sudden love languages morph from quality time and words of affirmation to physical touch.

The prideful and independent suddenly break their legs to welcome a crutch.

Even a hygienist can forget that last thing that should be in your mouth at night is your tooth brush.
Pluck Aug 2015
It heavily burdens my heart when I see people neglect and disrespect their parents.
Do you know the pain you'd feel if you were forced to live without them? No? Let me share it.
In a hospital that feels more Siberian than the rest, you feel your chest flood with boiling fluid & it feels like the entire world is sitting on your shoulders.
A pain you are coerced to endure, at the time of introduction the idea of it eventually passing seems impossible & you begin to wish your life was over.
That's pain because I'm absolutely petrified of death, I have panic attacks of my eyes closing never to gaze at daylight another day.
At this moment all fear vacates your core because you realize there is no greater threat in this realm greater than losing a parent this way.
Parent, Parent, I stress parent because this is someone that didn't just conceive you but raised you, structured your essence and identity with love poured into hard labor.
So when you're yelling at your mom for some foolish petty thing, earthly things in life that don't even matter, imagine staring at her with pain thriving in her soul and knowing there's not a thing you can do to save her.
Imagine having siblings, Seven older than you, all criminals and the worse of badly influenced adolescences. Imagine them all dropping out, nobody older than you graduates high school.
Imagine looking up to this at the age 13 & 14 selling drugs, carrying pistols and walking over people, inviting violence because to you this is what the ones you looked up to made seem cool.
Imagine how disappointed a God fearing father is of his sons, that they aren't off to colleges to glorify his name & bring joy and pride to his heart.
& imagine all of your siblings on the streets poor or in the confinements of jail, and you yourself gang affiliated when it's time for his soul to part.
Imagine staring into their eyes and regretting every argument, every disrespectful phrase, & you would give all these things up you thought you wanted just for them to have one more day.
Imagine your savior, your angel laying decaying and they feel no pain toward their own existence but the only thing that troubles them is will their babies be okay?
Imagine God stepping into your life, placing you in a better environment, purifying your heart, you become kind, loving, respectful, intelligent, everything your dad dreamed of, you bust your *** to be it.
Imagine being the first of his kids to graduate, imagine signing a division 1 scholarship, imagine being the first in the family ever to go to college & becoming an
All-American and your biggest supporter, biggest fan, the person that gave you the life you live isn't even there to ******* see it!
If all this isn't enough pain for you to realize how much you should cherish your parents, how you should appreciate any day spent with them over some meaningless party, how disrespect should never be catapulted in their direction, & how if it is you should immediately apologize.
You'll soon wake up and look at life different & cherish every single person you care about, cause on top of the pain you're experiencing at the loss of a parent, your pain will be oh so amplified when you have to hold the other parent for months and years whipping tears from their eyes.

"Losing a Parent" -Dash Pinder
Pluck Jun 2022
Nightmares are just dreams we’ve lost.
Paranoia is the side effect of us being told happiness has a cost.
So the bad feels comfortable & what feels right scares.
You’re a dream & lost dreams are nightmares.
We close our ears to the sounds, pull away from the touch.
I could stay in this sauna for hours, & not sweat as much.
As much as when you’re around.
Embarrassed I go to a forest, they say things that fall there don’t make a sound.
When we’re grown there aren’t any night lights and Teddy bears.
& even though I’m scared I still choose to dream nightmares.
Pluck Dec 2023
How do I know when I’ve reached my mind?

Such intelligence is not something you build but a substance you find.

Enlightenment is found on a retreat from sustained ignorance and conformity.

No separation can be made on a common path followed for such a path is taken normally.

How do I know when I’ve had my day?

Acceptance of uncertainty, to surf is to be constantly prepared, should this be my wave.

Gravity is the same irrespective of perception, views created by man attach balloons to the grounded.

The day you look like you’ve lost your mind to the masses, you’ve finally found It.
Pluck Dec 2023
What if we put in adult movies all the messages we see in kids tales? In all the animation?

We create these rules and guidelines with well intention but become prisoners to this lamination.

Can an adult return to a child like cerebral at will? This is my life’s fascination.

Should more attention be paid to my imagination than my reality? A question worth serious consideration.

With the answer being a resounding yes, I find myself here in the physical realm less.

For I am now top of Everest, dipping in the Amazon, in a Yoga studio of south Japan beginning to stretch.

Or maybe I jump around the multiverse, forgetting my profession, maybe I’m a sculptor, what is my age?

Perhaps my lyrics have touched the masses, I stare in awe at them singing from a Boston stage.

“Raris & Rovers , these girls love The Clover

I paid them back what they loaned her, now her stressing is over.”
Pluck Aug 2015
I could no longer persuade myself to endure the pain.
I would drive a knife through my soul until it pierced the coldest edges of my heart so it would never beat again.
In my mind laid inestimable secrets, knowledge that bled from my romantic wounds & It would be selfish to carry this jewel with me to the journey above.
Previously abandoned by the soul I should be with, I felt my essence had been stolen, & as I laid on arctic rose peddles dying I now knew the answer to her repetitive question, "What is Love?"
Love is a gamble, a casino incased by a plethora of overwhelming emotions in which bets are not negotiable, you have to be all in.
You either win treasures you've only witnessed in fantasies or lose all that is you & fall into the darkest corners of your most horrendous nightmares & watch your spirit deplete from within.
Love is going to a restaurant & saying you're not hungry because you only have enough money for her to get every thing she wants to eat.
It's gazing upon God's greatest gift to me, drowning in those chestnut eyes, & to be hungry no more because the sight of her bliss is a taste that indescribably sweet.
Love is sitting and watching Pretty Little Liars when the second round of the NBA playoffs is on with the largest of attitudes & her happiness overwrites your own distaste.
It's not caring who's around, staring into her eyes like seeing my first car for the first time & never wanting to look away, to feel no shame to express my affection and gratitude for her in any place.
Love is a change of currency in which forgiveness becomes more valuable than pride, & sometimes even forgiveness isn't enough to cover the debt. Love truly is a gamble that can leave your pockets, soul, and amorous heart sore.
The absence of love can lead you to desire an absence from life, with knife in hand & tears of aura descending from my eyes I drive the blade through my aching heart & Strange, it hurts no more.

Love is.. -Dash Pinder
Pluck Feb 2024
Can holding a note replace holding a hand?

Can a record catch help the fisherman forget the mistakes he made on land?

Heart broken, we turn to our talents. Consumed with pain, It seems better to be self absorbed.

Have the achievements ever helped with forgetting the ones you adored?

Promotions justify neglect, an increase in earnings helps with overlooking that which you’re losing.

Celebrating the purchase of new house drowns out the fact you must keep moving.

There’s a new PR, you’ve made partner, the shot went in, the Mercedes surely does ride smooth.

Reality would be perfect if these things really did soothe.

Truth is though, you run there because this place, these things, make you feel like enough.

For a moment it feels like the talent, the success, replaced all the love.
Pluck Jun 2015
As usual I awake, open my phone & observe a virtual world full of my peers Opinions.
But the things I'm seeing & hearing today, this time I can't sit back and listen.
When someone points out your negative habits, you rebel, utter "this is my life" & that's it. Nobody ever budges.
Same Love becomes legalized, & you're offended? People who feel so alone, now have some light shed into a tunnel of hiding and depression & I see a shortage on law degrees but an abundance of judges.
I've watched my generation, friends I've had from childhood drown and disintegrate in sin you guys praise, Hallucinogens, violence, theft, disrespect, *** antecedent to matrimony, all these things you same judges promote.
Now today, people with blunts in their grips, blood on their hands, with children despite lack of marriage, but more importantly people we allow to live their lives and be happy want to condemn others for being happy makes me sick, puts a disgusting blockade in my throat.
Gay love is love too & they deserve the same smiles you have. A gay woman once tutored me to pass a much needed course, a gay guy one returned my wallet when I thought I was surely going to hurt for weeks, I have so many stories.
God is the ultimate judge & we will all be judged for our sins. I just feel like there's so many things wrong with this world today, two people being happy should be the least of our worries.

Love Wins -Dash Pinder
Pluck Feb 2019
Being broke truly was better.
A cold house felt warmer with the family together.
I haven’t spoken to my brothers in years.
They can’t understand prison one of my biggest fears.
Success cost me everything just to give Uncle Sam twenty five percent.
& if I quit who will pay Grandma’s rent?
Who keeps mom on her feet?
This why every weekend I’m asleep.
Back then there was a smaller line.
With anxiety & depression it appears you’re in pain all the time.
You can’t buy peace, you have to choose It.
Success might cost everything, be prepared to lose it.
Pluck Jul 2015
Can we get away?
Hop on a plane fueled by my avidity to gaze into those indigo eyes & "lay paralyzed next to me today.
We're so in sync we have yet to quarrel, lay in my bed & watch how I drop to my knees and for you I pray.
This sensation the miles can't separate, my twin in spirit it's implausible we were born on separate dates. I'm spinning in circles around Olympus on heaven's skates, my soul has flourished impatient & I can't wait.
Can we get away?
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