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Pluck Sep 2023
You have not because you ask not, the wisdom of James four two.

Four & Two makes a fraction, half of its him; half of its you.

This seems so simple but it’s a humility step and an ego lesson.

All impactful epiphanies are on the side of questions.

Isn’t It beautiful that the best things in life are never about us?

We can have It right after we ask, embrace vulnerability, and decide to trust.

So I go beyond asking, I’ve never wanted anything as bad, it’s turned to pleading.

“Father can I have It please? I’ve been working, I’ve been pushing, I’ve been reading.”

It’s how I know I’m between the lines, I can’t see the finish but I can’t see the start either.

This means I’ve come past the turning back point, irreversible choices make life much sweeter.
Pluck Feb 25
Redundancy seems to invite white blood cells that accumulate into decadence.

Leading to tumors composed of debts, to empires operating with consistent deficits.

Seneca solved the dilemma, finding a vaccine that staged off all of wealth’s symptoms.

Banks infect their communities, a search for a borrower is a search for a victim.

Wealth when fully utilized should bring the choice of where to be, what to think, when to listen.

Often the only difference between a slave and rich man is one has decided to rent his prison.

Seneca knew It was illogical to amass resources and yet not be free.

For to have debts certainly means you have somewhere you must be.
Pluck Aug 2015
"Can't fly unless you let yourself fall"
Meaning God's blessings can't get to you if you imprison yourself behind a regretful wall

If you want to a see a view, a peak, you have to be willing to run uphill & stumble sometimes.
I'm inspired every time me and you speak, & even though I can't tell what will, I know no one can get to you if you hide behind those rubbled love lines.
Pluck May 2022
What a difference a year makes.
We should focus more on all the things time gives, not what It takes.
Memories are in the past but if you have time  they can be created again.
We take losses but we find new smiles, new passions, and new friends.
Rewind the clock 12 months, I’d find myself in Chicago with a broken heart drowning in tequila.
Time is the ultimate inspiration, time is the ultimate healer.
It’s slow when we’re in pain & fast when we hear our favorite song.
But when we fall in love with time, there’s nothing that takes too long.
I know, we’re scared to love time because it’s destined for a breakup one day.
The end gives the story meaning, isn’t that why love is so beautiful anyway?

What a difference a year makes.
Pluck Feb 24
The hands go round & round this old clock ,until the day your hand meets mine.

Spending time in the books and the kitchen, hoping that day I can pick the right wine.

This year I made a killing, but I’m not living, cause there’s this one thing, I can’t find.

Cause I lost my spot, in the longest line.

yeah I know lost my spot, but I’m back in line,

Patiently waiting for mine.
Pluck Dec 2015
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall.
Saying what we want to speak so badly is never the bad part but rather gathering the will to make the call.
If you want the rainbow you must deal with the rain.
Will you be able to truly appreciate pleasure if you've never experienced pain?
The lack of the worst would make the best also siese to exist.
Yes, Sure the first time you'll be nervous, overcome with fear, but by the third you'll have unshakable courage behind every kiss.
Must bleed to heal. Must be numb to grasp the thirst to feel. You must be uncomfortable a few times to know exactly where & why you fit.
Life is just one big college major & if you want to hold your degree you must endure the prerequisites.
Pluck Jan 18
There are things even poets do not have the words to describe.

Such emotions once they’re felt, they demand the absence of your pride.

I guess, that’s where I walk towards now, escaping my vanity.

Where I used to hide from tears, I’ve stepped from under the canopy.

Empathy exploding, understanding bursting to near delusion.

To think you know is doom, guidance is found in accepted confusion.

I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know what will happen, but fear has stopped its drumming.

The only thing I know is all I need to know, I love who I’m becoming.

I want to be in the world without the focus on the being, being me.

For to be free is to just, be.
Pluck Apr 15
Belief is an itch that urges you to scratch deeper than the surface.

Imagination and dreams are God’s chosen method to present before us our purpose.

For how could anything that doesn’t require faith ever be exciting?

Greatness is just like a destination wedding, few make it though a myriad were invited.

My beliefs drove me to madness, but, anger is something you only feel when you’re certain you’re right.

One cannot be one foot in, one foot out, Delta only makes profits when there’s a full flight.

Those who think they do, are the ones that belong.

In my head, I’m tormented by one single song.

“I believe, I can. I believe, I will. I believe, I know my dreams are real.”
Pluck Oct 2023
Direction, inertia, momentum, that’s my secret sauce.

The first cut is the deepest but the first loss is the best loss.

The most important part about moving on is you are moving.

Every defeated person is inevitably learning while they’re losing.

I wish I knew how to be a good loser so much earlier in life.  

Wounds can’t heal until you remove the knife.

While we can’t see them coming we know they will.

Accepting losses and moving on, this is the holy grail, the panacea skill.

Life’s hard, but me no want It easy on me.
Pluck Sep 2015
Motivation & ambition will lead you to ascend to levels where you're put around guys that are handed things you earn & the women are far to pretentious.

False salvation, better circumstances often lead to worse people, more obstacles, & being enveloped by spirits heavily tainted by blood of the innocent & the witness.

Oil simply doesn't mix with water, in this same concept genuine and artificial will never blend.

So your mind don't lose, everyone hates to lose, but it's a disguised victory if you ever lose a pretend friend with impertinent ends.

Tell the young boys flaws equate to reality & organic Love. Beware the Barbie dolls with perfect smiles that aquire happiness by spitting on and walking over the less fortunate.

But who am I to stop them from seeing for themselves? Who am I to stop them from seeing these girls on TV, working hard to get here, to get them, & realize their values you just can't override & soon your unconsciously forcing it

Perfection by definition is irrational to exist in the flesh but yet that's what she fancies herself, from physical appearance, intellect, to how she Loves.

All these "perfections" glamorized to hide the flaws she knows exist. Ms. Perfect Is that perfect Trust?

Tell me Ms. Perfect, Ms. Mommy's money, how are you so much better than us?

The value of a person runs much deeper than attractions, far beyond the material things, & I feel by now you've seen this, your last man cheated on you, probably with someone who embraces their imperfections, guess you weren't  "perfect" enough.

Ouch, I know you felt that just now. Low blow I know & you have the audacity to ask "why?"

In your mind someone like myself is so below you, it's kind of impossible for me to hit you up high.
Pluck Jun 2015
Bright ideas but I like my room dark, So when I start thinking I disturb my own comfort zone.
Pluck Feb 2016
I can never say that I picture us, does a picture really say a thousand things?

If so I'll dip a paint brush into the depths of my heart and paint a scene.

An alluring scene with a blank inspiring sky and tall firm translucent trees.

A picture showing the one thousand words I can't gather the courage to say and hope you look at this blank print & somehow know what I mean.
Pluck Mar 2020
Music was a voice. Therapy was support. Judgement was never court.
All natural, Presence was the only force.
Cuts heeled. Promises were real & doubt couldn’t be heard anymore.
Just like limbo, it’s so easy when the bar is far from the floor.
She felt adored.
She was pencil & when the pencil slipped, he was eraser.
Every time a path to growth showed up He would race her.
No one understood, he was a translator.
She used to never be a priority, he would get with friends later.
A lifetime was squeezed in less than a year.
one day he disappeared.
but left so much food for thought there.
Only a short time is needed to make a steak rare.
Pluck Sep 2023
If the child in you died, you killed It.

Every sky scraper in the world, a child built It.

I’ve decided to pick my crayons back up and go outside the lines.

News can no longer find me, everything new is something we must find.

No one can stop time but I’ve found a way to spiritually rewind.

Questions are our true eyes and so the educated spend most of their lives blind.

Children don’t ask questions because they don’t know, they ask because they want to learn.

We all know those people who don’t know much, but curiosity would make their lips burn.

So, less social media I’m playing outside and coloring charts.

Truth is, we accept being stagnant when we were born intuitively knowing how to handle this part.

What do you do when you don’t know what’s going on? Just ask him.

Then just like a child, ask again and again and again.
Pluck Feb 17
Tap. Tap. Do you hear that sound? moisture of life divorcing from the clouds.

Thunder silences the soul, light flashes as the mind gets loud.

Isn’t It ironic we feel more alive the closer we are to the ground?

Can’t breathe in technology? Find a sea of words and drown.

The whole point of royalty is to be born with a crown.

To become professional at getting lost is to be profound.
Pluck Apr 2016
Today I heard the Devil talking in my head, he said it's an emergency.
Said he had some words for me.

"The success you've tasted will remain a taste, a tease of the meal you desire.
You failed today & im sending more failures until your soul yearns to retire.
She'll leave you just like the last one & you'll once again slumber in a depression smogged by those burning tires.
You'll stare at your wheels eradicated & let that be to you a learning fire.
That any joy I will ******, I will turn any source of happiness against you with the pleasures of the world.
So don't get to attached to those milestones, never cherish that praise, don't love that girl."

Seems like everything I allow myself to believe is finally something good for me ends up being touched by grim.
Sometimes things I pray for appear & it's terrifying because I can't tell if it's God or him.
See when you're already at your lowest why would the devil bother you in the dirt for?
He uses illusions to lift you up, when you fall from happiness it just hurts more.
Pluck Jan 28
Mold on a dish is how penicillin was found.

To smell the flowers you have to move towards the ground.

All natural marvels like the seven wonders were made by bad weather.

This is how I knew Humpty would be better once he was put back together.

A cracked egg is preparing to give you the nutrients within.

I’d be invaded by a plethora of microorganisms if I had thin skin.

If we didn’t go through the dark times, what would light even be?

In life you’ll have trials but you also decide if you will walk out free.

Pluck Apr 2018
‪My support for women come from me paying attention. ‬
‪To dudes who condemn women with their same intentions. ‬
‪He hanging from the same rope he use to do the lynching. ‬
‪Then he become an activist when you ask him about his mom’s decisions. ‬
‪Must be kidding, ‬
Pluck Dec 2015
Why is it the person who is considered the best ever, is never alive?
We're not truly appreciated until after we've died.
Pluck Apr 2016
I can't cough, I can't blow, the air it just doesn't work in here anymore.
For you I fall and fall and fall which is strange cause my life is usually one of many floors.
Miles feel like inches when I'm coming to see you & flights feel like walks when I have to leave.
My senses are twisted, love is all i taste, music is all I see, beauty is all I hear and I can't breathe.
Please never ache, never crack a frown.
I can't bare to see you cry ever again, in those tears I just drown and drown.
Choking. Choking. Every time you touch me I suffocate, who knew this is what happiness would be like?
You'll know you've found the one when you have to hold your breath for the rest of your life.
Pluck May 2018
‪The coldest people were once willing. ‬
‪A complaining hero will become a deaf villain. ‬
‪You always have a choice, & you just so happen to choose not to listen? ‬
‪Stay quiet when their heart goes missing. ‬
Pluck Jul 2017
Survived the purge, my mom locked the doors at 8pm, I had to stay in the streets.
Hated school, felt like a Burger King manager, I had to wake up to beef.
Teachers telling me I'm a failure, no one would wake up for me.
The Lord gave me GPS cause I was going down a street where the reaper was waiting for me.
Pluck Aug 2017
My poetry will change with my life.
If you're reading, journey with me & find comfort in knowing I'll never tell you the same thing twice.
A hopeless romantic but my script doesn't chase as much, I'm the catch now.
No more vivid depictions of depression envisioning happiness, I'm that now.
I'll try my best to stay grounded & genuine nobody wants to read about material and figures.
I only talk about it to show how far I've come from sleeping with my pillows hiding triggers.
I know y'all wanna hear about love but my eyes yellow like something wrong with my liver.
Scars so deep sometimes I'm afraid to admit that I miss her.  
I'll keep y'all posted as I'm reducing sins.
Not asking the Lord for more, reusing wins.
Congratulations coming from enemies, confusing friends.
Had my heart stapled away, now I'm losing pins.
They lift me up & keep me grounded look at the range in my friends.
& I know my life just changed but she might change it again.
Pluck Jul 2015
I open doors & praise my Queen on my knees
If she were to ever stumble, in a dash, with the speed of a thousand horses I'm there to help her to her back to her feet.
I hold her so tight to my essence there's no room for other women to come in between.
A group of gentlemen in my generation is yet to be seen.
See me, I feel I'm the last of a dying breed.
I'm the guy that values her soul, her love over what she could provide under sheets.
& I'm the guy that gets ignored & written off. My generation of women are so blinded by their own aloofness they can't see I'm that man they're always complaining that they need.
Pluck Feb 25
The boy thinks of the day he isn’t in Kansas anymore.

Only to learn the world is full of plenty lore.

Who tells a star which way is north?

Then came months and months of back and forth.

Ah- Ah,

The pain, became boring, when I was aching that’s when I could finally sleep.

Now I’m snoring, gone is any trace of you, I think I can finally dream.

I think I am finally clean.
Pluck Feb 2016
Every night I dream I disappear into a sizzling flash.
I close my eyes to witness hell & When I awake the visual lasts.
Moisten the Percocets in evaclear and set them to a flame, we'll save the syringes for last.
How long can I last?
Time is not universally synced, my clock is ticking so fast.
We lie in the beds we make, i slumber on hot tar and blood covered glass.
Demonic tumors in my brain, a cancerous evil evaporating my will, I can no longer think.
Dry ice composed of pollutant codeine and pneumonia, I poison my own drinks.
Narcotic armor, my soul needs protection.
I think I've already died, my cameras no longer flash, in my mirrors I don't have a reflection.
Tears leave my eyes but it's been years since I last cried, I know there's a dorm for me in hell where I'll finally learn my lessons.
Pluck Aug 2019
The climate change & the weather never fair.
Ecocentric so it’s so many ways I want to clear the air.
Hurt by the things I hear, like I wasn’t there.
Sending money to my family & they still call me gross when the net everywhere.
12 hour work days after driving from Tuscaloosa when I couldn’t rest.
Craving success, cut off the love of my life due to stress.
How do I tell the person next to me I need to isolate myself?
How do I tell someone I give reassurance I actually hate myself?
& I’m the villain because I didn’t drag you through my bad episode?
Success come with seasons & we fell before the summer because I couldn’t stand to see you cold.
The price to keep moving, my past is littered with good people.
Every time I step up I fall in to puddles of tears like I’m racing steeple.
I hear the unsweet tea but my mouth never bitter.
Would I have taken a Phoenix contract if I was still with her?
We never know what God needs to erase to write the story.
Most common evidence of weak faith is when we worry.
If you lining up for success, you need God on the corner to go that route.
To get in your bag sometimes some people have to come out.
Pluck Jan 27
Human beings are works in progress that constantly think they’re finished.

To believe you’ve reached your highest value is actually your value diminished.

I now understand to change my mind I have to be comfortable constantly changing my mind.

I told you this was my choice, the next day i’m willing to accept the others I find.

When someone says “I can’t imagine that” , it’s more about them then It is likelihood.

Stagnation and permanence is something I’ll always refuse to buy even if the price is good.
Pluck Dec 2023
Life is a time where you truly only need one chef in the kitchen.

The real chefs conjure with what they have, spending no time on what’s missing.

Imagine your kitchen, what would you make if you had the ability to improvise like Ramsey?

So why do you pray with doubt, surely God can make your dreams with what you have can’t he?

The pessimist sees a pigeon where the optimist sees a dove.

Pick up those pots, heat up that oven, and grab some gloves.

I see friends in the pantry, breathe, youth, and all that love.

Your glass is  half full with those ingredients? You have enough.
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