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Dead, like the leaves of autumn.
You probably don't even bother.
Anyways, how have you been?
Happy, maybe?

Angry is an understatement. Thought
You should know that.
Understand, dear?

Last time, I waited. For
An answer. A full
Anything better, than that one deadly
And sometimes, I wonder. Is
That it?
Is that all you have to say for yourself?
Originally written as a Creative Writing assignment back in January.
 Aug 2016 Peter Griffin
Ash Rose
Cut me horizontal, cut me vertical
with your lengthy blade
enter me from every angle.

Peel my flesh back
expose my sensitive nerves
and tell me you love me.

Push it in deep
help me feel pleasure
out and in, right to the hilt.

Let the blood pour
dripping slowly from my body
seeping into the sheets
soaking us both.

The feel of the blade
so hard, so sleek
coated warm and sticky.

Your turn to bleed, release it all
liquid mingling, with my own
we cry out, the last drop is wrung
sweating, gasping, bleeding...

Cheers to you, my beloved.
Beautiful brown eyes
Framed by curled lashes
Crinkled with a contagious smile.
A honking laugh
Accompanied by wit.
Intelligence and emotion.
Honest but guarded.
Every kiss,
Every touch,
Every glance,
Burning like fire,
Put me out with rain.
Cheers to me, as I sit.
Maybe you’ll give me a last chance.
Knowing it won’t happen.
Blissfully torturing myself
All the same.
- [h.r.]
This is an older poem from a love whose flame went out and became cold as the night.
 Aug 2016 Peter Griffin
 Aug 2016 Peter Griffin
Years, I think it was,
that you told me you
wanted me.
I just wasn't ready
for that kind of love.
Still you stayed in my life.
The day I knew was like
the sun being pulled out from
months of overcast skies.
Loving you was the
easiest thing I've ever done.
Some days I think
leaving me
was the easiest thing
you've ever done.
I should have known
when you started comparing
your paper cuts to
bullet holes,
convinced I was holding
the gun.
for what you didn't have
and nothing changed
when you got it.
You were nothing
but sunshine
that couldn't handle
the rain.

— The End —