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 May 2015 PearlSy
Jeg kendte til mystiske væsner
Mærkværdige fabeldyr
nogle man aldrig har hørt om før
nogle der ikke kan beskrives med ord

Jeg blev budt velkommen af mange
men der var nogen der var forunderlige
de var nærmest som skygger, der krydsede folks veje
uden at møde nogen

Jeg lod dem vandre, for hvad ville der ske hvis man talte til dem
Måske forsvinde, det var hvad jeg havde hørt
Man bør aldrig forstyrre en skyggegænger
de går i cirkler, men vender aldrig tilbage til samme sted

Jeg ved ikke, hvor de forsvandt hen
Jeg ser dem aldrig mere
Jeg havde hørt det ville ske, at det sker for alle
Jeg håber de har det godt
English Translation:
Where did they go?
I knew mysterious creatures
Crummy mythical creatures
some you've never heard of before
some which cannot be described with words

I was welcomed by many
but there were some who were marvelous
they were rather like shadows that crossed people's roads
without meeting anyone

I let them wander, because what would happen if you spoke to them
Perhaps disappear, it was what I had heard
One should never interfere with a "shadow walker"
they walk in circles, but never to return to the same place

I do not know where they disappeared to
I never see them anymore
I had heard it would happen, that it happens to everyone
I hope they are doing well
Her:                                                                            Him:

I love you                                                                  I hate you
I need you                                                                 Leave me alone
Let's start over                                                          Forget you ever met me
Don't do this                                                             It's done. Let it go
I thought you loved me                                          I lied
I care for you                                                            Drop dead
Why are you doing this?                                        I found someone else
So that's it then                                                        Yeah! Goodbye!
I guess I'll move on                                                 I already have
I still love you                                                          I don't
I always have and always will.                             I don't and I never did.
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
He said nobody likes you

That's why your surrounded by so many people who have seen you at your worst but they love you anyways because nobody likes you

He said your a two faced *****

That's why people respect you because your honest so that's why your two faced

They said your a mistake

That's why you have life because your a mistake

They said your not talented

That's why you have over 1,000 poems written and a duffle bag full of notebooks in your closet because your not talented

She said you were fat

That's why the doctor tells you your a healthy weight because your fat

They said your smile is ugly

That's why your smile shines in all of your pictures because your smile is ugly

They said your a *****

That why you have only slept with 3 people in your 21 years of life because your a *****

They told you to go **** yourself

They can't stand seeing you happy, alive and well. That's why they want you to **** yourself

They said your ugly

That's why you get so many compliments because your ugly

They said your a waste of space

That's why the world is so big because your a waste of space

They said your getting nowhere in life

That's why your in GED classes and have a job because your getting nowhere in life

They say your a freak

Their ****** because you won't do what they say so that's why your a freak

They say no one will ever love you

That's why guys ask you out because no one will love you

They say your Mom hates you

That's why she's always buying you stuff and giving you hugs because she hates you

They talk **** all the time

It's nothing but LIES, LIES AND LIES and the proof is in our faces everyday

If only we spent more time taking in the proof instead of focusing on the lies.
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: January. 23, 2014 Thursday 8:50 P.M.
 May 2015 PearlSy
 May 2015 PearlSy
You saw I need space,

So you imprison me.

You attempt to lock me up,
Lock me out.

When I just need time to process,

You have this history,
Of a violence.

You kept me in a box,
You liked it when,
You made me feel small.

Perhaps it would work on,
Any other woman.

I am not,
Any other woman.
 May 2015 PearlSy
Colleen Mary
She wakes up and doesn't recognize herself. Of course she sees herself on the outside in the mirror but doesn't know who this person is anymore. From the time she opens one eye in the morning, anxiety provoking thoughts flood her brain. Where will I be in 3 months from now? What school offers the best personal college experience for me? How will not living in this town actually benefit me? Will I have enough money saved? What happens if I never land a career?  Her thoughts are all over the place as is she. Unsure of what she will do for the day to help distract her, she takes comfort in reading poetry of others. It is through other peoples written word that she remembers it is ok to not have everything figured out yet.
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