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  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
I believe everything on earth has meaning and worth
Share; live like a tree, giving, forgiving and free
The richness of your heart and generosity of your spirit carry the golden ticket and paint a picture so prolific
Evolutionary insight while loving through your tattered parts has opened your mind and displayed quite the piece of art
Connection, inspiration, devotion, attention, and purpose are what you are here for on the earth’s surface.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
New ideas leading the way; a polychromatic, spiritual bouquet blooming in an elaborate way
Observing a miraculous new day with heartfelt lenses - **I ride the sea of change and come to my senses.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
Infinite possibilities; plant a seed and proceed to exceed your earthly capabilities
What can you do to overcome procrastination?
Climb out of the hole of succumbing to disoriented stagnation administrated by sedation and manifest elevation through innate stimulation
Is the illusionary persona led by hallucination budding an equation or a manic invasion?
Are you willing to face the music or are you choosing to pollute your mind, body and soul to keep it muted?
Cliché, but you choose your reality; excuse the brutality, but are you going to mope in your theatrical triviality or come to terms with your present irrationality?
Is your ego getting in the way? Are you allowing yourself to truly cherish the day by running astray and subconsciously dwindling away?
Time to slow down and ground, it is fine to go through a deep-seated breakdown
The deity of your life, you are; spontaneity can exploit your heterogeneity; you are bathing diurnally in unbounded creativity
While climbing ladders, you may experience some chutes; but will you sulk in repugnance or rise from the ashes and turn gashes into a story full of abundance?
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
Pure tranquility amongst immense vulnerability
Embrace the placid pace as interlacing moments of divinity create a symmetrical vision of femininity and masculinity
Cultivating humility in unobtrusively exercising providential gifts
Ancient relations uncovered through self-refinement; revel in a realm of silence peculiarly deepening this divine assignment.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
Aligning the musculoskeletal system and channeling multidimensional energy through increasing psychological flexibility and developing emotional resiliency
Quantum leap in healing power and physical capabilities delightfully providing mental tranquility and healthy neural activity
Serenades of a dreamer; universal synchronous receiver, transmitter of vitality through awakening hidden capacity in human anatomy
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin

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like a soft touch on the cheek

This poem ( dear child )


On the boundary

Between what you know yourself to be

And your sadness

And pain

And creates itself from worldly memories

Just so you might

Be glad



I am just an old man

One eye on you

One --- on death



A song is sung

Why ?

( yes / why )

Who can say anymore


Just to touch you so you can seem

Real to me so I can feel

Real to myself




We  (?)

Who (?)

I see only outlines of bodies which I try to trace

Angel ragged boys and girls

Looking for the kingdom

Stuck in AMERICA !

Longing to escape !

Just to touch




We sing softly in the dead of night

To the living and to the dead

To each other and the gods that be

To this sacred moment and to eternity

From the earth and from beyond the grave


Just because

LOVE is grand

And it's so good just to see your eye

It's so good just to hold your hand
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
This moment is hushed by ecstasy.
The moment's breathe is held~
and you can see the dusty particles
floating through the pillars of light.
This is the exhale,
and is also the silence.
The observation tower of consciousness..
It all just orbits-
Minute molecules gyrate
in vast space.
The waves oscillate
in numberless meditation.
This is where thought
originates from.

It is the nature
of the mountain air.
It is the emptiness
in between speech.
It is the moment of possibility
when a loved one is leaving.
It is the moment experienced
when holding a baby first breathing.
It is the stem of
importance and meaning.

I am starting to remember
where we have been
and where we are going.
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