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  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
eunsung aka Silas
I've always searched for a home
a place I belonged, where I felt safe

I've never experienced this kind of home

but as I sit still each morning listening to my breath,
I am coming home to myself as I settle into a
silence of heart and mind
an interior home of the heart that's always with me
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Sharper blades that clear the Way
Tokens earned the more we play
Wild and freely smiling face
To coax us from our hiding place

The bigger, better and beyond
Floating lotus petals in a pond
I close my eyes and count to ten
Make a wish, to you I send

Will you be my make believe
Your loving touch, my warm reprieve
Like jewelry mounted precious gems
My solace when I make amends

I pray for Love to lift my days
Precision marked on warm soft rays
I truly hope tis just a phase
Will re-emerge from out the maze
more equipped to travel on
to journey's end, a brand new dawn
Feeling soft and lovey :)
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Peace draws itself out...leaving an
informed emptiness in its wake.
As light leaves room for everything...
what is let be, comes to itself.
Peaces draws itself out...leaving an
informed emptiness in its wake--
a flowering beyond namesake.
As anything can be renamed, any
shape peace,  transfigures.
Dormancy's wayshowing can not be
filled with anything but itself...peace
beyond body and mind.
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I have a mission:

today is a new day
this is always true
today is a sunrise
as the earth turns
the dark skies blue.

today is another chance
to look within
speak my truth
heal my heart
as living proof that
I alone am strong in faith

and so,

I walk my path today
to take my part in destiny
and write the pages of my life
exactly as I choose to read.

the author of my story
the ink of my words
the love of my life
the sky full of birds
the roots of a tree
the air that I breathe.

I am ready
I am ready
I am ready
Yes, I AM.
My mantra today :)
Feel free to say it with me if it feels right for you too.
Have a really great day!
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Elizabeth Squires
man hath placed
his ruinous hand
upon the planet's
finest attributes
no service to the
natural world
hath he imparted

he cuts down copious trees
in the Sarawak rainforests
he digs holes in the ground
all around the Gunnedah shire
he pollutes the atmosphere
over the Guangzhou province of China
he spills oil on the pristine coral reefs
in the Gulf of Mexico
and the list of his misdeeds
goes on and on...

man shall pay for the ruin
he hath wrought upon the planet
his unfeeling hand
touches every corner of the globe
a day of reckoning
isn't far away
all the beauteous assets
of our planet
shall be blown away

man is yet to realize
that he needs to preserve
the planet
for future generations
that are yet to come...

there is no other planet
for humanity to live on
and where will man go
when his hand hath ruined
the Earth's magnificent show

a message
sent out to all and sundry
a clarion call
reverberates around the planet
a mega phone
hear the Earth's alerting cry

man's hand
touches the planet
without a properly
conceived thought...
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
sliding off the edge of the world
a new horizon dawns

imaginative minds take control
move the race forward-

into the as yet unknown
coming up trumps-

with answers to questions
no-one else thought to ask
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I spot the Time

~ twirling into thin ringlets~

like ribbons gliding
the length of room

I chase for the lead
and freely spin to catch
the tails end of time

~ribbons race~
about face and dosado

Dancing into another day
*ready set
here we go!!
Good Day to All and Everyone!!
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