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  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
K Balachandran
Plan A: there is none as such;
though unflinching ego makes
complex calculations, concludes,
reassures it is best laid for sure.

Plan B, hence has no actual relevance
A mountain river, life is, it rushes
the way the cryptic GPS message directs.
If you ask how it works, try to understand
the intricate organic correlations, involving factors
that  even a super computer can't process
but your mind would, somehow easily tell you
in a clear voice, if only you are ready to  listen.

Every best laid plan is merely a wish
the more profound is spoken as a prayer
words addressed to the voice inside, that listens and acts
fulfillment then, is an emotional construct
you need the scent of that flower to inspire life.

Who says the cosmic plan is mysterious?
One who walks the karma path right, even when eyes closed
knows how to reach where one is headed to.
The truth this: one leads oneself, so keep the inner eyes open.

Subtle wishes that bring smile on the face of thy neighbor
are much more meaningful than selfish desires
One is just a cog in the cosmic wheel
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
///  • |
                   \             )
                      /\       /\


Playing with dolls

////       ////

I wrote a poem !

I said


The whole world rose up as one !

Everyone was crying


////           ////

Playing with dolls

I want to thank you all for


I know we'll all be saying the same to eachother

When we're all in little pieces in the street


It's good to know

That when the WAR mutilates us all

We'll all be


////           ////

Broken little dolls laying in the streets
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
There is a forest called Truth around the corner. I go in search for dialogue. So many perspectives there are to offer. One comes back more alive in their concept of God.
I feel a lightness in the falling leaves, stirs within me a freedom and acceptance of dying. Many creatures shuffle amongst the brush, skyward eyes enjoy the critters busy climbing. Up the Tree trunk towers, along the arm~like branches, up and down collecting food in preparation for the season called Winter. So many intricate sounds joined together of varied pitch, tone and timber make for lively conversation. Philosophies smooth ******* mates for various creations of Thought to incubate my ever expanding Understanding, the flowered fruit of Reason.
This is a journey of birth and death, walking calmly in nature ~ reflecting for peace and understanding.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
i am
one who
was created to breathe the atmosphere
of the angels and ride the storm clouds like
they were white horses, yes, i was made to catch
rainbows in my sharp talons, i who am strong will
catch your fall.       You who are weak          will trust me
for i want                nothing more than             to be your
Savior.                              I will hide you                              under
my                        ­             wings. You will                                    be
mine and i
will never
leave you nor
forsake you. Ever.
World without end


Catherine Jarvis
I hope this shape works
Thank you God
For this inspiration!

Should be viewed on an
iPad laptop or PC
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
I saw Jesus doing handstands
while reading the psalms
and writing a poem in the sand
with his finger
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Jon York
As we grow older
. . .We discover that the meaning of life is
to give meaning to our lives and that pain
is inevitable but suffering is optional and
that we should save the best part of ourselves
for the person who deserves us.

As we grow older
. . . We discover that the best thing about the future
is that it comes just one day at a time and it is
far better to be alone than to be in bad company and
we have to cry sometimes not because we are weak
but because we have been strong for so long.

As we grow older
. . . We discover that telling the truth and making
someone cry is better than telling a lie and making
someone smile and mistakes are part of the dues
one pays for a full life.

As we grow older
. . .We discover that the strongest people are
the ones who love beyond all faults, cry
behind closed doors and fight battles that
nobody knows about.

As we grow older
. . .We discover that if we miss somebody
we call and if we want to meet somebody
we invite and if we want to be understood
we explain and if we have questions
we ask and if we don't like something
we say it and if we like something
we state it and if we want something
we ask for it and if we love someone
we tell them.

As we grow older
. . .We discover that if we are depressed
we are living in the past and if we are anxious
we are living in the future and if we are at peace
we are living in the present and what we see
depends mainly on what we look for and anywhere
is paradise and that is up to us and we know that
if we if never try, we will never know.
                                                           ­                     Jon York         2014
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
The moment you realize
This is a journey you control.
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