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  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
vamsi sai mohan
To fill the silences of the ambience,
To unravel the sounds of the existence,
To frolic with the air and fire,
To dance on water,
To breath in space,
To fuse with land,
To see who is me and who is not me,
And understand there is nothing that is un-me,
To understand the fusion of the creation and creator,
To swim in the clouds that metamorphoses the moisture,(of air)
To hover in the air without wings,
To evade the stop that hurts me id est to killing the time wherefore it holds the universe,
To understand the cause of the origin of the universe,
To understand and explore the time,
Which is darkness,
To understand the darkness,
To understand how from darkness somethingness emanate,
To **** the time as my life exists in time,,
To portray the creation,
To kiss the venomous cobra,
To create the uncreated,
To dissolve into creation,
To rendezvous with the one who is responsible for this oneness,
To staunch into the silence,
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Ann M Johnson
A friend recently explained the painful process an Oyster goes through to produce a pearl. It was like a revelation to hear that, the process comes at a great price  lots of pain to get something with priceless beauty. The other stuff people might rarely see, is it like you or like me?The tough stuff me go through if it don't make us bitter makes us better. We  gain compassion, more understanding, a little kindness goes a long way to
brighten someone's day. If we don't let our trials lead us astray.
The things that people see on the outside,don't define us the true beauty
is contained  deep inside; our jewel. The next time you are having a tough time it is just a process, the working out to make you stronger to
produce your jewel. The tough times are not meant to stay forever they
have come to pass. What is inside is what truly counts, be the pearl and
let your true inner beauty shine; the rest is just the outer shell.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
vamsi sai mohan
"In relinquishing the limited, the unlimited becomes yours.”
You told me your feelings
so deep they were
they made me cry...

The honesty dug deep
born forth a rapture
that brought me to my knees...

You took me by the hand
squeezed my very soul
ripped my tears from their sockets
held with a force that shall keep me
in the endless days of Utopia's fortune...

Deep feelings they are
tears of joy brought forth
our vision, our *******
in the form of a perfect image...

Debbie Brooks 2014
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