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  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
The man who tries to prove a point is unsure of how sharp it is.
The man who comes to war with blunt weapons is confident in his own strength.

The man who comes with armor falls heavy into his own grave.
The man who comes naked is sure he will return unscathed.

But, not every warrior is the same;
And, no war can be fought in the shadow of divine aim.
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Courtesan rests upon satin pillows,
placed so many for weightless fare
Treasure box of lace and fragrance spilling out into her hair
Rich red velvet drapes the contours
of her silhouette
against the backdrop of an argalis mountain landscape
Thick rouge stain encircles her mouth and cheek,
now smeared askew as evidence of talking bodies friction
She wonders where he goes when he is gone~
He often wonders how good it feels when she comes into his candelabra room
Bedposts tell no lies...yes, this is true, mind you, no other girl would do the deeds he required of his staff in hand.
This innuendo ~ no Comprendo
What more details do you really need from me??
It's not like I sit and, have a seat~
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
/// • |

Light the song ( she )
reigning down

she falls down
Down with  the fallin rain


Lonely wanderer

( Looks for a certain mountain )

With the steady rain                fallin down


/////no hints this time ////


The mystic night bar strips the night
Of  any sense of dignity

The Deaf Poet lived here

He knows what it means to be a friend

Cool Venus light shines down

Compassion reigns down
She reign down

Down with the fallin rain


She reigns down

She falls down with rain

( he and she )

They come down

Down to the city street
They come        Down

Down to reign

You are here

Gentle rain a fallin down


Light the song ( she )
She reigns down

She falls down

Down with the falling rain
Knock Knock Knock
On my trailer door.
More work to be done, I'm too sore and too tired to do more.
A little young lady stood there, her face painted white.
What was she doing out here in the middle of the night?
Long Teal hair framed her face.
but why was she here, she's a little out of place.
Pink hearts were painted on her cheek bones.
I invited her in
it was stupid.
I was feeling so alone.

"How do I join the circus?"
she asked.

"Well you already look the part"
I said gesturing at her Pink face paint hearts
"How old are you little Miss?"

"Seventeen today"

"Are you serious about this?"

"Yes, Sir I mean business, okay?"

"Are you aware you're under age?"

"Who else but the circus would take a runaway?"

"I bet your parents are missing you."

"Yes, I'm sure I'm greatly missed, that much is true."

"Then what brings you here?'"

"I want to join the circus haven't I made that clear?"

"Why would you want to be here and scoop elephant dung? Look at you, Under all the make up you're most likely beautiful and Gosh, you're so young."

she wrapped her arms around me I was breathless from how tightly she clung.

"Mam, what are you doing"

"listening to your heartbeat."

"what's it sound like?"

"Like life, it sounds like life. I'd give anything to feel alive."

"What's wrong with your life what about your family and your friends?"

"I'm misunderstood by them, and the torture never ends. I know it sounds funny since I'm dressed like a clown. But that's all I've ever been to anyone. A joke, never taken seriously. Maybe they were Right. Because for me, being a joke just comes so easily."

"come on lets wash your face off, Let me see the real you."

She wouldn't stop holding me she said, "I just want to feel you."

I shook her off and took her hand, led her to the sink. In a strange way this little lady felt like some sort of missing link.

"What makes your heart beat?"
She asked as I was washing off her mask.

"What a peculiar question for you to ask."

"It's just my heart keeps beating, but for no one. I have no one."

I layed down the rag when I was done.
her beauty was unbelievable.
She was God's masterpiece and I was his scribble.

"I don't know what my heart beats for.
But I know it's skipping beats for you Mi Amor."

"So you'll let me stay here? You'll let me be a circus clown."

I tilted up her chin so she'd stop looking down.
"I'm not denying you the fact you make the birds in my rib cage sing.
But, listen to me. you need to go on home now Darling."

"What's that? I've had many houses but never a home.
Please, I'm begging you don't make me go.
I'm all alone
I ran away to join the circus don't you understand?"

I tried to calm her down as I took her by the hand.
"Cant you see that this is wrong? You've run away to join the circus but you don't belong here.
You've runaway to join the circus
But you're not a clown my dear.
I understand that you've run away and your not looking back.
You've run away to join the circus.
How about, instead, you run away with me. We'll follow the train tracks. It will come easily."

We've made a life for ourselves now, one not run by fear.
But every night I wash off her make up and remind her.
"You're not a clown my Dear"

© copyrighted Nicole Ann Osborn
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