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  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin


/    \                    

         One fine           Day
                                       ( lucky boy )

•   •

                     All the dreams

(  every one  )                


There's an        Image of you !




•     •                                

Early song

Every word

Ringing true

Lucky boy

She holds your gaze

Across the seas

Every child

There's an     Image of you !



                                  ­         You

•       •

You alone are known by all

You alone are known by anyone
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph

Running in the shadows,
pausing neath the dawn
Climbing in through window sills,
curtains tightly drawn

Checking every corner,
ducking from the light
Hoping for a moment still,
shuttered in the night

Of this love forbidden,
cast of breathless view
Empty pockets, endless need
searching but for you

Can’t you hear me calling,
pebbles hit the glass
Pull me deep into your arms
‘fore the moonbeams pass

Take me as I’m pleading,
knees upon the ground
Staring to your silhouette,
formed of beauty found

Many questions linger,
falling from above
Landing square with weighted pain
saved of all my love

Take a chance, I offer,
let me light the scene
Follow where your heart does lead
here inside this dream

Matters of the distance
collected in the frame
Take my hand it longs for you,
love me once again
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
I am a sentinel ~ poet of stone.
Standing apart ~ standing alone.

I do not ****** ~ no toast from a glass.
I do not think ~ about things of the past.

I am no wooden flute~ played with lightness and ease,
My breathing on earth ~ has long ago ceased.

I'm no longer able ~ to hear and to talk,
But, when I move ~ YOU WILL HEAR ME WALK

I'm not man or woman ~ I'm not boy or girl
I no longer see ~ with the eyes of this world.

I cannot touch ~ and I cannot feel
But I can exist ~ I assure you, I'm real.

I'm on an Easter island ~ a massive stone head
All those who made me ~ are long ago dead.

I am the likeness ~ of their greatest god
But they're all gone now ~ isn't that odd?

Those great stone carvings ~ a metaphor be

Those silent stones ~ are actually ME.

Soul Survivor
Catherine Jarvis
(C) 2014
The stone heads of Easter island are a reminder
To us all of the facts of nature. The natives who
Erected them were using up all their natural
Resources. They believed if they kept carving
The likeness of their god the natural world
Would be replenished. It didn't work. And,
Eventually, they all died off.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
If I get lost, promise you'd leave me be
Let me walk alone in my circles
I'll find my way back...almost instinctively
Through looping thoughts and scribbles

If I should trip, promise you'd let me fall
Scrape my knee and scream a voiceless scream
Weight of the universe may seem crushing to shoulders so small
I'll walk it off and regain newfound steam

If I show signs of buckling, promise you'd let me collapse into nothing
Let me fold into myself...into an unnoticeable speck
There is solace in this space when the walls are caving
Soon I would reinvent and renew from that wreck

If I suffer a cut, promise you'd just let me bleed
Let the black of my soul gush out
Within it I would find the seed
To which all of my rantings are about

If I should begin to write, promise you'd read my scrawls
Take them as they are and not to heart
Just thoughts versus words that mean much or nothing at all
They'd stitch me anew when I start to break apart

If I keep losing myself, promise that you'd let me be
The circles I tread are very much predictable
They'd always lead me around... Don't treat me differently
Just stay where you are... I'll come back round, fresh and able...
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Everything is exactly what it is, and at the same time it is more than what it is.

I spend all of my time hoping you will understand.

It took me two car wrecks and 20 of your mother's favorite pieces of china lying broken on the kitchen floor to realize the world has so much more to say when it is silent.

Come back before you are ready.
Come back as anything you want, but you are still responsible for what follows you.

We need quiet to help us understand sound, as in : we need this tree to look differently under a cloudy sky than it does under a clear one.
The Why comes later.

Your father kisses your cheek and tells you goodbye and you spend the rest of your life not believing him.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
This is a long poem, but well worth
the time, you'll find.

Marjorie picks up the phone,
She's quite sure that she's alone.
Punches in her "good friend's" number,
She's excited... it's no wonder!
Something naughty to convey,
Can't wait to tell, can't wait to say!
"Hello, Sally? Yeah... it's me!
I'm at the window, and guess what I see!
You know that ***** across the way?
She's with another man today!
Hannah's hubby, right next door.
Can you believe that little *****?!!
I'm telling you cuz I'm your friend
This wicked business has to end!
Wait a minute... there they go!
They're leaving! And I'll bet you know
Where they're headed, oh, you bet...

... a motel room is what they'll get!

Juicy fruit spills from the lips.
Open mouth, and out it slips.
Sweet as strychnine to the tongue
Where the poison apple's hung.
If you have nothin' nice to say,
We're all ears! Come our way!
There's a tale to be told,
Don't matter if you're young or old,
It's a secret on the block...

... if it's scandalous let's TALK!!!

Sally Jo hangs up her cell,
Calls a good "friend" as well!
"Hello, Jane, just talked to Marge,
Got some news, and it is LARGE!
You know that harlot up the street?
You'll never guess her latest meet!
Hannah's hubby! Oh, gee ****!
Can't BELIEVE this awful biz!
Marge told me, it can't be wrong,
They were KISSING on the lawn!
Then they drove off in his car...
They weren't going very far!
No-Tel Motel's where they're at.
Whatcha expect from an alley cat
Hannah's gonna flip her lid...

... I won't tell, so keep it hid...


The story spread around, of course.
Hannah's filing for divorce.
Then her hubby lost his job...


And the "*****"? Well. She died.
She committed suicide.

The REAL story was quite sad,
And I hope it makes you mad.
"Harlot's" son... he needed pills.
Guess no one knew that he was ill.
She wasn't goin' very far...

... and her pastor had a car.

Who's the culprit? Who's to blame?
Guess we all know her name.
Who's to count the tragic cost?
How many lives that lie had lost!
Her little boy went 'round the bend.
An alcoholic in the end.

The tongue can be a thing of praise,
Or ignite a mighty blaze!
So check you heart and check your mouth,
Make sure that it's not headin' south.
Kindness is joy in age or youth...

... you reap what you sow, and THAT'S the TRUTH!!!

Soul Survivor
Catherine Jarvis
(C) July 5, 2010
Gossip, or character assassination, in the
Bible is tantamount to ******.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Jennifer Weiss
I do not understand how we can be unaware.
I read it in this Biology text book,
on page one, it is right there

We're all just molecules and atoms,
How dare anyone think they matter,
More than the next collection of matter.
Just because they managed to gather,
all that wealth.
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