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3.0k · Jun 2018
Not a terrorist
Nura Jun 2018
I am a Muslim, not a terrorist.
Don‘t judge me because of my religion. Don‘t judge us all the same. My religion teaches me peace. My religion teaches me love. It tells me to show compassion, not what you think of us.
I have only one request. That I‘d kindly wish you to look beyond the hate and hurt, and see Muslims are just like you. Peaceful. Loving. Caring. We have families too.
Terrorizing and vandalizing isn‘t Islam heritage.
Muslim, Catholic, Atheist, yellow, black, white, men, women and children. We are all born to this world for a purpose. We are in a world full of discrimination, based on our religion, color, nationality and gender.
Yet, they propagate Islam with a bad image, wich is a huge damage.
They call me terrorist, they call me danger. I‘m feeling like a stranger.
Remember, there is only one world and it is all for us.
We Muslims are the holders of peace, we spread love. Why am I being represented by their false actions?
They say that they are Muslims and they say, they stand for Islam. If they are Muslims, their actions would show it.
Muslims stand in prayer. Shoulder to shoulder, to stop the devil winning.
A terrorist kills someone and Muslims are blamed, a Christian kills someone and he‘s just a ******.
Violence is not Islam.
Terrorists are not Muslims.
Alhamdullilah I am Muslim.
710 · Dec 2018
moon and sun
Nura Dec 2018
"It's not the difference I see in him.
It's the difference I see in myself when I'm with you."
She was his sun and he was her moon.
447 · Dec 2018
Nura Dec 2018
I left too fast,
but you never had me anyways.
407 · Dec 2018
Nura Dec 2018
I know that when darkness comes
and I look up in the sky
it may seem
a moonless sky
but I know
the moon will always be there.
370 · Dec 2018
moon and sun
Nura Dec 2018
You and me were like moon and sun. I was your sunshine and your only will to live,
you were my moon and hugging me in the night.
I was never alone
like you.
You were the dark
the one
everyone was scared of,
except me.
You set me on fire
and burnt yourself.
You didn't mind
but I did.
I didn't want to burn you, so I let go.
Everything we had is over, forever.
You found a new one and I'm wishing you good luck,
we were a dream team but it is over because of me.
If you're reading this
come back and hug me in the dark.
284 · Dec 2018
Nura Dec 2018
You're always there when I look into the moon,
because then
I look at you too.
273 · Apr 2018
Nura Apr 2018
I tell you, I believe in Allah, my religion, my business, you disagree.
Suddenly you hate me, I see it, I feel it, I can guarantee: It‘s all just because you hate it, that I am free.
That‘s why you want me dead, you want my tears, you want to scare me, fed up in tears.
You are the one calling me terrorist and danger. You treat me like I‘m not human, I‘m stranger. Though I‘m one of 1.8 billion people, I am allowed to live, allowed to speak; I am legal.
Just because few are bad, don‘t blame us all.
What we believe in has more peace than you, we pray, appreciate, and love, you should too.
It doesn‘t mater what religion you have, what you believe in, that‘s your own war. 
Buddhist, Hindus and so on, please don‘t be ashamed, please don‘t be gone. Catholic, protestant, jew and us muslims, we are humans too.
253 · Dec 2018
moon and sun
Nura Dec 2018
You were always here for me.
Even when you weren't next to me,
you were in my heart.
At night I looked up in the sky
even if I didn't see the moon
I knew it was there.
I let you go
and I hope you will come back
because the moon
doesn't shine without the sun
and the sun can't rise
without the moon.
245 · Dec 2018
Nura Dec 2018
I can make you feel wanted
I can make you feel special
I can make you feel loved too
but only if you ask me.
I'm not giving people 100 if
I'm just getting 50 in return.
I won't be here for you
if you aren't here for me.
I can't do you a favor anymore
because you didn't do anything for me.
It's always getting and going
but this time it won't be like this.
Trust me
I know better.
238 · Dec 2018
I write for you
Nura Dec 2018
I write for you
though you'll never see it.

I write for you
I write when you're gone
I miss you when you're gone

If you won't see it
strangers who don't know me will.

They don't see your face when they read this
they don't hear your voice

They have their own face to see and voice to hear.
216 · Dec 2018
I miss you
Nura Dec 2018
I miss you,

and not in a "it's two in the morning. I'm so lonely, looking through old pictures" kind of way.

I miss you,

in a "my friends are all laughing, and so am I, but somehow you still haven't left my mind kind of way.

I miss you,
and not in a "someone asked me how you were today and I realized I didn't know the answer" kind of way.

I miss you,

in a "nobody has brought you up in months, but I still tell stories about you" kind of way.

I miss you,

and not in a "it's Valentines Day and I'm alone" kind of way.

I miss you,

in a "you did well on a test and I want to be the first person you tell" kind of way.

I miss you.
I don't just miss the idea of you.
I miss you.
179 · Jun 2018
Nura Jun 2018
Nobody understands loss until they‘ve felt it. That word covers many things but I hope you feel the loss of me whilst I‘m still alive, that type of loss is life changing and soul destroying. Losing someone because you didn‘t appreciate them enough, love them enough or even given them your all when they gave their absolutely everything knowing you don’t give a **** about them. I hope you feel that, I hope it hits you hard in the throat that you lost me, I hope it punches you in the stomach that you lost the one girl who would haven given it all up for you. I hope it terrifies your soul and keeps you awake at night for days on end because you didn‘t love me the way I did. I hope you‘re afraid to move just how I was because I knew you were no longer in my life and now I know I‘m not in yours. I hope to God you cry in your sleep just how I cried myself to the point I had no cure but to sleep and only you know how much sleep had hated me. I hope you see me in everything you do and feel the regret take over your body because you realise you did not appreciate me enough. I hope you scream so loud thinking I can hear you but I won‘t because once I screamed ever so loud in hope you would ever hear my voice but you never did, even when I was so close to you. Loss, I hope it hits you so hard one day that you realise, you lost me. The loss that you‘ll spend your whole life regretting just because you had life to live.

— The End —