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Noone Jan 2022
Kinda stuck in my thoughts
I am really trying to get out of it..
That little ray of hope in my heart keeps on burning..
I know I should walk away..
I tell that to myself every hour..
But I dont know why am I longing to hold on..
Maybe he would see me for once
He would realize that I am the girl for him
He would realize that we belong together...
Should I trust my guts or am I just being crazy???
Deep in my heart .. I know he is mine..
For now ,the love he has for me is like a cloth that is hidden on a closet.
Once he digs deeper.. he will certainly find it...
But until when???
Will I be patient enough to stick around ??
Or will I just let go??????
Noone Jan 2022
Moving on without closure
Is it possible?
Noone Jan 2022
Well.. it happened again
Smitten by the devil's charm
I fell at his feet
Just to realize
He was a seeker , an opportunitist
Who knew how to play the cards very well
I sure was the joker in his game
I lost it again
Yeah, it happened again
Noone Oct 2021
Sitting in a crowded room
Listening to people talk
Listening to them laugh
I m here but I m not here
My mind wanders
My heart restless
Goes back to the time
I last met you
Teary eyes
Cracked voices
Helpless souls
Blaming fate
Soulmates departed that day
The angels were probably asleep
The almighty let that happen
Cruel world
Dancing demons
Broken hearts
Destroyed souls
And now sitting here
In a crowded room
Missing life
Missing love
Guilty being
Repenting soul....
Noone Mar 2021
So, it starts when he sends you a meme to start a conversation
Wow, what a weird yet clever way of communication
The meme was funny yet not funny, difficult for interpretation
Anyways, you send an emoji to keep up with the situation...
Then , he comments on your picture showing little admiration
You comment a smiley back, maybe a little persuasion??!
He views your IG story, to your grammar, he replies some correction
Then begins " hey, you kinda cute" , a little flirtation
Well, you reply back , with a little hesitation?!?
Then begins the daily WYD , HYD exaggeration.
The talks become fun with matched perception
Sure, he did his little stalking investigation
Then you stalk him back, with mere observation
He seems decent, maybe you could take him into consideration
The chat goes on for awhile, then you get a date invitation
First you make him work for you, even though you've got rush of excitation
Finally you agree to meet him, he already made the reservation
The day of the date came, called your friends for a little motivation
Then you met him, he was just like the one in your imagination
Talked a little, laughed a little, held hands too. He took the initiation...
Returned back with a glad face, was thinking of him, then your phone buzzed with a notification
" I had a great time with you. We should meet again!" , the ditto exclamation.
Started talking everyday, met regularly, was the beginning of a beautiful creation.
His lips were soft, he smelled so good, oh what a sensation!
Vibes matched , energies matched , what a transformation!
This could be her " happily ever after" Congratulations!
Was thinking of making this a sad one, but not every online story has to end sadly, isn't it???
Noone Sep 2019
Find your mental peace.

Delete them all, the texts, the pictures, the number.

Don't try to win the breakup. It doesn't matter anymore.

You need not explain anything to anyone. Your happiness is the only thing that matters. Let the toxicity go.

Don't try to seek answers to any questions or any doubt.

Don't try to fight the reality.

****** that light of hope you have in your heart.

Don't let your heart take over your mind anymore.

Deep down, you know the truth. You know that it's over. It is going to hurt you as long as you deny this truth.

Don't live in that bubble anymore.

Be strong. Console yourself. Move on.

This pain is temporary. After 5 or 10 years, it wont matter anymore. All you need to do is stand up for yourself. Be there for yourself.

Know that you are enough. Know that you deserve the best. Know that it was not your fault. Know that you tried your best. Know that you gave all of you.

What is done cannot be undone. Don't regret. Don't repent. It's okay. It's alright.

Forgive him. Forgive yourself. Forgive the situation.

Don't hate him. Don't. For you know hate is just a confused love.

Let it go. Set yourself free.....
Today I went through all of the old messages, re-read the conversations. And I deleted them all.
I have known that I will never be able to move on if I keep on clinging into things that no longer last.
Noone Aug 2019
Sometimes some things happen that change your life forever,
Some secrets revealed that break you apart.
Some words they say that pierces the soul.
People call me fake, I pretend to care they say
For I have that smily face to disguise me well
They don't know how difficult it is for me
When I m sitting alone in a room with my thoughts
Those haunting thoughts
The images stuck in my head
Mind is a wild thing , you see
It lets you see things even when you are not there..
The rumors I heard, the pictures I paint
I don't know how much they resonate
But they haunt me..
Pictures of you holding someone else in your arm
Cuddling and falling asleep..
I got to know some ***** secrets that changed my perception on love and faith forever. I feel so betrayed.
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