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An Artist is Different to All

An Artist Creates

An Artist Puts Our Thoughts

Thoughts and Feelings that we were sure

Couldn’t be put into shape

Couldn’t be expressed , or understood

An Artist should bring those to life

And an artist has to get those thoughts from somewhere

an artist does not pull up and out

excrustiatingly difficult and complex emotions

Out Of Nowhere

because an artist

Not All

But an artist pulls those feelings

o ut of th ei r so ul

an artist

may stay s ick i n  th e he a d

to keep that art coming

an artist

t ak es them s e l v e s apa r t

and throws themselves onto paper

canvas, a staff, a chord ,

and throws themselves up

as words

To an Artist, Blood may very well be Ink.
She saves me/
Oh how she saves me/
She makes me/
She brings my eyes to rest/
Her memory fills my emptiness up, just enough, to turn away all the demons/

She breaks me down/
Oh how I do too/
We both have our problems/
And those problems hate the thought of “us”/
Everytime, no matter what said, we never split, we know our codependence/

I am not a love poet/
I think myself too down for pure love/
You know, Love, that we are pushed and pulled by those around/
That they doom us for our very love/

And we are saved by eachother/
We will be the death of eachother/
They will rip us into pieces the second they find proof/
But can we let that hate, be a constant reminder of how strong you hold on to me /
And how strong I’ll hold on to you?/

She really does make me/
She will never not be warming my mind/
She is going to be the death of me/
And I love her for that

— The End —