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Nite Oct 2016
There is a man
Who likes to pretend
That he's pure and holy
When really his mouth only spews out baloney

                                      These hands of mine,
                           a thousand men have bested
                                  and thrice that the ladies
                                       they have pleasured!

This man likes to wear all white,
And on his head he props a halo.
He hides his forked tongue in plain sight
With which he claims to be a fine ole fellow

                                     These friends of mine
      All shapes, all colours, every walk of life
                                             All indebted to me
                                                 Oh! Without me,      
                                     they couldn't survive!

But like the viper in Aesop's fable
Your trust he repays the only way he's able
With your paramour he'll try his luck
Rejected he'd say "All I wanted was a free ****"

                        No matter, for with any luck 
                             The old lady will let me out
          There are girls who've taken my buck
    And they'll take it again without a doubt

So of this false angel be wary
A conscience he has not
Web of lies and deceit his main plot
For he has no friends only quarry

                              *Here lies A
                     Certainly a class Act
           For when the reaper came to play
            You can be sure no one wept
Words in italics/bold by the awesome, one and only  jalc! Thank you!!! U can view more of her work at
Nite Sep 2016
Standing at the edge,
staring down at the water
You step into the empty air
Before your courage could falter

You plunge into the icy depths
Strong, merciless currents try to drag you under,
Lungs starting to burn, you try to reach the surface,
Strength begin to dwindle as you realise your blunder

As the cold embrace of the water
Beckons you to its watery grave
You begin to wonder why you thought
Fighting the currents alone was being strong and brave.

Your final thoughts
As the last vestiges of air escapes your cold, chattering lips
Are of the people who love you
And how you let their faith in you slip through your fingertips

You start to close your eyes
Ready to meet your demise
Death waiting in the darkness
With promises of sweet release in the land of nothingness

Pain blossomed in your head
With a start you begin to flail
Till your fingers find purchase
And thoughts of survival began to prevail

You hauled your battered body up
Marvelling at the log that was your saviour
And with short, sharp, gasping intakes of breath,
The icy, clean, lifesaving air your lungs greedily savour

Miserable and cold you hung onto the log
As your eyes begin to shut once more
You shuddered at your naivety
Of how you nearly drowned and thought you were done for

With a start you wake.....
It dawned on you that you're neither wet, on a log on a raging river nor alone
You turn to look at her face, peaceful in sleep
The log you were holding onto in your dream, as you should always have known,

**Is her.
No matter how strong you think you are alone, you'll never be stronger than when you have someone who's willing to walk with you in your times of trouble.
  Sep 2016 Nite
Late nights see you lingering
Over the final cup of tea
And that one last cigarette
Alone in the growing silence
Relief from the earlier bustle
While the moon slowly fades
Making way for a new day
Which you aren't ready to meet
  Aug 2016 Nite
I used to feel like a kite
Meandering in the skies;
No way to sit tight.
I hoped to form some ties
With my fellows in flight
But few were deserving allies
Less were worth the fight.
I've since learnt to be wise
Why try to cure the blight
When there's better enterprise?
There are friends, and then there are acquaintances. Not everyone is worth the effort, and that's alright.
Nite May 2016
I thought the wounds had closed
But they've merely been covered by scabs
Scabs that needed no picking for the wounds to bleed again
Bleeding with renewed pain

Pain that I had hoped would have disappeared like the passing of the years
Yet the mere mention of your name
Dredges up my most agonising memories
Memories that I thought I had suppressed
Memories that could never be repressed

Memories of you breaking my heart
Of you healing it only for you to break it into even tinier pieces

Memories of claw shaped fingernails
Scratching my neck, my face, my chest
Of a razor tipped tongue that cut me to the bone with your insults
Of your poison laden honeyed words that turned my own friends against me
Of heavy hands that always left me bruised and battered

Memories of me walking away again
and again only for you to reel me in with your promises and your declaration of love
But your promises were as empty as your heart
Your profession of love was as false as that smile on your face

I see that now

I see that the only reason why these wounds have never really healed
Is because I have never truly let you go
Somewhere deep inside me
I had always wished you come back to me
For you were my first love
And for all the bad memories, we had some good ones too

And now with my heart slowly mending
And light banishing the shadows in my cave
I have to tell you this

*I am letting you go
Probably the most tumultuous time in my life was when I was with this girl. She was abusive both physically and mentally. And I never realised just how deep the wounds she left me with were. It's been 16 years.

Thank you to the person who opened up my eyes.
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