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  Apr 2016 Nite
Never needed company
Until I found you
And you, me.
And another 10 words attempt. It's so strange how I've always fiercely tried to be independent, yet suddenly I want to have all my meals together, and run my errands together, and do everything together.
  Apr 2016 Nite
It's in the act of
Unlocking the front door
Leaving the chill of the outside
For the warmth of home

It's in the dog that comes
Snuffling happily at your feet
The cat that pads up quietly
Reluctantly curling around your ankles

It's in the bowl that sits
Still warm in the microwave
And the accompanying note
Wrapped around the spoon

It's in the moment
Of stepping into the shower
And letting the hot spray
Wash the day's grime and cares off

It's coming home to you
Snoring under the covers
Smelling like soap and sleep
As you wake up a little
To tug me closer and kiss me goodnight
Nite Apr 2016
Woke from a surreal dream
To find that everything's **real
I still can't believe that it's not a dream. :)
  Apr 2016 Nite
Axiom does not lie upon the
plush bed of the words I've said.
It doesn't flourish under influence of the
flowery texts I've written.
Axiom does not fully exist behind the
actions I've deliberately displayed.

It is ingrained within the subtle folds,
inexplicable nuances
and playful innuendos.
It is present in the lull you find in between
fleeting memories and faltering heartbeats.
It is scored into the unlyricised songs,
sung when our breaths do meet.
It's in the unplanned gazes that
stray into nothingness
only to be caught by yours.
It's evident in the void... The silence we've shared
without ever feeling awkward.

Is the fall that you had anticipated
only after having taken the leap.
It's that feeling of not knowing where the bottom is
but yet still certain that you are safe.

Axiom is...
My unseen heart as it beats hard
for none other than you.
  Apr 2016 Nite
It's been years since I've written
Sat down and gave shape
To the words that would come unbidden

I don't have the time
I'm not doing this right
I can't rhyme
Every effort was a fight
A struggle of: I'm
Not good enough

So I kept everything in
All my thoughts and feelings and the mixed up things
But the stopper wore thin
And all the creatures in my head kept clamouring

All the pent up emotions
Every opposing thought
And their little explosions
Forming a new knot
New little poisons
That I can't undo or expel

The words don't come as easily anymore
I'm rusty from disuse
But I'm retaking this floor
Nite Apr 2016
                       I dared to dream

                          Now we're walking

                              Hand in hand
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