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 Sep 2016 NDHK
some believe in the deity
others in the sanctity of self
I think poetry is a religion
a soul unto itself
not a god
but close
and I seek her his its
calming words
to get on my knees
and worship
every night
in my sanctuary
like any
true believer
 Jun 2016 NDHK
Bo Burnham
 Jun 2016 NDHK
Bo Burnham
"Well, man, you know what they say."
No, I don't. I don't know what they say.
I don't even know who they are.
Who is this they?
They seem pretty smug.
They seem to think they know ****.
**** them.
 Jun 2016 NDHK
Bo Burnham
 Jun 2016 NDHK
Bo Burnham
When I was little,
I killed ants with a magnifying glass.

And now I'm big.
And I worry I'm doing the same thing with you.
 Feb 2016 NDHK
Melissa S
Even though it has been ages
since we've talked
I know I got to you
I seeped under your skin
And I still reside there
Quietly waiting...
For you to feel that itch again
If you would just scratch
You could still feel me
Wow such a surprise~ Thanks HP for the daily selection honor and Thank you fellow poets for all the nice comments. I truly appreciate them all!!
 Jan 2016 NDHK
Nick Durbin
A manifestation methodically erasing our brief moments together.
A force we abandoned to prolong our brief moments together,
and exist eternally outside of the manifested confines of time.
We are given but one life. Live yours.
 Jan 2016 NDHK
K Balachandran
Your luscious lips fervently seek mine and the time freezes,
the cosmic hum, the primordial love anthem is heard within us,

Your signature scent, perilously plays fiddle with my olfactory nerves,
a garden of love within me blooms, hear the sonorous drone of bees !

A web of silver threads from your eyes, makes me your captive,
stitches the insignia of our love in my heart with the touch of a feather.

On the back of my neck, your broken breath permeates ****** heat,
the hold around my waist,tells what your words couldn't spell out.
a wee golden doggie
came to me its tail all waggie
and bit me there and then
that blasted teenie meanie
Dogs normally love me, but this little cocker spaniel seemed very friendly till it got close enough to strike! Only time I have ever been bitten by a dog.
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