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Marie Roberts May 2015
The tears fall to the floor from the child's eyes.
She can't stand the fighting, tired of the lies.

You do not notice, or maybe just don't care
But to a child this just isn't fair.
I can't pick a side! I love you both

And what happened to that sacred oath?
For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,
At least until Daddy buys a *****
At least until Mommy speaks her mind
At least until Daddy makes her cry.

For better or for worse, what happened to that?
Those are the words upon which your marriage shat.

Now the child is married herself.
Your marriage sits broken upon her shelf.
She refuses to make an example of it
Because her marriage will never be ****.
Marie Roberts Jun 2015
Everything here is so stale
Worn out
Beaten down
And painful.

I need somewhere new
Somewhere I can have an adventure

But adventure isn't for the
Worn out
Beaten down
All together overwhelmed

Adventure isn't for the tired
Small apartments and empty fridges.

I need out!
I need energy
I need to be free of this apathy
I need out of the old, stale place
Where I'm too afraid to show my true face
I need something warm

Marie Roberts Apr 2015
I saw the sparkle in your eyes
And I took it the sure sign
You loved me- it was in your smile
I thought you'd be there, stay awhile.
I thought I lost you, very near.
Never, never again dear.
Long as you want, you're mine forever.
In your arms I find my shelter.

We're young now but we won't be always.
Our lives will end on our last days.
I want you to be there as I close my eyes
And leave this body, my disguise.
When I am wrinkled, grey, morose
You will be my beauty's dose.
When my bones are waste and I can't do much
You will be my comforting touch.

My love, my joy, my peace and protection
Never doubt my great affection
For you my knight, my theif, my own;
This heart I give you is not a loan.
So hold me now, forever then
For my love for you will never end.
Take these words, let them sink in
And know me now and my soul therein.
This is a poem I wrote to my husband for Christmas last year. We were not married yet but we knew we would be some day. Our relationship was very rocky because I had had to move several states away but now we are living, as the fairy tales say, happily ever after. :) my inspiration (besides my wonderful man) was a picture of an old couple walking together, arms together like teenagers with a quote at the bottom that said, "Falling in love is easy but staying in love is very special."
Marie Roberts Apr 2015
Sitting at a stop light
"Turn green!"
You yell and curse.
Your brow is furrowed- lips pursed.

But 18 years ago today
12 people passed away.
4 of them would have come of age
But there were no stop lights that day.

The cars were obliterated
No light to keep them safe, yet still hated
Now we've ended up so jaded.

What happened to the value of life?
Our will to strive?
Will you just throw it away like everyone else or cut it with hate- an ice-cold knife?

I think it's time we re-think time.
Life is weird. It won't always rhyme.
But don't just plow through life
Rushing through lights
Days asleep and working nights
Always getting into fights.

Where's the happiness in that?
You're not living. You're just barely alive.
Marie Roberts Jul 2015
Bang, fizz

My mind goes back to years past
When bullets rang past my ears
And I couldn't stop the tears
As I held my dead brothers and sisters in my arms

But it's not without its charms
Because everyone is free
Everyone. But. Me.
I am not a soldier but I've been reading about soldiers/veterans with PTSD who are in agony from the fireworks and I wanted to remind everyone that if there's one near you then please tell them when you'll be setting them off so that they can leave or wear noise-canceling headphones or whatever they have to do.

— The End —