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Nov 2023 · 106
SoupHands Nov 2023
I think i said I love you
Tens of thousands of times
Knowing full well the end was in sight
Each syllable a rivet in the armor i tried to build for you
Built with paper thin words
Held together with hope
Knowing all too well the end was drawing ever closer
Seeing your golden mask fade to silver
And your little tick tacking steps lose their tempo
I tried every second of every day
To be ready

I knew you werent scared like i was
You got to leave me as you
And i got to be there in the end

Everything hurts
Heart filled to burst
So much love for such a tiny friend
With nowhere to go
A destination left only in memory
Healing the little empty piece that went with you
Tending the last of what was good and sweet and innocent

Everything is okay
You can rest now

Goodbye Babbers, I'll miss you forever
I love you
Im okay, youre okay forever now. Ill see you again some day.
Oct 2023 · 82
Four Men
SoupHands Oct 2023
I don't envy women
I'm glad to be this, but it feels like a prison
Four men, haven't met in years
Four entire lives come together
What could they say
Maybe they'll talk about today
How the world seems to be closing in
You think they have dreams?
Four men who trust each other
Maybe they will find a way to reconnect
Who knows, maybe they'll talk about ***** and *****
Maybe they'll talk about the past
There's so much chance
*****, dragons, death, victory, dreams, family, dogs, cats
****** woodworking, eclectic collections, gas ******* engines
Combat juggling, indie movies, super hero theories
Today then way back when
What could four men talk about after so long ago
Maybe one healed from heartache
And he's ready to tell the others
Maybe one met his new daughter
And he's finally ready to tell the others
Maybe one of them reached a fitness milestone
And he's finally ready to tell the others
Maybe, just maybe, four men are ready to destroy the ******* that's kept them from connecting for decades
I overheard the question, here goes the talk!

I don't envy women.
Everyday I am more disappointed
Oct 2021 · 88
Tension cable
SoupHands Oct 2021
Smile no matter what, right?
A positive attitude reflects in your body and mind
So I've been told, about twenty years too many
If I had payment for a time I believe that, I'd have one Penny-
Wise men don't trust happiness
They know it's carelessness
A painted face is such a perfect thing
A physical temporary symbol-
For any Bozo too scared to be caught crying
I found a frown in the smile of a clown so profound the only correction
Was to stick hooks to his cheeks and apply some tension
Laugh clown laugh! Don't you ever frown again!
Let's see those chewing chunks, and lower your ears
Easy now, the grease paint isn't water proof, no tears
Rip through that sadness, pull harder
The cables will sing the sad song of a martyr
Welcome all the laughing God
Now smile meat, there's a show going on

The taxing toll of a Joker, always discarded
No games to play, always disregarded
But don't you ever frown, it's the lines not drawn that make clown funny
Don't ruin the show with your temerity
The cable, taught with your turmoil, so sentinel, so unknowable, so Sweet-
Tooth to toenail, wrought with agony
Don't dare frown, but be in pain, that's the duality
A prompt I was given by a poet friend of mine
Dec 2018 · 390
Beatrice (WIP)
SoupHands Dec 2018
I try my hardest not to think of you
To keep you from my mind
Cause you're not here
Swooning is my religion, faithful in my remembrance
Inside i think you're angelic
A terrible machine of destruction
That gets inside, looks at me, wings outstretched
Light pouring out of you
Leaving me bathed in the divine grace of fear
Be not a afraid
Knowing full well you every word obliterates me
Nearby, awash in the warmth of a higher being
Manically enlightened to the extent of myself
You are perfect, horrendous, immaculate, and untamed
Can do no wrong to me, or anyone else
When in fact I die
Because Ive made you a god in the pantheon of my mind

But youre a person
With a life, and flaws, and fears
You exist in the same way I do
Sick to your stomach
About a person you think of
Stuck on the thought of being
So overwhelmingly alone
Without them
Amazing, and awesome
Your prayers landing on deaf, omnipotent ears
Saying time and time again
Be not afraid
Aug 2018 · 124
SoupHands Aug 2018
Im a breathing duality
One thing tells me something
Something tells me one thing
I think of embarassing things
When I was a kid and didnt know any better
Mitakes stick in my mouth like some kind of copper flavored
Self medication prescribed by the  PhD I got
From a university of Be Productive, this is the way to succeed
Each selfish thought and memory illicits a litany of procedures

Two and also 1
1 but as well as 2
Number Algorithms
Sequences running
At high speeds
But slow enough to keep me in this chair
All these processes come backwards to the origin point
X to Y axis
Linear thinking, Fibonacci
Dual, Duel, Duo, Dichotomy
Two or more pieces provided the edges are sequenced
Come together to form a picture
Lasts for a day
New image, its different now
Oct 2017 · 195
His name was Josh
SoupHands Oct 2017
I didnt even know you existed
Until about two minutes after you escaped this
Your brother screamed your life into the dark
Hoping his words could wake you up, as he came apart
I wonder how long you were there
Before that nurse struggled to find your air

The classic millennial tragedy
Couldnt find work, spent all his money on classes that he
Felt like a failure for taking
Lonely, depressed, saw no life worth making
Mom and dad didnt want you in California
Brother saw new opportunity forya
Hiding behind your youth
You looked tired still, your back on those roots

Josh, I forgive you, really
I dont want you to burn out, this way is easy
The way things are, I get it
40, 50 years of this?
My life, one way, one feeling, from now on?
Man. This whole ****** up place can get ******, Im gone
As a stranger to another, I get it

I need you to know that you're wrong
The decision made sense in your head to move things along
But we could have prevented this ****
You could have waited just ten more minutes
Looking from the bridge down below
Your skin as white as this screen, the only light from a cell phone
Your pain didnt end
Trust and believe, it got a new home to live in
Your brother, mom on the phone, screaming and hepless
The nurse, too small to break your chest
The night jogger who found you hanging there
The cars slowly passing by all those road flares
Your pain got passed around man
This was a bad move, the extremely wrong plan

I met my neighbor that night
What a weird way to say hi
For the very first time
The same moment a young man died

He wanted to be more of an influence
But now hes asking why didnt see what you were doin
I never learned his name, only yours
The creek learned it about 63 times more
The scariest part was that cop
Looking just to the right of your body, and moving his light up
I dont know what you used, but he took a good look at it
Even after that night, I remember
That bridge is right outside my front door
It has an unshakable darkness to it now
The creek has been gentle since then, ushering your memory down
To the place where we all go
Forever silent, following the waters flow
Sep 2017 · 245
SoupHands Sep 2017
I wish I had some melancholy memory
Of a romance, long since passed
When a sad song comes on
Talking about the way things used to be
My brain goes blank

The memory of being madly in love
Should evoke something sweet like soda
Every particle, touched and tickled
Just cold enough
A bite, on the lip
Enticing the next sip
Feels like drugs, all the way down
Pulling away, pursed and sticky, you know youll remember
The way that pop popped you way back when
And a thirst for it started
Everything goes better with a cola
A cigarette, sickening and deep, made fresh by that sugar
Whisky, rusty and virile, turned young and naive with that fizz
A good meal, made decadent, with a lick and twist of bubbles

It should, but it doesnt
All I seem to recall
Is feeling as each and every bud on my tongue
Where the seed of your taste was firmly planted
Is scorched
So the only taste is ash

I remember distinctly the three times I was severely burned
One, I was making cup noodles
Two, I was making food for your trifflin ***
Three, when you made me tell myself that you dont love me anymore

So when a sad love song comes on
Instead of that sparky, stingy, sugary stuff
I get that fructose, sucrose, glucose, rhymes with gross, kinda ****
I learned all too late, that **** like that, is the single worst thing you can put in your body

So whenever I crave to recall
The taste of bittersweet memories
Whispered to me through the turn of a cap
I just think to myself
Soda is ****, water is bliss
I write about the feels because I dont yet know how to convey my complete disgust with the social atrocities that have plagued this country over the past year or so
SoupHands Apr 2016
I wake up itching every now and again
And I go the whole day thinking of bed bugs
Little nuclear bombs going off all over my arms and legs
Which is why I cut my nails now
I revisit that bridge every once in a while
To see if it's still smoldering
It looks war torn to be honest
That was one hell of a fire
Love becomes rage and that flame can't really be put out

It feels like every day I have to pick my self respect off the floor
And fight, just to open my eyes
Im paralyzingly numb, the air around me feels like shackles
Things dont make sense, I cant figure out what is disconnected
When I feel weak, I add another memory to the pyre
In an attempt to come to grips with this

It feels like Im starting to lose my sense of humor
My brain is picking **** apart
Cannibalizing to bolster what little defense is left
Everything is so tense, so grey
But I guess you cant fight DNA; the way you were built

Truth be told, I wish I could rip your tongue out through your teeth
I wish I could inflict on you, as much damage is still standing within me
But instead Im an aimless drunk, flailing at targets that dont exist
Finding fraudulence and lies in everyone I see
Hexa-focles, drunk goggles, eyes never built for my head
Welded in place, make me eager for untruth in people
Instead of hungry for their support
And the more I struggle, the more I deny my lies
The more these anti truths burn into my brain

My thoughts are a ******* hurricane
Im gorged with mistrust, greedy with skepticism, and eager to find an enemy
This isn't me. I think that every day
I dont even know who I am anymore

Chemically, I dont have the ability to comprehend or repair myself
They say the mind bends and twists in order to cope with anguish
It feels like mine is on the verge of breaking every day

Sometimes I feel like ending it all
I cant stop thinking about this
And it feels like Ill never recover
But pain is like matter
You cant destroy it; it'll just get passed around
And a weaker, more gentle mind would be burdened with pain they don't deserve
My reality is chemically changing all because of you

Youre a quitter, a hypocrite, a joke
Im not
I dont quit just because it's easy to do it
You do
I love so intensely, but I hate exponentially
And never in my most absurd dreams would I feel a hate like this

You begged on your knees to be forgiven
Yet you remained a traitor
Safe to say whatever you did you me pales in comparison to the emotional coma youre too dumb to find a way out of

It hurts to know that hurt is the only reminder I have left
To know that I can still feel, still hate
I learned that you cant surprise me, only validate my suspicions
Pain has absolutely no limit
Rock bottom does not exist
And that all people can be defined by patterns

But I watched you abandon your passions over and over
Become more of the type of person you used to laugh at

You left it to me to tell me you didnt love me anymore

Sometimes I feel those bed bugs
Those hot, lonely nights
All the burns and cuts
You took a part of my life and distorted it beyond recognition
I will always hate you, I will never forgive you

Remember when I told you about when i was young?
And I told you that I'd see girls with some ******
And I'd think, *******, what does a guy have to do to get said a girl like that?
Looks like Ill never know
current torture in my life
#depression #heartbreak
Mar 2016 · 455
The Weight of a Smile
SoupHands Mar 2016
I am disaster
With killing cuts in my face
For the drool when it rolls down
From a face held in place with staples and tension cables

My laugh lines are chuckles at best
Like a pity laugh at a joke that went one step too far
A mouth that settles down, literally
And strains to bend upward

Its so ******* heavy and I cant bare it
Pulling open my ribs to operate I can see this dark heart
Crusting over, hardening over with hate
Being petrified by all the things I distrust from happiness

Im pulling off those bits and pieces too necrotic to save
It hurts but it has to be done
Theres no other way to do it

Unmonitored positivism will dull my perception
While absorbed in this placebo state
I know that this heart will turn to stone
And buried beneath scar tissue, Ill change
Thats why a smile is the worst vitamin

The muscles used to form a cartoonish frown
Are not real, you have to try real hard to make that ****
But when your face is aimed downward
When your eyes are built for crying
And filling in the cracks with gold only makes your wounds visible

The weight of a smile is
A clown mask, over flesh burned from the inside out
Feeling like youre digesting a cannonball every hour of the day
Wanting to grab someone and hold them because the floor is falling out from under you
Feeling the size of your own thoughts crushing down on lungs too asthmatic to breath
Being acutely aware of every second of the day
The dying sun inside your chest feeling like it's going super nova
Being connected to a hundred different points, and seeing no change in distance
Slaying a sentence before it leaves your mind because you think no one cares
Being okay for everyone else because you cant be for yourself anymore
After moving to San Jose to be with a person who I thought loved me (very long, very painful story) I moved back home. After the wound had some time to heal, the time it all took, changed my whole world view.
Mar 2016 · 385
Mouth of Revenge
SoupHands Mar 2016
I wish I could shoot lasers from my mouth
A righteous, indomitable blast of human force
Directly from my most powerful weapon

The blast would be undeniable, and impossible to miss
A man made super nova, siphoned into a concentrated blast
Powered entirely by my lungs and my heart

The earth would be covered in scars, miles long
Masked with ocean, or forest
In mother earths nature, concealing what has hurt her

My voice would be a siren of dirge and doom
A beacon through which the pain of many could flow
Bringing physical form to the unquantifiable

I wish you could see how loud I'd scream
In defiance of time, trickster god, and cruel cruel fate
Air would melt, and rock would simply burn

As the giant incinerating laser of revenge burst forth from me
Green and bright as lightning
The laser would send a signal

Hundreds of miles high, letting the entire world know we've lost you
So that all eyes could turn skyward and everyone could tell
That a voice cries out against what hes witnessed

I wish I had that laser, and I wish my fury could be made manifest that way
I could speak my rage into the very crust of the earth
So that no blasphemy of man, or amalgam of the void

Could ever compare to how very much I will miss you

If you have to go, then go. Get out and never come back.
Return yourself to the curse of time, I get it, believe me, I get it
But Ill never let you be forgotten

Any chance I get I'll speak your name
So who and what you...were
Will reverberate infinitely

And the wealth you granted us by knowing you
Can never be ill spent
A friend of mine killed himself. Very unexpectedly. My first reaction was being angry. And for a couple hours I just yelled. And after my episode of processing a sudden, very tragic moment in my life, I wanted to be able to shoot a giant laser out of my mouth.
Mar 2016 · 479
Probably Something
SoupHands Mar 2016
Casting stone through my eyes towards empathy
Its a thing as abundant air hydrogen or water
Emanating from the heart of a cynic, feeling what others feel, is a waste

That which makes others
Yearn and ache for sympathy
Makes the grey greyer

Turn your back and the person in earshot is long since dead
A racing mind hurries them into the oblivion
That they fought against just enough to smile

A winter evening
Is like a siege, famed and vexed
Fairy tales of doom

Wake up with a colossus standing sentient over your hope
The weight breaks your jaw
So you cant talk yourself out of these lies

Unwinnable wars
All destroying comets
Swathes of doom and dirge

All carved into your mind
Acid rain corrodes the gold foundation
On which your joy lies

Suffer silently
With words too big for speech
Lamenting and unspoken

The joker god lives in you
Speaking only lies
In the form of sad sounds a dark colors

Melancholy fades
Only to hang in the air
Maddening, distant

The faceless, the vengeful
Mouth of hatred
Takes an ever changing spectral form

Unblinking, staring
Estrangement, your visage
Becomes familiar

Strong duality
Makes a war grounds
In a space of zen
Introspection. Thats all this is
Mar 2016 · 611
The Purple Thought Bubble
SoupHands Mar 2016
What did the fish say to the other fish?
Its really funny
He starts with

Ill drown you in dishwater
So your last desperate breath will wreak of soap and leftovers
Die a humiliating death you ****

****, you spaced out, that joke was funny, a shame you missed it
Anyway, think of good things.
You know hard it is to sleep when you dont think good things

That ****** guy, you should have punched his teeth down his throat
That one guy way back when
You dont forget, his name will come back

Wait...I think you were supposed to have written that down
Ask them to repeat it
Oh ******* just said that weird, did anyone catch it? Can they see you second guessing the it?

I can see you doing that, honestly
Seems like something you would do
It was really embarrassing, you wouldnt be wrong if you did it

I wonder if dirt can melt?
Maybe that was the wrong way to act that one time
You still hurt, why dont you try to fix it?

Realist is the word for you
What some would call negative is truth
**** anyone who says otherwise

The revolution is almost won on this side
This battle is almost over
How many peaches do you think itd take to fill a cash register

Youre lucky that stays in here
If anyone could hear it
Youd probably be labled a huge pervert and thrown in jail

Yeah its time to shut up, its getting too loud to hear anything else
Be presentable, try to be your age, youre hurting more now k?
Try not to focus on the negative, despite what truth it may hold

You should bite your fingers off
Because its the right thing to do
Make the loud thoughts stop

Can you stop? Thats the only thing you think when you see them
Theres other things to think about honestly
Habit has a line and youre crossing it

******* **** **** ******
******* ****** ******* ****
Right now needs death, **** **** **** ****

That smell, what is that? Whose that coming from?
Fact, more or less, no thats your opinion, nah its fact
Voice it, go now, **** I sounded weird. ****.

Want, need need need no, want
Dont let someone in here
Youre nothing though

Suffering is normal, thats just how you think
You dont deserve a brain
Them, then them, then them, then then, thZZZZ, but ifZZZZZAAAAAAAZZZZZZ




Back, well, focused.
Stay away from the corners
Inside that round room

Too tired for fury
Or penance
Just hurt, begin loop
My mind races all day every day every moment of the day. Its hard to quantify or put to a sensible, thought out sentence. So I got really drunk and tried to follow my own ramblings.
Mar 2016 · 565
SoupHands Mar 2016
this piece is to be said as aggressively as possible without stopping, only a sharp directed breath may interrupt

Sam the ******
I remember the first time someone called me that
I didn't even know what it meant
But I walked away from it
Carrying in me, like a violated orchard, seeds of Hate

It must have been middle school
Way back when everybody was trying to be cool
Packs of brown skinned wolves hunting away my innocence
Wearing away at a, soon to be ruined, patience

I told my mom what people call me
And she didnt blink
Well what did you do to them?
That question rocked me
And fractures gave introduction to faults that would never find meeting

Mercantile in nature, fearful but loyal
Friends I may or may not have had kept me inside myself and corporeal
But I was a teenage solider
I hated myself for fear of affirming, the notion that I was no longer a controller
I hated, and that was the story

For a time anyways
I had no god, no group, guru
Who could teach me to grow and perhaps love
But that word tore everything I tried to learn to shreds

Sam the ******! Theyd yell whenever they knew my skin was crawling
And all I had were crutches and journal to keep that big bad wolf at bay
Each brick I lay became ash
Every star I counted became a nova
My white crippled wings became leather

I could have recited thousands of mantras
Ate a million crackers
Sang a hundred hymns
But hate was in my heart

My short comings and any kind of flaw
Was not a burden to be lifted
It was a fire that kept me warm and sane

Every voice in me said to be vengeful
Many said to stand against the wolves
And a few sometimes said to love
But I was an ant fighting the sun

And the only way to live was to hate

Not the way of redneck rhetoric
But the kind that made me a social heretic
Stay by the flames I would ponder
This weak skin will burn away and no longer wander

I had to become the iron clad infrastructure of my own life
To straighten up, tighten, and become repellent
Like the skin stretched tight across the war drum that was my young heart

I will stand resolute, and triumphant
Foster my hate into purpose
A heart colored black, to fight against wolves numbering in the hundreds
Armed with a new weapon of strength, forged fresh from the furnace

Hate was my god, it saved me
While others pitifully succumbed to theirs
Like Acheron, it ferried Sam the ****** to safety
I learned to hate equally and with cause to quench the burning with pause

Language became my sword and my shield
The deadly omnipotent airblade that could keep me alive
Even when all I wanted was to die
I wont be happy until everything is dead! Said Sam the Fagggot
But The Melting Man inside me was the inhabitant

Of this mind
That would hate in the defense of those who are weak
Which would always loathe those who let miasma make them meek
I was a cracked churchbell who would ring to free the ears clogged with ignorance
And my hands would wipe away the blinding tar of intolerance

It wasnt until I thought myself a poet would I know
Hate was an archaic riptide that killed the minds of many with its violent flow
Sam the ****** was a beast, something akin to a weapon
And I had learned to dismantle it and leave deadened
my first stab at "slam" poetry
or just writing and speaking my work differently
SoupHands Mar 2016
Earth, help me
I am but lowly beggar man
And I dont know how to take cover
Not from rain or stinging cold
But from those just like me
Who walk above and right past me
Grounded to the same surface
But none seem to be any closer to me
I am silenced, cries heard only by tree and concrete
Help me, Earth, please

Sky, help me
I am but lowly beggar man
Man needs not the like of me
They chose my fate as such
Fallen and wounded
Prayers for fire in the skies
Drink is what I chose now
Since I can no longer slate my thirst from you
I will die by the cruel darkwood imitator
That men invented to betray you
Help me, Sky, please

Fire, help me
I am but lowly beggar man
And lanterns cant warm me
Scraps are my home and hearth
And that is no comfort for any
I long for your touch
But since outside is no longer my choice
Ill warm my insides with atomized flame
Beaker bottle and batch aid me in feeling and unfeeling you
Help me, Fire, please
I try very hard to be empathetic. I cant fathom how awful it must be to be homeless.
So I wrote a very idealized piece about those who live outside.
Each of them, a representation of how I think a lot of people come to those circumstances.
Mar 2016 · 478
Harvest Over Main
SoupHands Mar 2016
Life is a joke
Sitting passively actively, inhaling the smoke
Eyes like radiation burns, lingering and permanent
Going insane, like a disgusting sermon
Preaching with black tainted beer where there should be bourbon
Image and sounds like a perverted Carmina Burana
Disguised as a driver, charging me a fare to where
I just wanna die, among the elephants, the poor, and the tragically faire

Looking for symbolism, where there is simply none
Watching the years end, in the same place they begun
IM GIVING UP MY VICES, says the drunkard
IM QUITTING WHAT KILLS ME, says the foolishly unencumbered
Parallel walls of grounded stars lead to the same ******* place
As any other god ****** road, between main and sixth, fallen from grace

Streets, lined with tattoo parlors and broken down antique stores
And the run down old churches, which only tell you ****** forever more
Theres only time for open caskets, one by one
As we gaze into the glazed eyes of an american dream undone
By complacency, as we watch it waste away in a hospital bed conundrum

Cigarette smoke rain clouds; harbringers of times ill to come
Puke your guts out people, get your fix, doesnt matter where it comes from
And as the acid rain dreams burn away reality
Well finally realize our lack of genuine alacrity
How long was I not there, we'll all wonder
As that wall of atomic fire rushes closer

Only until it's too late do we learn from history
And when our house of love and avarice is burning to ashes
Will we see the thousands of errors
That made us **** one another
2014, a very different mind, a very different me....
This was my first trip back home in several years. I had a very clarifying moment on Main Street around 1215am
Mar 2016 · 346
SoupHands Mar 2016
I hope I never die
So I can see when this fabled future makes its ******* entrance
Each day is the present, the same boring, grimy, hopeless present
I'd love to see when that happens.
I hope the zealots never die
So when the world disintigrates around them
They will never get to meet the god they love so much
I hope the suits never die
I wanna be there when there's nothing left to own
And theres no bank or server big enough
To hold all that blood money
I hope I never die
So when that oncoming tectonic crash creates the cataclysm
That I've always wanted to see
I hope I never die
So I can be witness to when we as a people get pushed just a little bit to far
And we finally stop cooperating

On the other hand
I hope die as loudly as possible
So when the future shows up, I can punch it in the ******* face
I wanna ride the bomb righ into the vatican
And I hope I can see the panic in a suits eyes
As we chase each other toward the concrete
I hope when the big one comes, that I'm the first to go
So I can laugh and laugh and laugh
2014, a very different mind, a very different me....
I am a fan of the whole "man who watches the world burn" attitude
Mar 2016 · 540
If I Could, Sweet One
SoupHands Mar 2016
Knowingly, he waits for innocence to end
His eyes, glossed with instinctual terror
Factually fearful of something he knows nothing about
And the arbiter watches, like some perverse anubis
Observing the process with no clear objective
Like a statue taking a liking to cigars
The arbiter wants only to see the end, having no conception of what it means

Innocence and snow, both gentle
Falling, for the rare and irreplaceable moment of suspension in open air
Innocence and The End, present for one another
Be it though, a meaningless meeting
Neither of them knowing how important they are to each other

If only I could sweet one, but I may only be witness
Im sorry if youre scared
But know that I am here for you, when soon, all will leave you

Innocence can only look back
With no life left to look back on
This visitation is all he has

The ground grows close now
Innocence does not know the end is real
The Arbiter stays close, remaining only of occupation
There are no Angels here for you now he says

It wont hurt, it wont be scary anymore, I promise
Go with no knowledge of your armagedon
Will not go unnoticed.
2013, a very different mind, a very different me....
I was drinking one night, when I got tired of whatever game I was playing. I had this idea from another idea. About how innocent kids are, and how unknowingly connected they are with.....things. So I thought of when children die tragically. I wondered if they can see death more clearly than we can. So I wrote out a short "witness" type thing of Death being the only one present for the death of a child who has fallen from a high window.
Mar 2016 · 376
The Immortal Melting Man 8
SoupHands Mar 2016
Innocence becomes more innocent once it is ruined
Once the fragile and immaculate has broken into a million pieces, is it truly recognized
As a limbo that was as beautiful as it was terrifying
Something so perfect it seemed as though all things were destined to break before it
A moment when the ground of the earth becomes the villain
Why would you do this to me? You ask
As the density of gaea stares back at you, poignant and all knowing

And when you have finally found solace in the bottom
When it seems all but impossible that you should fall further
The curse of time seems to swallow you whole
Bringing your shattered form to a hollow peace
Still; complacent in your new found pain
Surrounded by a void that lacks compassion
There are no victims here

Immediately the denial of truth
Denial of the fact that feeling overtakes reason
Replacing the knowledge that nature had put in you
About how very small and temporary everything is
Your broken biology still wrecked across identifiable anguish
And yet, you yearn for everything that hurts
Within the abyss, filled with both ending and infinite beginning
Only one constant remains; nothing

I want everything, here and now
I want everything so that I may never be fed this hurt again
Gluttonously we consume any and all remaining sensation
So that our new form, our new self, maybe be satiated
As it arrives, unwelcome, into this world
Eat, and fill
So that you may find normalcy in this new forsaken world

There is no me, there is no you
There is only the endless murderous maelstrom
Of life becoming unlife, and crawling its way back to the surface
Undermining and crusading all that has never felt pain
And as the innocent falls anew into the ever lasting caverns of hellscape
We are born anew

Destined to live and die a thousand deaths before our end truly comes
Predetermined to live by the inevitable
Tactfully designed to deceive, by any means, for as long as possible
Only then, having faced the grimness of truth
Are we completely human
2013, a very different mind, a very different me....
see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM
Mar 2016 · 505
The Immortal Melting Man 7
SoupHands Mar 2016
Sleep does not come easy to me, if at all
Quite often i find myself merely in a stasis
Un-moving, un-thinking, muscles completely still
Dreams came to me often; before
Beautiful machinations of my subconscious would wing their way to the front of my eyes
Images of my once very real fears would mix and mingle with the deepest desires of my heart
The balance of waking mind given reckless abandon within the confines of my mind
Some nights i would see faces of people i have never formally met, but i would look upon them like ive always known them
Other times i would escape the tendrilite grasp of mortal life and i would be swept away into the air on gorgeous white wings; looking with my own eyes down onto the earth
And a few times i would feel, oh so vividly, the touch of a woman
My hands, much like talons, taking her like she was my own
Engorging myself with a rare opportune moment of per self centeredness and greed

However fragile peace may be, it was the last bastion of mortality i had
Fortune would not have it; i would never again have a dream
Sleep was the last to leave me
I cant remember the last time i shut my eyes
I havent a single shred of memory for what it is to awaken
A single notebook is all that remains of my dreams

And reading them has become a small, fleeting task
Something to simply fill time
For each time i do it, it is new
Reading a fraction of my former life is like meeting a stranger
In hopes that maybe the dream i share with all those around me will end
Someday i will wake up, and perhaps then i will die

Maybe when i finally forget everything, all things of what it is to be
Perhaps i will die, and be born again
I can only hope to awaken, to know that things have changed
2012, a very different mind, a very different me....
see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM
Mar 2016 · 341
The Immortal Melting Man 6
SoupHands Mar 2016
Food is very clearly one of life's greatest pleasures
Before my immortality had revealed itself, when i could taste
I would eat the most delicious food
Flavors are something i miss the most
Roasted duck breast, brazed boar, steamed broccoli, sauteed mushrooms
Spiced rice, beef bourguignon, warm soft bread
The sensation of chewing, feeling sinews of meat rip and tear against my teeth
Letting taste fill my pallet
Feeling my belly fill with fresh hot food, satiating the human desire to feed
But many years ago taste began to abandon me
It maddened me; i gorged myself
Ate everything i could to try and taste
Drank far beyond when a normal man would have died
My appetite grew and went to strange places
Desperation consumed me and my mind caved inward
I began abducting people
Of vastly different ages
Having them eat food so that i may watch
Sometimes i would have them feed me
Eventually i turned to eating my victims
In a desperate attempt to gain my lost sensation
The young, the old, the unborn, the dead
My early decent into never ending life was a torrential madness
It ruined my mind
Only after having eaten my entire household inhabitants
Did i confront, no, transform into the entity i am now
Among very few things, I remember taste the most
But i miss it the least
A simple joy, lead me to the most distorted, darkest, insanity
2012, a very different mind, a very different me....
see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM
Mar 2016 · 269
The Immortal Melting Man 5
SoupHands Mar 2016
The Immortal Melting Man no.5
On the rarest occasions I tend to wander toward the market
It provides me a mild form of entertainment
All ways of life flow through here
And i get to decipher what their existence means
I never buy anything, although the vendors and salesman
Try so very hard to get me to do so
Its simply astonishing the value people put in money, breathe taking even
One could easily argue its god made manifest
No one thing has lead to so much
Greatness, madness, death
Money is the most merciless of powers
It can even move land and oceans
Make anyone do virtually anything
And, so ive gathered, who so ever has the most wins the game of life
As if to say, i am god, i am the best, my life has value
As if to say, the very point of your being is measured in how many little green gods you can hold at one time
2012, a very different mind, a very different me....
see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM
Mar 2016 · 255
The Immortal Melting Man 4
SoupHands Mar 2016
The Immortal Melting Man no.4
I visited my lovers grave today
Its been several lifetimes since ive seen her
A woman, among so many other humans, who inspired me to love
Her exuberance for life made me love her
And even next to her grave, weather worn and faded with time, the same sort
Of vibrancy, emanated from the gargoyle i had built to watch over her rest
I was not  in love with this woman
The sacrifice involved with being in love is so wasteful
I loved this woman
The mere fact she was alive, her mannerisms, her physical presence
She made want to love life and find joy in everything in it
As easily as waking up, i loved her
As effortless as winking, i loved her
For a time, my never ending life was synergistic with another, however temporary
But it has been so very very long
Time has robbed me of many things
The color of her eyes, the sound of her voice, the smell of her skin, the warmth of her touch
Her name...
The grave i made for her, is surrounded by so much beauty
Its a place that should inspire me and my memory, or what little remains of it
Among so many of the dead, i return to this spot once a year and stare at the patch of earth that holds my love
And i remember nothing more than the fact that i loved her
2012, a very different mind, a very different me....
see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM
Mar 2016 · 305
The Immortal Melting Man 3
SoupHands Mar 2016
The other day i managed to find my old piano
I used to love writing music
Spending hours piecing together a melody that had always existed, i was simply the one writing it down
The ambiance of creation always seemed to waste away the inane presence of time
I would sit in the sun shining through my window
A drink nearby, and a fine cigar
That was many many years ago
The intangible joy that music used to bring me
Used to enthrall me with a vigor for life
As it is now, I can no longer feel music
I can no longer feel music
I am no longer taste the rusting bitter taste of fine ***
Or even mildly enjoy the smoke that sweetly, sickly framed my piano
The instrument had rusted over
Strings, composite woods, porcelain keys
All once pristine and prestigious
Now warped, split, and discolored beyond repair
Although I no longer recognize my instrument in the same way
I know it is there and i know i used to play it
Sadly the memory of music has all but tarnished in my mind
It is simply noise
Sounds arranged in order of severity
I find no solace in music
No relief in drink
And no tranquility in cigars
Feelings such as those are strangers to my life
Faded tarnished and distant
Like a stain of breath on a mirror
I cannot mourn the loss of these pieces of my humanity
For it was inevitable that time would take them from me
see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM
Mar 2016 · 331
I am from
SoupHands Mar 2016
I am from
this is an assignment i had to do for my EDEC 250 class
its a poem about where or what im from. i chose a more vague approach. i try not to remember items that brought me to where i am now. but moments and feelings. im actually kind of proud of this.

I am from a blurry past
I am from moving too much
I am from sweltering heat, and bone chilling cold
There is no memory where there should be some
I am from motorcycles, loud noise, and rock music
I am from the justice system and the armed forces
My life has always been loud as hell itself
I am from a nasty divorce
I am from never settling in anywhere I’ve been.
I’m used to feeding on friction and surviving in fire
I am from a long drawn out story that ends horribly
I am from bullies, beatings, and badgering
Peace has never been a friend of mine
I am from sliding along rock bottom
I am from endless hate and cynicism
I am from the roots of pure evil within my own family
Truth be told I’m just a beast with a human heart
I am from finding strength I never knew I had
I am from standing resolute when I should have fallen and rusted away
I am from loyalty and boundless love
The rewards of perseverance far surpass any and all pains this world could curse you with
I am from watching my cold grey heart warm once again
I am from finally seeing how human and fragile I am
I am from Woodland California, where I was born again as a new human being
I am from the country side’s friendly solitude
Greeting me with the gentle arms of the sun
And breezes coolly kissing my neck and head
If I could only tell you exactly how I got here
If I had a dollar for every story I could tell you about my life
I’d have one dollar
I am from the liquor of life
And drink it in gulps
2012, a very different mind, a very different me....
Mar 2016 · 400
The Immortal Melting Man 2
SoupHands Mar 2016
The Immortal Melting Man no. 2
I was witness to a birth
To the child of my last living relative
One final, feeble attempt to keep our withering family tree alive
A birth without marriage
A manic, desperate cling to legacy
So much hope, manifested in brand new life
Although the child itself was beautiful, birth and death have blurred in grandeur to me
All beings return to dust, with or without blessings from their intangible father figure
And this child would be no exception, i thought to myself
Seasons would pass, however many, and the child would grow, and then the man would die
Life and living to me, are as rocks are to the ocean.
Both just words, unyielding just as they are present and unchangeable
And i find it very odd, as the child breathes his first gulp of air and returns it as a squeel of primitive affirmation saying
i am alive; i find it very odd how no one person seems to truly appreciate their life until they are reminded of it
Even as i degrade, i know merciful death will not come for me
I envy the child
Life is a currency, meaningless and monetary
It is a liquor meant only for the mortal and flawed
Life is but one single dollar. Spend it wisely child.
2012, a very different mind, a very different me....
see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM
Mar 2016 · 324
The Immortal Melting Man 1
SoupHands Mar 2016
The Immortal Melting Man no. 1
now before we begin. you need some context. i have been trying to not give context to my writing, and just let it be what it is. because i feel as though my writing and my feelings don't always need some kind of explanation. and i also feel as though giving some sort of forbearing warning to readers is mildly insulting. because all people need to be able to identify things, shapes, patterns; in order to....BE. so this of few occasions, i will explain you you what you must know to make this series im writing, make any sort of sense.

The Melting Man is an idea, a figurehead, ive always had to express and compress my creativity. to give the amorphous subjective thing that is my inner mind, an identity. a way for my never ending cynicism and intrinsic hatred for most things without losing my mind.

The Immortal Melting Man is a series i have begun writing in a way to express and share my thoughts. through a melodramatic, over  romanticized fashion. Imagine if you will, a man. ageless, undying, and seemingly untouched by the concept of mortality. his physical being cannot die. but parts of him can no longer sustain the demand put on them by an age far beyond the allowed limits. slowly but surely he is forgetting his many lives, and functions that you and i take for granted (things that make us people filled with life and compassion) are beginning to escape him. so ive written Melting Man in a way that suggests he is no longer human because he cant die, but he is still just flesh and bone. making him sit on the precipice; of god-dum. read on, its my current project. and i will happily share them with you.

I have seen a great many things
I have seen people, entire generations live and die
I have seen the grandest empires thrive and then burn to ashes
I have watched human kind grow so much
I was there as some of the greatest minds in the world were revered and then eventually consumed by time
Once i stumbled upon a wolf mother giving birth to a pup
She died the moment her newborn drew its first breath
Even though i knew i would eventually outlive this creature
I took him in as my own
It was a great many years i spent with my companion
I can still vividly recall the scent of his breath, and the luster of his coat
Though as i expected, he eventually died and i remained
Time is something i have no shortage of
And i am reminded of this each meaningless day
Most all people worry about how many hours remain in the day
They never consider the many facets of life all around them
Selfishness and greed are perhaps the greatest human flaw
Ive seen it burn legacies and empires alike
The Mayans, the Romans, the Ottomans
All grand and powerful
But like all things returned to the curse of time
I no longer know the joy of feeling
In my time of endless living, under the guise of so many different names
I can scarcely remember once good thing about human kind
2012, a very different mind, a very different me....
this is the first part to an ongoing theme ive chosen. a man, who cannot die, but his physical form constantly ages. gradually he forgets things, and his biological process slow down and things start to mix together.

— The End —