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Katelynn Vens Apr 2018
The face
Bent, taunt, contorted
The smile
Torturing, teasing, abhorrent

The body
Deformed, beastly, unsightly
The aura
Malevolent, sinister, formidable

Something that lingers.
In wait.
A basic interpretation of my sleep paralysis experience
Katelynn Vens Apr 2018
It is a fog that never leaves,
It is a never ending breeze,
It cripples, attacks, destroys
And grasps.

Much like an earthquake,
It shakes my world
Leaves it desolate

A poem that outlines the fears and difficulties of having anxiety.
Katelynn Vens Feb 2019
I often wonder what it’s like being meat suits
A bunch of rotting, decaying cells
A mass of thick flesh
Covering, hiding, masking
our insecurities

When that meat suit is shot at
It seeps like black smoke
The many inner poisons
Choking, wounding, destroying
our society

Our flesh, our cells, our poison
It’s all part of us
How come we deny it?
Why can’t we accept that our meaningless selves are slowly decaying the world and one another?

We all fear our nothingness
Let it become us.
Katelynn Vens Sep 2018
Imprisoned by my own mind.
the beasts clawing at the soft tissues of my body
Destroying my
AND freedom.

Thirsty for happiness.
My own form of sleeping beauty,
Except I'm awoken by serotonin.
Less fantastical than a prince's kiss.
I'm merely sealed away from emotions,
in order to protect myself.
Wrote this during a depressed episode
Katelynn Vens Sep 2018
A manifestion.
A monster.
A parasite.
Whatever you want to call it, it burrows deep within your mind.
Ensnares you into a meaningless abyss.

It grows, spreads like malaria.
A railway system formed by one's own thoughts.
All interlocking.
One could say it is the Berlin Wall with
Separation that stands tall.

It is a plague that will get you,
And it will turn you...


I shall pray for you too
Katelynn Vens May 2018
What is life?
Something that jabs with a knife.

What is pride?
Something that is like cyanide.

What is happiness?
Something that is aeneas.

Why is happiness represented by yellow?
Merely because it was decided by a fellow.

Why is life in shambles?
Because the path is covered in brambles.

Why is pride masked by woe?
Because we all feel part of a sideshow.
Katelynn Vens May 2018
A butterfly,
the wings of freedom
they reside deep inside.

A bee,
soft, cuddly, yet misunderstood,
representative of many.

A dove,
i am rendered into Peace,
something many need.
A quick poem
Katelynn Vens Apr 2018
Your doe-like eyes
And light the skies.

Your child-like bark
And light a spark.

Our eternal love
Fits one another like a glove.
About my dog who I absolutely worship.

— The End —