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 Jul 2018 Dean K
Darcy Lynn
I am adept
In the art of being okay
I have mastered the craft
Of covering my troubles
I use all sorts of fancy facades
Acrylic, oil, watercolor
You name it.

I can paint over nearly anything

You will never know
How late I was up last night
Or why.

My eyes flicker
Like candlelight
But you couldn’t see
You couldn’t possibly see
I’m too good
For that.

I can dance, too
Waltzing away my sorrows
Carefully tip toe-ing the
I get a standing ovation every time

I’m very talented, you see.

But my all time favorite
Is my disappearing act
I’m still perfecting it
Right now
But one of these days
I’ll show you
How I

Right through your fingers.
 Jul 2018 Dean K
"it's" touch left it traces on her soft skin
she was relieved
yet felt imprisoned
her breath became heavier
closed her eyes
bit her lips
felt tickles all over her body
her body was numb
her legs were shaking
the smile formed an unrecognizable curve on her face
but that touch wasn't enough
she craved more
she was starving
 Jul 2018 Dean K
Sydney Noxon
Antidepressants take you on a journey.
It’s like going up the emotional roller coaster,
but never dropping to rock bottom.
I’ve been on a plateau for a while now,
but the bad nights still come and go.
There is one thing they can’t fix;
People always leave for one reason or another.
Maybe I’m too loud, maybe I’m too gay.
Maybe I’m like the plague; people have to disappear
so that they can get rid of me.
Maybe I’m a virus that people can’t find a cure to.
I’m lost without a compass.
They say that what I’m looking for will come to me,
but who wants to come to the lonely island
for the person that drowns in self-pity?
I wrote this when I was sad and it's jumbled and unfinished

— The End —