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1d · 130
That is Him
Nemusa 1d
His ghost sings softly, a broken lullaby,
burned into my eyelids, shaking whispers,
aching silence, like a thief of dawn
stealing breath from sleeping cities.

He moves restless through veins
poisoned by words unspoken,
shattered truths scattered like ashes,
dancing wild through toxic winds,
political nightmares devouring dreams.

His touch rough, aged like driftwood,
voice cracking open ancient doors,
bridges torched by reckless kisses,
healer and wounded, prophet undone,
hallucinating at the edge of night,
tongues tangled in unknown prayers.

She wanders like a gypsy star,
feeding off his sorrow, sharing ache
in silken melancholy, children smiling
innocently at illusions blossoming
in skies suspended, palaces of air,
golden cornfields swaying blindly.

The sudden crush of metal, breath lost,
belt marks branded, lungs crushed,
pain defined him clearly, brutally
etched inside city bones, illusions
layered thick, devotion bleeding quietly,
belief hidden in oyster shells,
galaxies spiraling slowly, secretly
inside his fractured core.
Happy Thursday still dreaming of an app fingers crossed 🤞 rough night think I'm coming down with the flu...
2d · 120
Way Down I Go
Nemusa 2d
Whiskey-tinted words spilling reckless
truth slipping from tired lips—
afraid, yet speaking anyway,
scars uncovered, raw, heavy.
Sacrifices stack like worn stones,
lessons bitterly learned:
dreams slipping quietly
through fingertips
into darkness deeper than night.

Loneliness howls
like wind through bones,
shadows stretching long
under haunted eyes,
ache twisting inside the silence
others cannot feel.
They breathe freely
what I struggle to grasp.

I chased ghosts,
built fragile homes from broken memories,
missing pieces scattered
by your careless hands—
selfishness painted clearly
across our history.

I learned addiction to abandonment,
to vanishing, to numbness—
the quiet violence of escapism,
fueled by neglect,
watching from your distance
as I slowly drowned.

You stood hollow,
watching pain shape me
yet never reaching out,
never intervening
when darkness swallowed whole
the child who needed saving.

Now silence echoes heavy
with your absence,
your shadow lingering
cold and silent,
as I find my own way
down deeper still.
Nemusa 2d
The sea cracks open, a gaping wound,
pulling me under with salted hands.
The night peels back in slow-motion silence,
a whisper of footsteps that never turn back.

Charms rattle against my skin,
cold prayers for a god who never learned my name.
The bottles at my feet, their throats gaping,
mock the thirst that never drowns.

High tide, high eyes, waiting for the sting,
while you press your lips to someone else’s sin.
Go on, tear me apart, leave the pieces for the painted faces,
saints with peeling halos, judging from above.

I feel it—
the shame, the weight, the final hush,
as the tide takes me whole.
Feast day Saint Joseph today so no work.
Yesterday I became a supporter of hellopoetry didn't realise that you could do that, I hope many more join so that maybe we will get an app...that is my dream an app with more options for expression.
Have a great day everyone ❣️
3d · 125
Weather Veins
Nemusa 3d
Clouds curl, bruised whispers
skies changing colors again—
nature twists like fingers on piano keys
I’m tangled in a corner of myself.

When your silence bites,
I don’t know if I’ll bare my teeth
or fold inward
like paper dolls collapsing
under summer rain.

We're floating in the space
between "stay" and "run,"
holding breath underwater—
neither surfacing nor drowning,
a little unsure of which we fear more.

You pull close,
then release,
moon cycles of embrace and retreat—
each goodbye echoing softly,
a note lingering, unresolved.

Escape calls louder than home;
running is my oldest song.
Yet your open palm
makes me pause,
hovering mid-flight,
just above your fingertips,
if gravity could hold me this time.
That fight or flight response...
Nemusa 4d
I was born water,
shaped by shifting currents,
aching beneath skin too thin,
eyes wide open to worlds always leaving.

Father, you were a storm trapped in bones,
hands heavy with silence,
every word unspoken a bruise,
my smiles stitched from glittering lies
to make you believe I was gold.

Mother, your heart swung like a pendulum
between rage and tenderness,
promising warmth while you taught me winter,
running away as if love was wind,
never landing softly where I stood.

Trust became a broken map,
paths always folding back on themselves,
everyone changing their story
without telling me why,
judging my scars from safe distances.

Now loneliness wraps around me
like old clothes, comfortable yet threadbare,
dreaming still of belonging
to something gentle,
something true.

Tonight I carry pebbles in my pockets,
each stone a silent apology
or a love I never knew,
walking slowly toward water,
ready to become river again.
5d · 360
crimson feast
Nemusa 5d
snow fur stained with red,

white wolves feast beneath cold stars—

life from death renewed.
6d · 452
healing embrace
Nemusa 6d
dove wings brush my skin,

stitching wounds with crimson thread,

soft hush mends the pain.
7d · 128
{second skin}
Nemusa 7d
in the hush of a universe
    she drifts—
        a whispering
    of light-years
blood like (royal blue)
    running thin
silver dreams
    slip out (of veins)
    a ghost in the pulse
    of tomorrow

foretold futures
in static—
stay away from the force
stay away from
    the wound

she the song of earth
    (mother) shedding seeds
into silence—
    a sacrifice
    shaped like a child
        forever naive
            forever changing

building a second skin
    a chance—
locking herself
    inside the ache
        of being

(periwinkle medication
    soothes nothing)
crimson saffron words
    burn like wildfires
        quiet abduction
            of self

still she moves—
scarred but standing
    a mantra, a martyr—
too human
    to be saved
It's been a long hard week hellopoetry all I need is rest, so happy weekend everyone ❣️
Nemusa Mar 10
It is always raining here,
not water, but time—
dripping, slipping,
pooling in places
             I do not recognize.

I stand in it,
let it soak my skin,
but nothing washes away.

My intuition whispers,
a quiet urgency in the dark—

change is coming,

or maybe it has already passed,
and I was too lost to notice.

I reach for the storyline,
but it frays in my hands.
I speak, but the words
as if they were

                  never mine

to begin with.

Love once stood here,




Now it is a shadow—
just beyond my grasp,
thinning with

              each breath you take.

You ask me questions,
and I try to answer,
but the syllables twist
before they leave my lips.

My brain is glitching.
It tells me stories
that don’t belong to me.

                 It rewrites the truth

before I can hold onto it.

I fear I am forgetting,

     not just you—

               but myself,

     my thoughts,

the language of my own existence.

Like a c h i l d,

learning to speak for the first time,
I fumble through strange words,
trying to shape meaning
from a world that no longer fits.

Tell me again—

      who am I?

            Who were we?

And will I remember
before the last light fades?

this is what it feels like
to dissolve
into the

r a i n.
Mar 7 · 299
Nemusa Mar 7
The ropes fell silent,
slipping like breath from an open palm.
Weight dropped—
dead leaves whirling in an unseen hand,
a whisper of what once held.

Not ungrateful,
but the air is clearer now,
the ground firm beneath unburdened feet.

You must trust—
let the tide take you,
let the light land where it will.

Heal not by holding,
but by opening—
wide as the sky,
soft as dusk settling on quiet bones.

Abandoned words live still,
tangled in the wind’s own song.
The everyday hero does not cling,
but walks forward—unbound.
Sorry I've been away but been very ill, didn't go to the poetry reading after all...such a disappointment. Glad the weekend is here again days have been blurring into each other.
Hope you're all doing better than I am, will try to catch up, happy Friday ❣️
Mar 4 · 429
silent guardian
Nemusa Mar 4
midnight wolf cradles

snow-white lamb in moonlit hush,

soft breath, shadow’s love.
Nemusa Mar 4
These hands—
woven with dust and gold,
creased by the weight of centuries,
carry the hush of sorrow,
the echo of laughter,
the pulse of every life they have touched.

They have lifted, cradled, mended,
threaded the needle through tattered seams,
gathered the remnants of broken things
and stitched them into stories.

They have washed bodies cold with parting,
fingertips tracing the final breath,
offering reverence to what once was—
even as grief trembled beneath the skin.

Yet, they have also built and burned,
etched names upon stone
only for the tides to claim them,
planted hope in barren fields
while pulling the weeds of regret.

These hands—
they are the architects of tenderness,
calloused with sacrifice,
marked by toil and time,
veined with the ink of ancestors
who wrote their love in silent gestures.

And still, they reach—
for the light that flickers in the dark,
for the child who carries tomorrow,
for the dreams that slip between fingers
but never truly fade.

In their artistry, they sculpt moments,
turning silence into song,
shadows into warmth,
scars into scripture.

So she lifts the child,
his fingers curling into hers,
his breath against her shoulder—
a whisper of all that remains.

And in that clasp,
in the quiet certainty of touch,
the memory of hands endures—
a language beyond time,
a promise never lost.
Good morning hellopoetry ❣️ was wondering if anyone of you have ever been to a poetry reading, was wondering if should go there's one on the island this week subject Hands, you think this will do, I'm not sure I can actually do it I'm too shy...
Nemusa Mar 3
I used to hold out hope,
as if love alone could bridge the silence.
But each year, the distance stretches,
worn thin by words unsaid,
by the quiet erosion of something once whole.

Mother, your quiet abuse
laps over me like an unforgiving tide—
this love without apology,
this ache mistaken for care.

I wish you a happy birthday—
not in laughter, not in light,
but in the hollow space where longing lingers.
The words slip through my fingers,
weightless, unanswered.

You are here,
but not with me.
And I am learning
that love does not have to be a wound,
that care should not feel like punishment.

Still, I remember.
Still, I miss you.
But I do not wait.

CPR could not revive us.
Today is my mother's birthday, unfortunately I remember and it still hurts that I won't be wishing her a happy birthday, but that's life...
Mar 3 · 111
The River Knows
Nemusa Mar 3
The river hums a song
too old for sorrow,
carving its path through stone and silence.
A mother stands at its edge,
toes sinking into
the earth’s quiet breath,
her fingers remembering
the weight of a hand
that once fit so easily in her own.

The wind shifts, restless with ghosts.
A name catches on the air—
half-formed, unfinished,
like a whisper left behind in the throat.

Somewhere, a prayer unravels.
Somewhere, the mountains swallow a cry.
The world moves forward, indifferent,
while she waits in
the space between moments,
between memory and forgetting.

What is love, if not a promise to hold?
What is grief, if not love unreturned?
She watches the river,
listens to its knowing—
how it takes, how it carries,
how it sings,
never asking if she is ready to let go.
Good morning hellopoetry poets, wishing you a productive week ahead ❣️ got 3 days free from work need the rest, take care
Oh, this is about letting go of my daughter she's grown up now...
Nemusa Mar 1
The gun falls,
a quiet thud swallowed by the earth.
For a moment, everything stops—
spirit caught midair,
astonishment blooming, then fading.

The wreath of laurel means nothing now.
The universe holds its breath.
Limbo stretches wide,
a wheat field swaying like a forgotten memory.

Lost, but the road home is familiar.
It slips through my hands,
like little fish gasping in the shallows.
Their fluttering bodies remind me
of something I can’t name.

Heart breaking, but softly.
Like stepping on eggshells,
like knowing and not knowing.
Resignation settles in my stomach,
a slow swallow of disappointment.

Blowing words into the silence,
watching them dissolve.
Everything is bleached, pristine white—
a space too clean,
too empty,
too much like an ending.
Happy 1st of March, many blessings your way ❣️ medication has put me in a trance like state, hope I heal soon...
Feb 27 · 1.3k
Date rape
Nemusa Feb 27
She leans into the petals,
skin dissolving into soft color,
the green veins of leaves brushing her arms
as if they have always known her.

His voice, a thread of dusk,
winds around her wrists,
pulling without force,
settling in the quiet space
between her ribs.

Her breath, uneven,
presses against his mouth,
a drowning in tenderness,
a weight both unbearable and light.

She does not resist.
She does not speak.
She simply disappears
where the flowers open.
Feb 26 · 562
spring invitation
Nemusa Feb 26
lilac clusters sway,

teasing black-furred bumblebee,

soft hum in the breeze.
Nemusa Feb 26
It’s not here.
Time grips my throat,
holds me hostage in this hollow pause.

I confide and confess to time,
a sinner every second,
more complex with each breath.

The air is thick,
pressing against my ribs,
too full of silence,
too heavy to swallow.

Hands shake—
not from cold, not from fear,
but from the empty space inside me.

Shaking in shock, triggers firing,
nowhere to go.

Golden iris blurs in the mirror,
pupils wide, searching,
movements slow,
body waiting,

I burn the evidence,
burn my fingertips,
watch the smoke twist like ghosts.
If they knew, they’d take me away from her.

But I can’t leave.
I don’t want to.
She doesn’t mean to hurt me.
It’s my fault—
I made her angry,
I should have known better.

She loves me, doesn’t she?
She keeps me close,
knows me better than anyone.
She wouldn’t lie to me—
I must be the problem.

The past drags itself forward,
pulling me under,
secrets I swore I’d buried
claw their way back.

I see them in the walls,
feel them in my skin,
hear them whisper:
you need her.

It’s like Stockholm syndrome,
this love wrapped in chains,
this hunger that owns me,
this ache that does not end.

And still, I reach for her hands.
Bad relationship with my mother but still yearn for her love. Though I cut contact like 5 years ago too much abuse and no regrets from her, not a single apology.
Nemusa Feb 26
She rises from ruin, wings burdened by crimson memory.

Sacrifice lingers, a hymn unraveling in reverse.

Jade eyes carve a path through yesterday’s sorrow.

Petals scatter, caught between celebration and unrest.

Love drifts, an offering slipping through open hands.

A promise paid in the language of fleeting bodies.

He died in sleep, untouched by the weight of farewell.

She finds euphoria in whispers of ******* nights.

Shadows dance at the edges of her knowing grin.

She pays her rent in ******* beneath powder blue skies.

A blade flicks back, a decision sharpened with time.

A mirror reflects a wound not yet surrendered to history.

Geese unravel their lines, like we came undone.

The elder woman sings of past lovers and loss.

They listen, silence curling in spaces between them.
Good morning hellopoetry community, heading to the doctor's today fingers crossed 🤞 have a good midweek ❣️
Nemusa Feb 25
The night drapes its sorrow over my skin,

a river of longing flows through my veins.

Your absence hums like a silent star,

pressed against the chest of the wind.

I gather your murmurs in my hands,

seeds of fire buried in the dark,

waiting to bloom beneath your breath.
Fever sick today there's an ache in my bones and I want to sleep. Have a good day everyone ❣️
Feb 24 · 168
in the whispering glow
Nemusa Feb 24
the sky spills (softblue laughter)
over tomorrow’s edge—
where dreams flutter
like dandelion seeds
in a breathless breeze

and love (crooked smile)
blooms wild in the cracks
of broken concrete hearts
while shadows (playful)
hide-and-seek with glowing light

oh! how the stars (tiny giggles)
wink down at us,
tangled in a universe
of wonder—

we are (infinite children)
tracing constellations
with fingertips,
painting the night
with whispers of hope—
(isn’t it beautiful?)

to feel the pulse
of existence (sweet ache)
being alive,
even as fears
(bleeding, faint)
linger like needles,
silence trying to change
the rainbow pastels of
pills and apologies—
(too late)

in this (ever-spinning)
mind-control dreams flicker
like dying stars,
reminding us we still (breathe)
hoping hopefully for dawn,
where light breaks
through the bruised edges
of our souls.
Good morning hellopoetry community, wish you all a wonderful week ahead full of strength and courage and healing ❣️
Feb 22 · 216
The Hive's Lament
Nemusa Feb 22
The walls breathe in, exhale.
He is afraid. The air is thick with it,
coiling like smoke from a dying fire.
A battlefield of splintered desks,
shoes scraping linoleum—
a boy thrashing against himself,
limbs loose, a puppet whose strings
have snapped.

I lie here staring at the bluest of skies,
a lie in itself, because the sky is nothing,
just a ceiling of quiet indifference.
The weight of voices settles on my chest,
mocking relentless, pressing, pressing—
a hive swarming beneath my ribs.

His mother weeps into cupped hands,
his father stares into the nowhere beyond
the drywall, jaw clenched,
as if holding his teeth in place
will keep the world from crumbling.
Every mistake, a fault line.
Every silence, an aftershock.

The bees fall, their golden dust wasted.
He kicks and kicks, a metronome of rage.
The desks collapse like ribs cracking,
his voice—feral, raw—
rakes against the air.

I want you to know, my friends,
you’re the reason I’m not running away.
But the words fall dead in my mouth,
drowned beneath the hum of fluorescence,
the sterile hands of pity reaching, reaching,
but never grasping.

The hive bleeds.
The world stares back, unmoved.
He is sorry, but there is no language for it,
only the heavy sound of breath,
a body too small for such a war.
Good morning beautiful poets, wishing you a lovely weekend ❣️ managed to write about yesterday's incident. If you don't work with severely disabled people it's hard to imagine a violent tantrum like the one I witnessed yesterday and had to calm the boy down, it will remain imprinted in my brain so sad to see a teenager going through this now we're suspecting schizophrenia as well I feel so helpless. But somehow it brought us workers all the more united very glad to be working with this team.
Feb 21 · 213
What Remains
Nemusa Feb 21
The sea unfastens itself,
spills open over stone.
I cast my grief into the foam,
watch it unravel,
then return.

The wind moves without purpose,
pulling at things already broken.
Memory, a thread stretched thin,
still refuses to let go.

The fire took your name,
spoke it once, then turned to ash.
But even in ruin,
something lingers,
something waits.

I call the water to take it all,
to wash clean what the light exposes.
But the ocean is a keeper,
a quiet mouth that never forgets.

Regret drifts beyond reach,
splintered, sinking,
too heavy to lift,
too distant to call back.

And you—
a breath, an absence,
a shape the tide cannot hold.
I step past the harbor’s edge,
and walk into what remains.
Oh what a week and what a day, so glad to finally be heading home from work really need to unwind. I'm just sharing this last few words I wrote... when I get home I'll try to write about my experience of the day but right now I'm still under shock and unable to write...
Feb 20 · 179
Lie to me
Nemusa Feb 20
In the hush of your lingering,  
I hear whispers—  
lost things,  
unvoiced sighs,  
a heartbeat (soft),  
echoing the  

You were a flicker,  
a flame  
in my cold night,  
a ghostly joy  
wrapped in  
and I thought—  
I’d lost you,  
drowning in  

Lie to me,  
as I (morph)  
into shadows;  
tell me I’m fine,  
even as I unravel,  
because we are  
two souls,  
in this storm.

falling in love,  
lost in c h a o s—  
every touch  
a spark,  
every glance  
a promise,  
written in the  
stars (above).

I’ll save you,  
even if it means  
sacrificing t r u t h,  
clutching at the fragile  
beauty of  
our delusion.

So let us dance  
in the ruins,  
the world crumbling  
around us,  
embracing echoes  
of tangled desires,  
until the night swallows  
us whole & we find  
solace in the  
darkness we’ve  

Lie to me as we overdose on love,  
lie to me as I disassociate  
and give birth to another me—  
a reflection,  
a shadow,  
lost in the echoes  
of what we could be,  
a heartbeat (soft)  
in the silence,  
forever entwined.
Feb 19 · 230
Before the Light Fades
Nemusa Feb 19
Lips cracked like old riverbeds,
skin paper-thin, torn at the seams.
I move through the world like a ghost in glass,
a hush beneath the sirens, unseen.

Hunger is a slow-burning fire,
a feast of absence, a quiet war.
Only the hollow-bellied know its song,
only the lost keep score.

Mama’s love was a blade in the dark,
a cipher I could never break.
I ran with the wild ones, teeth bared,
spelling my name in scars and mistakes.

But I am done with waiting,
done with the hush and the shame.
Let the dirt take me in,
let the roots whisper my name.

I was a bullet—
cold, waiting, silent steel.
But before the light fades,
his hands find me, real.

Love like a fever, love like a flood,
a martyr’s kiss, too good for my blood.
But his voice pulls me back,
his voice makes me stay,
before the night swallows me whole,
before I slip away.
Good morning fellow hellopoetry poets wishing you a great midweek ❣️
Feb 18 · 142
The Weight of Absence
Nemusa Feb 18
i feel your absence  
like white lilies wilting  
in a forgotten vase  
unbrushed hair  
tangled in yesterday’s dreams  

names slip away  
like whispers in the wind  
each memory  
a fragile thread  

mother of the holy hands  
do you feel her touch  
in the spaces between us?  
trees whisper secrets  
the air thick with  
what once was  

unsure hands  
questioning eyes  
searching for answers  
in the echoes of silence  
where are your children?  

once greetings  
now good-byes  
in a white cotton nightdress  
the fabric of our lives  
fraying at the edges  

yet we hold on  
to the flicker of warmth  
the pulse of love  
navigating this maze together  
finding our way home  
even in the dark
Oh what a day, I need the next 2 hours to pass swiftly...
Feb 17 · 1000
fallen light
Nemusa Feb 17
white dove sheds feathers,

drifting through the silent dark,

contrast of lost wings.
Feb 17 · 165
Golden Silence
Nemusa Feb 17
The aspens quiver, brittle spines trembling,
a broken orchestra of gold and ache,
her feet carve the earth raw,
mud smears like confession,
the world swallows her,
skin slick with its wet approval.

Here, the sky does not accuse.
It hangs, mute and thick,
secrets buried beneath roots,
writhing like forgotten daughters.
Her smallness presses against the weight,
a quiet scream lodged in her ribs.

The ground hums its absolution,
a Eucharist of dust and decay.
She, unmothered, unfathered,
folds herself into the soil’s indifference,
her anger spilling like blood in the light.
Good morning beautiful poets, wishing you a great week ahead❣️
Feb 16 · 190
Between Worlds
Nemusa Feb 16
He stands at the edge,
where the tide forgets the shore,
where silence is an answer
but never a comfort.

His voice is a clenched fist,
striking the air,
fighting with ghosts
that call him by name.

A silver fish drifts
through darkened waters,
but he is not the fish.
He is the stone,
a weight in the deep.

Like the current,
he undoes the problems,
taking away the pain.
I love his mischievous eyes,
the way they catch light,
the way they catch me.

Somewhere between the sky and the sea,
between strength and surrender,
your hands—useful, steady—
unravel the knots,
find the spaces between words,
and press them into me.
We were made for each other.
Have a great Sunday hellopoetry friends, very under the weather today X
Feb 15 · 183
i am an afterthought
Nemusa Feb 15
i spill like ink on a torn page
veins whisper stories
     i don’t remember
the floor drinks my silence,
a quiet agreement between
    blood and breath

who was i before the cracking?
before the splitting of skin
         and thought
before my name became a stranger
    i barely dare to call

the weight is a lover
     i never chose—
pulling me into the hollow
   of my own ribs,
where echoes curl like dying
where i used to be whole

maybe it’s time to enter
          a white asylum,
surgical, controlled, safe—
     where no one can find me
perhaps my demons will fly away
     on black wings,
perhaps the walls will swallow
    my name

fingers press together scraps,
wet with glue, wet with something red,
but the edges won’t meet,
    the lines won’t hold

i am an afterthought,
    i don’t deserve love

step wrong and it all shatters—
the pulse, the breath,
       the brittle calm
i fake so well
how long does it take to disappear?
how long before the fire
     stops pretending
          to be warmth?
Feb 15 · 169
Nemusa Feb 15
You who hold the light
in the soft sigh of twilight
where shadows whisper secrets
and the world bends
like a delicate petal,
i find you
a fleeting thought,
a spark of laughter
dancing on the edge of silence.

maybe the dead
stick to us,
like stars caught in the fabric
of our skin,
weighing heavily
yet beautifully,
a tapestry of what was,
embroidered with longing.

pinch me before I wake,
like an egg yolk I gasp,
swallowed whole by this moment,
the sweet ache of remembering.
lay me down
in the unkempt grass,
where wildflowers
stretch their arms
to the sky,
and the earth
in colors of dusk—
let us lose ourselves
in this gentle chaos,
where time is a wound
that heals,
and love
is the only truth.

the one who catches
the dark,
who holds the light
in trembling hands,
remind me
that even in silence,
i am not alone,
that in the weight of shadows,
we are still
a little bit
Good morning beautiful poets, wishing you a lovely weekend ❣️
Feb 14 · 114
valentine's day
Nemusa Feb 14
i know he loves me
rough edges softened
by the warmth of his (embrace)
today—no roses bloom
but the scent of comfort lingers
in the (kitchen)
where he stirs remnants
of our lives

he is weary
yet still he moves
faithful, loyal, honest—
not traits you come by easily
these days
quiet strength in
i’m only human
and today
all i desire is the hush
of blankets
the gentle rhythm of our bodies entwined

i still want him
the man who has held my heart
through seasons of silence
in the way he bites
at my neck
the tender brush of his hands
i discover echoes of my worth
each touch—a reminder
a spark illuminating years
of feeling unseen

in the stillness
we find our refuge
two souls stitched together
in soft whispers
and shared breaths
creating a sanctuary
where love is enough
to fill the empty spaces
Feb 14 · 154
falling back
Nemusa Feb 14
into the
   glitter of
your own
            a reckless
   riot of
       that burns
too bright
          and leaves
   you hollow
   like a house
after the

to feel alive is
       (the world
          in your veins
   a song
           you never
   learned to hold
     (the weight
of breath)
          like a
     broken elevator
into the dark
       of you

“i’m fine,” you say
                     “this time”
       (you promised)
but here you are—
   back in the
the weight
        of your

it tastes like
rust, regret,
      (the blackness)
sleeping feels
like sinking—
   how do you tell
them you’d
        rather not
   wake tomorrow?

“i’m sorry”
        sticks in your
they want your
but you’re out,
   out like
   a flickering
          (the itch,
   the need)
to chase the
   next high,
               a needle,
     a prayer—
and still,
    it spits you out
this cycle,
   this sickness,
        this burden
      no one asked for

you sleep, hoping
to find a softer
far from the
      endless climb
and the crash,
   wanting to rest
         but you wake,
and again,
   and again.
Feb 14 · 51
endless embrace
Nemusa Feb 14
love is a wild
   whispering river
        where hearts t u m b l e
          in sweet chaos,

sacrifices linger—
   soft shadows,
      breathless echoes of
        what we give,

i am a pearl
   of kindness
      resting on your tongue,
         a promise,
         a fluttering
      in the d a r k.

nature cradles
   our wounds like
      fragile flowers,
         blooms of forgiveness
      s t r e t c h i n g toward the
            light of new beginnings,

in the womb of the universe,
   we breathe life into dreams,
      acknowledging the
         precious moments,
   sharing secrets
      whispered in the night—

and in the soft
   embrace of dying,
      we find the
         thread of healing,
   weaving yesterday
     into tomorrow—

oh, how we dance,
   the endless embrace,
      two souls
         spinning in
    the bittersweet
   rhythm of existence,

celebration in every touch,
   a symphony of heartbeats,
      where joy and sorrow
         i n t e r t w i n e,
   crafting a tapestry
      rich with love’s
   enduring grace.
Good morning and happy st. Valentine to those who celebrate it, may love be with you always ❣️
Feb 13 · 530
egrets at dawn
Nemusa Feb 13
snow white egrets glide,  

tip-toeing through reeds so green,  

morning whispers peace.
Good morning dear hellopoetry poets ❣️ wish you a day full of strength and inspiration, been feeling stuck in a rut of late... some healing is taking place as I keep writing about the same time in my life...
Feb 12 · 181
tender hopes
Nemusa Feb 12
In the quiet of our hearts,  
where the shadows hold our secrets,  
I feel her touch,  
tracing the scars of our stories,  
mapping the
woven into our skin—  
the universe conspiring,  
whispering truths we’ve long

We are not just observers;  
we are the keepers of tender hopes,  
nurturing thoughts like fragile blooms,  
each one a promise,  
a breath caught in the stillness,  
waiting to unfurl in the light,  
a heartbeat echoing  
through the corridors of our souls.  

I shiver under the weight  
of this endless journey,  
where endings are merely doorways,  
and in every shadow,  
a spark of light flickers,  
the way we shed our pasts,  
embracing the cycle,  
the gentle sway  
between night and day.  

In the pulse of our connected hearts,  
we are reborn,  
the echoes of who we were  
intertwined with who we’ll be,  
lovers hidden in the twilight,  
bound by threads of silence,  
in this sacred space,  
we discover our true selves,  
held close in the arms of our humanity,  
the cosmos  
nestled in our palms,  
waiting for  
the dawn of clarity,  
like a whisper aching to
                                     break free.
Feb 11 · 143
Quiet Embrace
Nemusa Feb 11
We hold each other,  
skin to skin,  
the warmth wraps around us,  
a fragile cocoon,  
where the outside world  
dissolves into whispers,  
and silence breathes life  
into our shared solitude.  

No one has ever
wanted me  
with such depth,  
not even death,  
with its icy allure  
and promises of stillness.  
Yet here, in the rhythm of our
I find a quiet refuge,  
a heartbeat echoing mine,  
each sigh a silent plea  
for the closeness that binds us.  

In the shadows we linger,  
two souls woven together,  
red threads of longing stitched  
into the fabric of this moment,  
reminding me that even in the dark,  
there is a flicker of warmth.  
In this tender intimacy,  
I am seen,  
a whisper of connection  
that lingers in the air,  
soft and resplendent,  
a reminder that love,  
fragile yet fierce,  
can illuminate the quiet spaces  
between us.
Feb 11 · 415
Harvest of the Sea
Nemusa Feb 11
Blue seas shrink away,

Salt-pans drink the sky’s wide hue,

White crystals are born,

Harvested with care and toil,

To season our humble meals.
Good morning hellopoetry community, rest for me today have a wonderful day ❣️
Feb 10 · 198
the pulse of letting go
Nemusa Feb 10
in the heart  
   of the earth  
where shadows weave  
      and whispers flutter  
like light on water—  
i stand  
   a solitary figure,  
yesterday’s weight  
   melting away,  
a cloak of memory  
   unraveling at the seams  

the sea sings  
   a lullaby of blue,  
secrets breathed to the wind,  
while grass—a tapestry  
   of green—  
bends low, cradling  
soft echoes of love  

i gather remnants  
   of dreams,  
fragments like shells  
   on the shore,  
each a promise,  
   a sigh,  
caught in the web  
   of what might have been,  
lingering like haunting  

was it quiet surrender  
   that opened my chest  
      to the sky...
was it freedom,  
the heart from chains  
   of desire,  
that led me  
   to this sacred silence...

and still, colors sway—  
   a riot of life,  
the world unfurling  
   in wild bloom,  
and i, a traveler,  
at threads of existence  

the grass bends,  
   humble witness,  
never breaking,  
   always yielding,  
teaching me the art  
   of resilience,  
the gentle dance  
   of endings,  
woven with new beginnings’  

here, at the horizon  
   of my soul,  
i learn to embrace  
   the ebb and flow,  
to let go, to surrender—  
for in the quiet,  
   i find life’s pulse,  
and understand every farewell  
   is but a breath  
away from hello.
Feb 10 · 480
morning serenity
Nemusa Feb 10
swan glides through the mist,  

rippling glass of tranquil lakes,  

nature's breath in peace.
St Paul's feast day today we get a public holiday ❣️
Feb 9 · 649
Autumn's whispers
Nemusa Feb 9
Marigolds tremble,
burnt orange flames in the breeze,
sun sheds golden strands.
Ladybird on fragile wings,
rides waves of autumn's sorrow.

Leaves curl, whispering,
the earth sighs with each ripple.
Daylight wanes, fades slow.
Contraction of waves unseen,
a soft grief hums through the air.
Nemusa Feb 9
i see the  
    a kaleidoscope of  
  memories (whispers  
   of laughter and  
   flickering like  
   dying stars  

death, with a  
   (hades’ embrace)  
   wraps her in  
   velvet darkness  
   where time  
   bends and  

   strewn like fallen  
   each moment  
   a ghost that  
   clings (to  
   the edges of  
   her fading light)  

   a tempest in  
   her veins;  
   the world  
   (a soft sigh)  
   she slips  
   into the  
   arms of night  

and i,  
   a witness,  
   hold my breath,  
   caught in the  
   web of  
Good morning wishing you a restful Sunday, my eyes keep closing I'm exhausted stayed up all night ❣️
Feb 8 · 154
constellations of you
Nemusa Feb 8
in the quiet  
   of your mind’s  
   where shadows play  
         and whispers weave  
      a tapestry of  
         fears and dreams,  
         (you are not alone)  
you are the  
      of chaos,  
   wildflowers blooming  
      in the cracks of  
         your heart’s  
   each petal a  
         echo of  

let the voices sing  
   their strange melodies,  
      (not monsters,  
         but echoes)  
   and the highs and lows  
      are just the  
   of your  
         ocean soul—  
   rise and fall,  
      flow and breathe,  
         you are  
            living art,  
   a beautiful  
      dance of  
   light and shadow  

so gather the stars,  
   weave them into  
      your thoughts,  
   (you are the night’s  
      tender guardian)  
and let the world  
   hold you—  
      a constellation  
   everything you are.
Nemusa Feb 8
in the dim light of  
           our laughter  
we unravel  
   the tangled threads of sorrow  
               (whiskey drips like rain)  

your eyes hold  
   the universe’s  
             softest secrets,  
while smoke curls like  
        whispered dreams  
   slipping through fingers  

we have work to do  
            (trust is a fragile bird)  
   listening to the echoes  
of what was and what might be,  
               grieving in the  
              spaces between words  

as dawn stretches its arms,  
   we rise from the ashes,  
   two wild hearts  
    (beating in unison)  
   reborn in the light of a  
                brand-new day.
Feb 8 · 414
fleeting fireworks
Nemusa Feb 8
love's bright burst ignites,  

apologies in the night,  

lust fades with dawn's light.
Good morning again beautiful poets of hellopoetry. Already posted and deleted, hate when I wake up so unsure of myself, I feel it's going to be one of those days... but anyway much love ❣️
Nemusa Feb 7
In the tapestry of existence,  

where shadows dance


we find ourselves,  

woven into the fabric of
each s t i t c h a whisper

of what was.

Oh, the heart, a vessel of longing,  

bears the weight of unspoken sorrows
and in the silence of reflection
the truth lies h i d d e n, 
beneath layers of



Embrace the surrender,  

for in



we find the essence,
the sacred truth of our being, 
unadorned by the judgments of the past,  

freed from the chains of despair.

In the eclipse of our pain
the light may seem distant, 
yet within the                                darkness
wisdom stirs,  

a gentle reminder of

                                                               ­          resilience.

Thus, we walk the path anew,
not as prisoners of memory

but as
finding beauty in the scars,  

and grace in the



                                                               ­             becoming.
& the weekend begins, time to rest as I am drained in every sense, have a great one my fellow poets...
Feb 7 · 121
Nemusa Feb 7
In the soft twilight of memory’s embrace,  
I seek atonement,
Razor-edged thoughts like whispers in the dark,  
Conquering hearts that

                                once dared to hope,  
Silencing dreams,  
Like black balloons adrift

Cigarette ash lingering on

Words spill forth, a torrent against distance,  
Flies dance in the air,
avoiding the hand,  
While the staircase of my
Addicting depression folds into fleeting mania,  
I wander
fields of dreams,  
             ­                                                                 ­ away,  
Longing for silence wrapped in hues,  
Choking on

dawn’s memories
Lessons etched in fragments of existence,  
Creation fading like the

Br­eathless, she races toward the morrow,  
Where sheeted ghosts
twirl in a spectral waltz,  
Eternal waves crash on the
jagged shore,  

And in that chaos,

                                                                ­     marvel,  
Little bubbles caught just
beneath the surface,  
As her bones crumble,
returning to dust.  

No borders to past mistakes,  
Suicide whispers of contrition

a war of regrets,  

Suffering, the promise of becoming,  
Pain painted as                      
                                        ­                       smiles,  
In the sacred loop of confusion's grasp.
Good morning beautiful people ❤️ experimenting on an old piece...
Feb 6 · 439
Nemusa Feb 6
Calla lilies bloom,  

white snow on a black canvas,  

grace in shadows' hold.
Feb 6 · 197
Nemusa Feb 6
Well, the night is long,  
and the silence stings,  
messages like whispers,  
caught on invisible strings.  
How will you know what to do,  
when the truth feels like a game,  
and the words that fall from your lips,  
are just echoes of shame?  

In this world of quick decisions,  
where every glance can deceive,  
the heart wears a mask,  
and the soul learns to grieve.  
A liar’s tongue can spin a tale,  
but the heart knows the score,  
underestimate the shadows,  
and you’ll find you’re wanting more.  

Oh, we’re different features  
of the same old face,  
chasing memories like ghosts,  
in this empty, crowded space.  
Time’s a thief in the night,  
it moves like a restless tide,  
risking everything for a moment,  
when the truth can’t be denied.  

So we reach across the darkness,  
with hands that tremble and shake,  
searching for that flicker,  
in a world that feels so fake.  
And when the morning breaks,  
with the dawn’s gentle light,  
we’ll find the strength to rise,  
and make our shadows bright.
Feb 5 · 158
a moment (shatters)
Nemusa Feb 5
fight club rage consuming—
circle breathes (tightens),
pavement whispers—skin’s
delicate scream unwinding.

(fists) crash
into self-destruction,
blood sings
its red forever.

hate carves itself into fists,
teeth scatter
like stars (broken
and free). voices
a hymn to

eyes (swim)
in dizzy skies,
head a fragile
planet turning turning.

rage blooms into meditation.
splits heal to split again,
knuckles learning the
art of (necessary) undoing.

the world shrinks to
bone & breath,
a body alive
only in breaking.
It's funny how anger can give you a rush of adrenaline I was exhausted but now I'm fuming.
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