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 Jul 2016 Maloi

Parched and dry, this barren field stretches,
I wander, head hung low,
staring at the emptiness eclipsing my thoughts
Brittle blades of grass disappear beneath
my worn out sneakers,
black and white crushing beige
in slow fashioned footprints of blistered dust

“My sanity for some cool water.”

When upon my shoulders, reddened by solar intensity,
wet from exerted energy, comes a breeze
as if Autumn has come to claim her colors,
to gather her brown and sepia landscape,
pull the lifeless trees, with little leaf
from the chalk textured ground taking it
where it would suit another, for this is my luck

“Take my shade I beg not, for it is merely a branch.”

Like fingers of a silken web’s reach,
a soft caress of skin is not understood, though very pleasant
Nature finds me a shiver, a small comfort in this arid place
once crawling with snakes of assorted length, now
green as if lush has just been defined
with sweet air and pomegranate skies featuring a glow,
pristine shades of which I’ve never seen, heavenly

“To whom might I thank for such a gift?”

When before me stands, my eyes saturated and lost
slowly focus on beauty, winged loveliness now smiling within my own
personal oasis, which quickly forms in my heart
An angel, a goddess, extends a hand to me?
My cracked and weathered palm touches, smooth, gentle
her hand as she lifts me, I am weightless, floating
to her, my breath leaves me as I wonder, is this my end?

“If this beauty shall be my final curtain, let it be dropped slowly.”

A voice of velvet speaks, as I fade in and out of reality,
now steadied by her touch and the sweet scent of lavender and lime
“I have come to you as a verse, for poetry is thy keeper,
thy words have been heard,” lyrical this voice sings
melodic and harmonious, a rhythm to the beat of my heart,
the race of my pulse, the love of my life, my muse, my all

*“Eternal to you I shall write, for your beauty fuels my pen.”
 Jul 2016 Maloi
Melinda Barrett
Like a rock I crumble under the erosion of obstacles insane
Like the sun I burst into my own foreshadow’s flames
Like the wind I feel every tentacle of love’s sting in vain
Like the trees I stand absolute through my epiphanies and pain
 Jun 2016 Maloi
Natsumi Nakai
when I'm looking at you
and you're looking back at me
I wonder how
the gods were
able to shrink a thousand
into those eyes and
I wonder how
an entire galaxy
can spread throughout
the palms of your hands

how I wish you were just the
sands in the ocean
within my reach, easy
to grasp
or the trees in the mountains
where I could wrap my
arms around

but there you are
yes, beautiful and
shining bright
but from where I stand
too far away
to hold

too far
 Jun 2016 Maloi

Stand in my way
and I'll just go around
Nary a grumble,
not even a sound

Stuck out in traffic
won't phase me at all
Bumper to bumper,
slowed down to a crawl

Standing in lines
that are endless it seems
I do not care
for I'm lost in my dreams

Sitting on hold for
an hour on the phone
I hardly notice
the minutes have flown

Paperwork piled up,
I've so much to do
Doesn't upset me
so soon I'll be through

Losing connections
where signals are bad
I'll just be patient,
it won't make me mad

Little frustrations
I faced everyday
Have all disappeared,
you have chased them away

Nothing will bother me,
not any more
Since now I've met you,
the one I adore
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