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Aug 2015 · 290
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
Does he take care of you?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he listen to your fears
and share his own with you?
Where do you feel things?
He feels fear is his throat,
you feel it crawling up your spine
like spiders with too many legs.
What if he doesn't feel
love the same way as you?
That burning, like a shot of *****,
Like you swallowed fire.
What if you don't feel the same?
Aug 2015 · 406
No sleep
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
Have you slept?
but I dreamed of you.
     It wasn't really a dream
it was a nightmare.
              Have you slept?
    Then it wasn't a dream.
Was it a nightmare?
     Are you afraid of me?
            *    It was a nightmare.
Aug 2015 · 610
It's hard to breathe.
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
With every breath,
You exhale fear.
With every gasp,
You inhale death.
Aug 2015 · 599
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
Silence is golden,
Your words are quicksilver.
Silence is painful,
The words may sting,
But silence is a quiet death,
a poison creeping in your veins.
Say nothing, do nothing,
Feel nothing.
Silence is golden,
Silence is cruel.
Aug 2015 · 392
Where have you gone?
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
Have you forsaken me?
I thought you needed me.
...wanted me...
Didn't you?
My mind feels so
desolate without you.
Aug 2015 · 505
and it makes me sick
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
You make me feel
like I'm not good enough.

You make my stomach
do somersaults against my will.
My eyes tear up around you.
I think my eyelashes are falling out,
make a wish before there are none left.
I think I'm going to throw up.

You make me feel like I'm not good enough
*and it makes me sick.
Aug 2015 · 793
Thoughts from the void?
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
Only the good die
and the alarm clock won't stop screaming
Why don't you ever blink?
My voice doesn't echo.
Entropy undoes everything.
The stars go out,
the universe cools,
a closet door creaks open.
My silhouette becomes an infinity of birds
Unsettled. I know this doesn't make sense. Did anything make sense though?
Aug 2015 · 308
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
Would it **** you to promise me the truth?
You've promised me the world,
The stars and the sky and the sun,
The moon and the clouds and galaxies,
You've promised me Paris and Milan,
But all I ever wanted was the truth.
Till death do us part was not the first lie
and it wasn't the last.
Aug 2015 · 1.0k
Please don't forget me
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
It terrifies me,
truly, utterly, completely
terrifies me.

To know that
someday, I'm going to die
and not be able to save all those people
who I've never met but desperately planned to save.
There will be sunsets that I never see,
light that never touches my skin,
grass I will never walk on.

I'm a drop in the ocean,
a grain of sand,
a pebble.
I wanted to make waves,
but I cannot even manage a ripple

It scares me that I am going to die,
and the world will forget me,
more than it already has.
All I will leave behind is a file of sad poems and some tears drowned in an ocean of sorrow
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Stay who you are
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
If you're going to break
if you're going to shatter
If you're going to change,
Don't go too far
Stay who you are.
Aug 2015 · 366
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
She poured the liquid gold
from one hand to the other.
Scalding and burning
But oh so beautiful.
*"We were all that remained."
I never understood her, but who could hope to?
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
If she saw the world
through rose colored glasses,
I saw the world as a raindrop
falling from a storm cloud.
Aug 2015 · 451
Not real
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
I call him a monster
when I write about him.
Because I can't imagine
a person would do what he did.
Make him a story, a monster,
Not a human, he can't be.
He couldn't understand the word no,
Nor the pleading and the tears.
He cannot be a person,
with a family, friends,
who listens to old rock music
and eats take out Chinese food on Saturdays.
He can't be a person,
I don't understand.
Scattered thoughts, sorry
Aug 2015 · 427
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
Will you hide from the sun?
Or shall you bask in
Its golden rays and
Warming light.
The sun touches all,
Reaches all,
Sees all.
You cannot hide from the sun,
But you can try.
Jul 2015 · 462
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
You would have fought.
You would have fought
until the death, until the end.
Until the sun burned out;
And the world fell cold,
You would have fought
And I'm sorry I cannot be
as strong and fierce as you.
Jul 2015 · 445
To my monster
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
Do you remember me?
Do you remember what you did?
Does it haunt you at night,
like it haunts me?
I fear that your sins,
your crimes,
haunt me more than you.
Do you feel remorse,
Or nothing at all?
It frightens me.
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I'm sorry.
It hurts when you treat me like this.
I was wrong.
Will you wait for me?
I love you.
I'm afraid.
It's lonely.
I can't do this anymore.
You're so beautiful.
*I miss you.
I hope that one day, we can overcome our fears of speaking our minds.
Jul 2015 · 627
Dance with the devil
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I taught myself to waltz
so I could dance with
the skeletons in your closet.
It's a gruesome sight
as we spin through the silence.
Silence broken only by whispers
of your secrets divulged to me.
And I learned that I was
dancing with the devil.
Jul 2015 · 594
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I can't sleep with
            The sound of your
                   h e a r t  b e a t
          in my
Jul 2015 · 9.8k
String Theory
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
It is my theory
that we are all connected.
From the thread around your finger
to the ribbon on her wrist
and the rope tightened on my neck.
Every action has a consequence,
because when you pull on the string;
*something unravels.
Jul 2015 · 823
Strawberry boy
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I met you that hot summer day
On the side of the road,
Selling produce in the middle of nowhere:
With that strawberry blonde hair
And those adorable freckles.

You were my strawberry boy.
I always loved the taste
but hated the fruit.
But I would but five thousand
Just to see you again.
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
Do over
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
Everyone deserves a second chance,*
so they say.
But i've made too many
unfixable mistakes.*
No more chances will save me.
Jul 2015 · 1.5k
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
If I wrote it in blood,
would it mean more?
Jul 2015 · 357
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
If you had a soul,
I'd tear it to shreds
and tie it in a bow
as a gift for my
accursed companion.
I'm a friend of the devil.
Are you a friend of mine?
Revenge is so sweet.
Jul 2015 · 753
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I don't want to burn my bridges,
what if I still need to cross them?
I know they're all using me.
Tell me to stop being a pushover.
They come to me when they need something,
but when I'm falling apart,
it's always alone.
All the kings men couldn't put
humpty dumpty together again.
How am I supposed to do it by myself?
Is this a one way bridge
that I have jumped from?
It's only a case of loneliness.
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I saw you again last night
sad eyes, fierce gaze,
Sitting among the silent pews.

You look so broken,
But so beautiful.
Pain is so ethereal on your face,
I wish I could catch it
and wash it away.

I hope you find peace.
Jul 2015 · 388
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
There's only one bullet in the gun.
Click in the chamber
Which way does it go?
"This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper. "
Jul 2015 · 307
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I'd call you a monster,
but I am one too
and you already know.
It takes one to see one.
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
Nothing pleasant happens here.
I'm asking you to stay
but telling you to leave.
I don't want to be alone,
but I want you to be happy.
and if you stay,
you should know
nothing pleasant ever happens here.
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
When I got to heaven,
I looked around for
my long lost love.
And an angel said to me
He never loved you,
it's not his idea of heaven
to be with you.
And that's when I realized
*this wasn't heaven.
it was hell.
Jul 2015 · 347
A stay of execution
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
Set me on fire already.
I've been waiting a long time.
Go ahead, just do it.
I won't scream anymore.
one last goodbye to end all goodbyes
Jul 2015 · 384
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
The roses I planted might never grow.
Maybe they know better.
They don't want to be picked
and handed to a loveless woman
to die in a vase, forgotten on the sill.
I've discovered this adorable site that lets you talk to active listeners anonymously and provides a lot of help for people struggling by giving them a chance to talk about their problems in a judgement free environment. Check it out here:
Jul 2015 · 304
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
You're so cold to touch
on this grey morning.
He promised we'd be forever young
but it's only an eternal dream
with an inevitable end.
The sign said happiness for rent
and I'd take that over a home.
I don't want to know the gory details
and I'd rather not look at the broken souls.
Is this how we intend to live out our days?
I just want to go home once more.
Jul 2015 · 410
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
What was it like when your world turned to ash?*

Did it hurt,
or did everything just
*crumble and fade away?
Jul 2015 · 379
There are no stars
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I used to count the stars
when I was anxious.

It was beautiful when
they fell from the sky.
Everyone took pictures
and spoke of the
art of destruction.

There are no stars now
and the night grows cold
and all anyone does
is ask *why?
Jul 2015 · 484
2:03 am
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
How do I sleep?
I realize I don't do it
as often as I should.
I lie awake and stare at the ceiling
as the walls close in
and the darkness is blinding
and the silence deafening,
How do I sleep?
I need the rest.
My eyes hurt.
Jul 2015 · 292
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
Why do you do this to yourself?*
I don't know.
Jul 2015 · 352
Like a bucket with a hole
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
You called me empty,
but all the thoughts in my head
couldn't fill your heart.
I tried to fill it, I really did.
Jul 2015 · 1.7k
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
The touch of the sunlight,
the warmth of the water
dancing around our ankles,
smell the salt in the air,
fresh and clean and pure.
Little tastes of happiness.
But it's never enough for you.

You think that happiness is a state,
like liquid or gas, something you stay in.
But happiness is in the fleeting moments,
the laughter of friends,
hot chocolate, sweet and smooth
with little marshmallows.

Dancing in the rain,
wearing your favorite shirt,
a walk through the woods,
a hug just a little longer than usual,
the warmth of someone else's arms.
These fleeing moments are
where you find happiness.
Jul 2015 · 394
Be happy and just smile
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
The world is obsessed with forced positivity
and everyone is afraid to feel anything else
for fear that their emotions are wrong,
because you're not allowed to feel
anything but
Happiness isn't the end game of life
Jul 2015 · 294
The sun sets too early
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
The sun sets too early.
There's never enough light
to keep the darkness at bay.
Golden warmth against chilling black,
I begged the sun never to leave.
There's never enough light,
and there's even less hope
to win the war
when my source of light
has run away.
Jul 2015 · 695
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I saw the devil in your eyes.
Too bad I didn't believe.
I should have known,
the moment you touched me,
You were hunting
and I was the prey.
Jul 2015 · 570
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
To be honest,
when I ran my hands through the flame,
I somewhat hoped that I would catch fire
and turn to ashes,
to blow away in the wind
and never come back.
*but it just burned
Jul 2015 · 624
The taste of your lips
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
You taste like poetry and alcohol
another bad decision
another day washed away
with the bittersweet burn
leave me feeling giddy
all the pain forgotten
for just a little while
before it comes back
worse than before
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
Today I learned,
that I am useless,
that I will be alone,

All because I told
a man that I am
not interested in ***.

I'm sorry that I cannot
fulfill my purpose in life.
Because clearly,
all that matters is
my ability to please
Jul 2015 · 278
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I see myself falling to pieces.*
I would cover your eyes,
but I'm too busy covering my own.
Watch me fall apart,
I cannot stand
to look.
Tell me when it's over.
Jul 2015 · 237
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
I never knew how to be happy
But you never knew how to be kind.
Maybe that's why we're both broken now.
Jun 2015 · 1.3k
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
Words are ******* tsunamis but people splash them around like they're puddles.
Jun 2015 · 366
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
A chemical imbalance,
says my textbooks.
But how did it happen?
Was it natural?
Was it hereditary?
Did someone break you
so much,
that your own mind
couldn't stay together?
Jun 2015 · 806
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
Do you ever feel alone?
Not just alone, but

Everything is kind of empty,
and you can't quite feel whole.
Sure, there are people around,
but you don't really feel there,
or maybe it's they who aren't there.

It's not just alone,
it's *lonely.
I can't quite put what I'm feeling into words.
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