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Jun 2015 · 423
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
Most people give up on themselves so easily.
Jun 2015 · 629
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
Dry skin,
****** nose,
cracked lip,
bruised knuckles.

Shattered vase,
empty bottle,
hair ties,
leather belt.

Closed eyes,
stinging palm,
sore cheek,
***** breath.

One word,
one thought,
one plea:
I cannot separate me from "we".
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
My writing used to mean something.
I promise.
But now I try to write
and then the keyboard is wet
and my eyes are burning
and the words don't come out right
I swear it used to mean something
but I don't know how to be eloquent
and I've forgotten how to articulate
and why
*why can't I find the same meaning?
sorry sorry sorry sorry
Jun 2015 · 553
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
I can only breathe the air
after it has rained,
when it tastes like lightning
and thunder and sky.
It's the only time my lungs
feel clean and your breath
isn't there and the burning stops.

You left a storm in my mind
and an icy wind in my heart.
It's storming, come dance in the rain?
Jun 2015 · 310
Candy Lies
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
Let me hear a lie,
to ease the bitter taste
the truth has left behind.
Lies taste so sweet,
sickly and sticky and sweet.
Tell me everything will be okay.
Tell me it gets better.
Let me hear a lie.
I can no longer tell if I'm an optimist or a cynic
Jun 2015 · 259
Don't ask
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
Two hours of sleep
A piece of cheese and a *******
for lunch
Close the curtains
I hate the sunlight
three blankets
sweaty but safe
go home
stay home
leave me alone
Did you eat?
You're worrying me.
Empty words, cold replies
go back to sleep
Jun 2015 · 316
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
I'm so sick of being called cold.
I know.
I know.
I'm not like you.
Not anymore.
I know I'm distant.

But... I'm tired and empty
and I don't have the energy
to pretend anymore.

So go ahead,
Go ahead and call me a
Frigid *****
I did nothing to you but keep my distance,
But go ahead.

I know,
**I know I'm cold.
Jun 2015 · 297
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
I don't believe in destiny,
in some grand plan for me.
My achievements are my own,
As are my failures, my mistakes,
My miscomings and misdeeds.
The things I've experienced,
Who could have planned those?
If someone had planned for
the terrible things I've known,
All I can say is
*it must be a cruel god indeed.
Jun 2015 · 302
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
You think you can point your finger at the monster
and place the blame on the different?
Take a look in the mirror
and tell me,
who is the monster?
Who is truly the monster,
my friend?
The traitor
or the one who sought
Jun 2015 · 259
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
Will you teach me
how to be brave?
How to hold myself
together when all
the my pieces are
shattered on the floor?
Do you know how to be strong?
Does anyone?
Jun 2015 · 627
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
We need some light.
The morning sun,
the breaking dawn.
Midday warmth
and basking in the sun.
The setting sun,
the dying light.
We need some light
to see the truth.
I missed sharing my words. I don't dare call it poetry. I just missed it.
May 2015 · 372
Hello, and goodbye
Liz And Lilacs May 2015
I'm not one for theatrics.
I just... I wanted to say goodbye,
or at least explain myself.
My name is Liz and I like to think I can write.
Things have been really tough for me lately, writing and drawing has been what's holding me together. But one can only hold themselves together for so long before things start to shift and slide. Strings cannot hold together the shattered vase like glue can. We all know how hard it can be to find all the pieces and put the vase back together.

Now, I'm not some fragile ceramic object, but i've been feeling a bit shattered lately, a lot shattered, actually. There's no halfway shattered, is there? Anyways, back to the subject at hand, I'm not happy. I know so many people who are so unhappy and so hopeless. It's sad, these shells of people walking around all grey and empty. They look like ghosts. I feel like them.

Yet, no one seems to see the world the way I do. I guess i've always looked at things differently, somehow managing to be the most optimistic pessimist and the most pessimistic optimist at the same time. The way I see things, it's like the world is this grey place, yet there are still splotches of color every once in a while, and they're all the more beautiful for being surrounded by so much grey. I don't know.  I just feel so alone.

I've been feeling like this for a while. Alone, empty, not good enough. Something is lacking and i just cannot find it in my heart to write. So, i'm putting the pen down. I only hope I won't drown without my life preserver. It just isn't the same anymore.

It's been so lovely getting to know you all and reading your poetry. Thank you for sharing those tiny pieces of your souls for everyone. Jan, I tried. To the one who called herself Wicked, I wish I would have spoken to you more.

Hello poetry, and goodbye.
If you took the time to read this, thank you. Hello... and goodbye.
May 2015 · 397
Liz And Lilacs May 2015
We don't talk about it.
When someone brings up
their body, your imperfections,
the way her eyes don't light up,
the scars on my wrists,
We brush it off and turn away.
We cannot talk about it.

I try not to think about
how much I hate myself.

Self hatred is taboo.
Unhappiness isn't permitted.
But we're all so miserable.
Wouldn't it be better if
we didn't feel so alone?
Had to get stitches today.
May 2015 · 271
The afterlife
Liz And Lilacs May 2015
It’s something I need to know.
I've spent my life asking why?
but never receiving answers.
Life is a bitter adventure.
There's nothing real about it,
but I enjoyed the fake feelings.

This won’t have a happy ending,
but maybe this is what I want.
My mouth won't let me say the words
but it doesn't make me happy anymore.
It seemed like the easiest way.
To close one's eyes and go to sleep.
*What is on the other side?
Maybe we won't like the answer.
You know if I died, I wouldn't leave a trace.
May 2015 · 350
To the muses: Come Back
Liz And Lilacs May 2015
I always loved the idea of a muse by my side, gifting me with inspiration. Maybe it made me feel less alone. Maybe that is why I feel so lonely and empty when I can't write.
Psychology tells me that authors and artists are commonly more unhappy than those whose jobs rely on logical black and white thinking.
But would we have it any other way?
What beauty is there in a world made of only black and white?
Where would we be without our words and pictures and our inspired sessions at four am when the thunder brings to mind an image that you mustn't forget?
The scrawled poems on napkins and foggy bathroom mirrors and the doodles of nightmares in the margins of my calculus notes,
I would be lost without it. I am lost without it.
So if a muse is what I'm lacking, please come back, muse.
I always feel strange when I can't write, so I started typing and this is the result. I wouldn't call it a poem, but it is what it is. I write to feel more... Or less... I don't really know... But I can't seem to get the words together.
May 2015 · 323
Liz And Lilacs May 2015
This palace is made of glass
and I can see every wicked lie
and every injustice
as clear as day.

Think you can hide behind walls and a door?
Perhaps you shouldn't make them out of glass.
My dear friend
May 2015 · 311
Great poets
Liz And Lilacs May 2015
You always knew how to make
words mean more than a definition.
And here I am trying to emulate
Frost, Hemingway, Emerson, Poe
And yet I'm reduced to a string of letters and a name.
You always knew how to make things beautiful
in a way that I cannot.
May 2015 · 322
Liz And Lilacs May 2015
I had a nightmare
where I had the wings
of which I'd always dreamed,
But they claimed it broke laws
so they tore my freedom
from my back
and I swear that
I could feel
The tendons stretch and snap
And the delicate bones shatter.
And it was agony
as they ripped my limbs
and stole my freedom.
May 2015 · 370
Liz And Lilacs May 2015
Someone protected me once...
It was a nice feeling.
Not lust, not fear, not hatred,
There was anger,
But it wasn't directed at me.
He looked at me with care,
Like I was a real person, and not a shell.
I felt like I mattered for once.
To have someone step in front of you,
To gaze up at their back as they defend you.
I could have sworn he had wings,
Like a guardian angel.
Something made it through the emptiness
Apr 2015 · 746
The morning star
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
Lucifer, the one that shines,
the morning star,
God's favorite,
cast from heaven for his sins.
And by that sin fell the angels.

but do you really believe that the devil is a monster?
That he, who was an angel, is grotesque?
No, he is beautiful and tempting,
an angel dwelling on earth,
and, god, he knows how to play a person.

Lucifer just wanted to be more like God,
is that so wrong for him to desire?
Thrown from paradise for
wanting to be like his father.
How sickening.
Inspired by this beautiful piece of music:
Apr 2015 · 280
10 Empty Words
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
You keep talking,
but all you ever say
means *nothing.
A bird in the hand may be worth two in the bush, but what is an empty hand worth?
Apr 2015 · 2.5k
An exercise in worthlessness
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
Day* faded to *night
while I wasn't watching.

You were always too good for me
and **** it, I'm not good enough.

I wanted to see the sunset, but
when I remembered, the sun was a memory.

You called me a a sunset kind of girl
and I didn't have a clue what that meant
but I liked the way it sounded on your lips.

Stop that,  this has to be unrequited,
it's better for you, for me, too.
I'm not good enough for you.

*Just leave it to be worthless.
Nothing ever works out the way we plan.
You were the day, so crisp and bright.
Apr 2015 · 593
Promise me
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
You made me promise
that I wouldn't fall apart
when you were gone.
You made me promise
to eat when I needed to,
to draw like I always did,
and not to cry too much.

But the spiderweb cracks
only lead to shattering
far worse than a simple break.
I guess I broke my promise
because I can't breathe
without your scent in my lungs.

I know I promised to stay whole,
but this is one promise
that I cannot keep.
"Pinky swear that when I'm gone, you'll take care of yourself."
Apr 2015 · 426
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I could tell by the way
that she ran her hands
across her own skin
that she hated herself.

The way she stared
sadly into the empty space
That girl would never
love herself enough.

But she never gave herself
time to learn how to love.
Dead by her eighteenth birthday,
no one ever claimed her.

Whether it was the drugs
and alcohol and sickness
or her own hatred that killed her,
I will never know.
Apr 2015 · 520
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
No matter how many times
I scrub my skin,
I still feel *****.

No matter how many
layers I burn away,
I still feel contaminated.

I cannot wash away your touch.
I can still feel your lecherous hands
and I hate it.
Apr 2015 · 668
Found poem
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
So we beat on, boats against the current,
     borne back ceaselessly into the past.
I hope she is a fool, a beautiful little fool.
Absolutely real, pages and everything.
The loneliest moment in someone's life is when
       they are watching their world fall apart
       and all they can do it stare blankly.
And I sat there brooding in the old and unknown world.
You can't repeat the past.
You can't repeat the past? Of course you can.
They're a rotten crowd, I stated,
         You're worth more than the whole **** lot of them.
When you feel like criticizing, remember not everyone
          has had the advantages you've had.
I thought of Gatsby's wonder.
So we beat on, boats against the current,
          borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Some of Fitzgerald's most poetic lines from the great gatsby,
Apr 2015 · 2.2k
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I ripped open the night sky
to see the mysteries behind the facade.
But the constellations wrinkled
and the moon was torn
the stars winked out
and fell from the sky
and I ruined the beauty
looking for something real.
Apr 2015 · 365
Writer's block
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I don't want to write about
Love and the way you taste,
The gentle way your hands feel
when tangled in the curls of my hair.

I don't want to write about
The rain and the way it smells,
The calming pitter patter
beating against the window.

I don't want to write about
The monsters I know,
The way they haunt me
with their inescapable whispers.

I don't want to write about it.
I can't write about it.
Not so much writer's block as it is anger?
Apr 2015 · 550
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
"Even your own body hates you,
enough to betray your mind."

The coldest thing
I could have heard
on that day
was what you said.

It was a bad day,
A hot day
full of my burning fear
and your scorching desire.

But what you said was so cold
So cruel
So utterly and completely terrifying
and absolutely humiliating.

"Even your own body hates you,
enough to betray your mind."
Apr 2015 · 444
Chit chat
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
You asked me how I felt
and I'll be honest;
I feel like ****
which you didn't want to hear
But it's your own fault
For asking
What you
Apr 2015 · 466
Day Dreaming
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
Go to sleep before you dream.*
I've come to enjoy dreaming
far more than waking;
so much so, that I forget
to remember that I am awake.
Drifting mind and drifting eyes,
I swear, I want to be somewhere else.
Apr 2015 · 400
I just...
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I hope heaven is real,
because I know you'll be happy
for the first time.
If there is a paradise,
I hope you're there.
Apr 2015 · 541
Swallowed words
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
They leave a bad taste,
Bitter on the tongue;
The words I never said.

They fluttered around,
Desperate to escape,
But I swallowed them whole.

I love you,
I hate you,
Please don't go.

I swallowed them,
but it sickened me
to keep them contained.
The ghosts of the things I never said haunt me
Apr 2015 · 429
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I don't feel much.
Cold and emotionless,

But other times,
I feel every last drop of emotion.
Like my body is on fire,
Too much.

Everything is so frightening.
Tip the scales...
and let me
Apr 2015 · 503
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
Purple and blue and black
fade to yellow and green.
Sickly marks marring
pale as moonlight skin.
There are so many bruises,
I fear that even a golden soul
has been blackened beyond healing.
I guess you didn't understand that when you hit me, it left marks that weren't just skin deep.
Apr 2015 · 615
The good life
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
When there are storms,
and the rains beats relentless
against the cool glass panes,
and the rumbles of thunder
shake the walls i've built;
I curl up in bed
with a favorite book
and a steaming,
fragrant cup of tea
and think, perhaps,
*It is almost a good life.
Apr 2015 · 233
Save me
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I was so convinced
that angels didn't exist
*but then I met you.
I thought you were here to save me.
Apr 2015 · 561
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I'm trying so hard to
keep my head above water.
Everything is closing in
and the darkness is settling.
The very process of drowning
makes it harder and harder
not to drown.
He wrapped his hand
around my ankle
and told me that he would
never go down alone.
Recycled lines
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
Who decides what we deserve?
Did he deserve her?
Did she deserve you?
Did I deserve that?
What do I deserve?
because I don't think
anyone deserves to
feel afraid every day.
It isn't fair that one person
gets to intimidate and hurt us.
I don't know.
Apr 2015 · 235
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I'm very aware that my writing is... lacking.
But so am I.
So keep your thoughts to yourself.

Apr 2015 · 314
So that's love
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
The way you say my name...
You make a single syllable
sound as if it means everything.
Three letters become three words,
my name echoes your feelings.
I love the way my name
tastes when you whisper it
into the space between our lips.
I don't know the first thing about love. I'm not one who should be writing love poems.
Apr 2015 · 426
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I keep my beautiful memories
encased in clear glass jars.
They glow so warmly,
Isn't it lovely to look at the past?
We can look, but we can't touch.
I can only hope the museum
doesn't catch fire in the night.
I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
Apr 2015 · 423
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
You smell like loneliness.
I can taste it in your
alcohol soaked breath.
I can feel it in your
lecherous hands.
You smell like loneliness
and it makes me sick.
this came out harsh
Apr 2015 · 351
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
You might feel immortal,
Like you're on top of the world.
No one can touch you, right?
You're special,
You have everything.
Everyone wants you,
And you want for nothing.
Well, I'll tell you a secret;
Everyone dies.
Death is the great equalizer.
Apr 2015 · 533
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I wonder what the neighbors saw,
before you drew the curtains.
Nosy neighbors, immoral actions.
Apr 2015 · 253
What's it like?
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
Can someone please tell me
what it is like to be a first choice?
To be wanted?
To feel approval?
To have some one look at you,
like you're worth something?
Apr 2015 · 286
It's one of those days
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
It's one of those days
where stay in bed
and hide under the covers
because the world is
too cold to face today.

It's one of those days
where you hand pick
your play list to be
all the sad songs you own.

It's one of those days
where all you eat is
a cup of tea and a carrot,
because you'll throw up
if you eat anything else.

It's one of those days
where you can't listen
to the silence but
you aren't actually listening.

It's just one of those days.
Sometimes I'm so sad, it's like being ill.
Apr 2015 · 529
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I once wanted to be a doctor.
A surgeon, to be exact.
Blood never bothered me,
and I wanted to save people.
But, you see, I couldn't be that.
Surgery requires precision,
And my hands shake
when I need them to be still.

I wanted to save lives,
To heal the sick,
To revive the dying.
I thought I could be
that godlike figure,
Defying death and
Stealing its victims.

But I cannot,
Simply because my hands shake
With the weight of the past.
Apr 2015 · 466
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
If I spoke louder,
Would you listen?
If I raised my voice,
Would you hear?

I know you only yelled
because you wanted to
make it more clear,
because I couldn't understand
that I was only hurting myself.
But please don't be so loud,
It makes you sound like him.

Silence is so ******* loud
And I cannot stand the
oppression of the voices
Screaming in my mind.
At least when there's sound,
I don't have to listen to
My mind criticizing myself.
None of this is related
Apr 2015 · 274
It was all too easy
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
It was all too easy,
The way you smiled,
Like a ray of light
breaking through the trees.

You brought shadows into light,
but it's just me again down here.
I wanted to give you glory,
but there was nothing you could do.

It was all too easy
to make you smile
that beautiful smile
and melt the ice in my heart.
Still trying to write a happy poem.
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