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516 · Dec 2020
Red Dec 2020
The times would
to change bringing a
of emotions and feelings.
It was kind of
I had to
to remove the
for a
of thought,
for a brief second
until my life was
Something my mind came up with during a hypomanic episode.
240 · Apr 2020
I hate this
Red Apr 2020
When you can't figure yourself out,
You try
To be
But yourself

Just to be loved
Musings from a lonely asexual
229 · Dec 2020
Red Dec 2020
Today I sit and think about words. They are hesitant.
I am at a deficit of emotions to harness and understand.
Other poets ring true and sound curious.
Is it so difficult? A plane sounds overhead. Maybe
passing my thoughts in those clouds, full of rain and
judgement. A bolt of lighting could strike at any moment
and threaten the serenity of which my mind hallucinates.

Opaque skies of grey
Wounded thoughts mix with raindrops.
A storm approaches
This is my first Haibun!
217 · Jun 2020
boolean knowledge
Red Jun 2020

it feels misunderstood
i misunderstand it

when can we feel it? true loneliness?

when their hand stiffens and drops to the floor?
leaving us alone
in our thoughts
on earth

the final text in a rotting friendship?
if it ever truly was a friendship
i can't ever know the extents of my feelings, if what i'm really feeling is what it is. it's undefined. always
105 · Mar 2020
Red Mar 2020
I knew I had to do it now

My heart was shooting daggers at everyone again
You left but I went back wanting to die
(Should I have to go through this a second time?)
I was amazed I could make that decision myself

“I don’t feel uncomfortable . . . I don’t feel upset”
I said, staring out the window

Why did I think I was myself?
99 · Apr 2020
Red Apr 2020
My life has been hacked
Someone opened the encrypted file
And deleted

Now I am null
89 · Apr 2020
Red Apr 2020
do we hold on
to our thoughts and feelings
as if they're ours?

They come and go just like everybody. We only have ourselves.
Until we go
one day.

And I can't wait to be temporary

— The End —