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Dany The Girl Apr 2019
Are love and hate the same thing?
I think I know enough of hate
to know that it doesn't get one very far.
You can only hate so much
before you drain yourself from exhaustion.

But I think know enough of love
to say about the same.

Sometimes hate leaves people feeling
hot and angry and lastly, empty.
But love does just that too.

When someone you love hurts you,
you still love them,
but you're only angry at them.

Hate makes it really hard to let go
of wrong doings and vengefulness.
People who feel love know that
cutting the rope is just as hard.

The different thing about them though,
is that when you love someone
you would do anything in the world for them.
But when you hate someone,
especially someone you once loved,
the world does not exist anymore.

You would do anything just to see
their joy turn to ashes in their mouths.

I don't love you. You're not bad, but I don't love you. "No I don't love you and I never did."
Dany The Girl Apr 2019
A busy bee knows no sorrows.
They fly from flower to flower
collecting the pollen to spread to other foliage.
The little bees are oblivious to the
sorrows around them.
They are too busy to know.
Perhaps I should be more like them?
Dany The Girl Apr 2019
Some days,
the sun is a little brighter.
Some days,
my heart feels a little lighter.
Some days,
I find myself alone.
Some days,
I find I'm right at home.
  Apr 2019 Dany The Girl
Stay strong in your mind
Your heart will follow
Stay strong in your heart
Your soul will mellow
Dany The Girl Apr 2019
After being an expert at quitting
Many things,
I just can't seem to quit you
Cold turkey.
  Apr 2019 Dany The Girl
Whenever I'll
taste, the taste of death,
it won't be
Since I've been
fortunate enough
to have tasted your lips
a few times.
Call me heartless
if it helps you feel better

keeping me locked in a memory
of bitterness
dragging my name through the dirt
as you tell the next girl of the one

I can keep your kisses pressed
against my heart
and pretend the sweetness lingers

if it makes you feel better
be cruel and not kind

I don’t mind
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