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 Nov 2024 Kitty Downing
I know
I never have enough
still the little I have left
I give to you
so when I run on empty
you would've been
a few miles ahead of me.
When I was a girl
I thought I could be anything I wanted
I didn’t realize I would grow up
To be a woman
That I was forever ‘and her’
Instead of them
That my father loved me
As an exception
And I would have to witness my sisters
Wither away in happiness
I found out that I was not the ‘public’
In public transportation
That I needed to switch my grocery run times
Every now and then
Discovered the places where a hat
Could be the best weapon
On Sundays, I dress up and buy pretty roses for my table
To keep from remembering that
If someone wanted
There was nothing I could do to stop them
Sadness overtakes me for all my sisters and friends out there...
Some people stay in our hearts forever
The longer, you'd expect , the more the pleasure
But that's not the case it seems, however
for from the heart , they just won't sever.
I love and miss you so much.

— The End —