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Like being in a dream
no one hears your scream
trapped looking for an escape
unable to awake
trying to move but stuck in place
mentally feeling out of place
never knowing when it’s the day
to say goodbye
thoughts of seeing those you love cry
as you move on to that paradise in the sky
nothing more horrific than what you predict
when you finally give in & say “I Quit”

Poetic Venxm
Though I'm not in a depressed mindset, I'm sure I'm not the only who's felt like this before when in the mind state of being depressed & feeling like you're out of options
How dare you come into my life & make me care about you then leave

How dare you make me feel this way about you with the lies i believe

I was enjoying the sunshine & dandelions before this hurricane came thru

And killed me slowly but i couldn’t see that the storm was just you

Who the hell are you to rip my heart outta me & crush it

Who the hell are you to make me think your love was something to be trusted

I’m already dying inside but here you come making my world darker

And i became closer to you just for you to **** me even harder

How dare you make me a priority right before you drop me like a bad habit

How dare you play the sweetheart when you’re just another phony savage

- Poetic Venom
I seek a feeling that I’ve never felt
trying to locate what my eyes have never seen
looking for the same feeling
to which I see on my tv screen

Telling myself what to do right
although I’ve never seen it work
& with everyone afraid,
they’ll push away before even seeing it work

I’ve looked for it my whole life
but how do you look for the one thing
to which you’ve never had
& how can one learn to fly
when that dream has your wing
I see a world going up in flames
whether it’s from street wars or political riots
unarmed colors on the grounds to provoked rebel flags
rainbow themed flags causing backlash
I see more chaos than I’ll ever see joy
dark clouds above all heads mixed with pouring rain

I see a world desiring to be beautiful
but struggles with its own imperfections
progression stalls when drama is glorified
acts of kindness only matters when cameras roll
demons taking over innocent souls
as the world continues get more colder

I see a world suffering from pain & trauma
with healing being desired but unable to be found
so drugs are used to cope to provide temporary numbness
several dying to live, even more living to die
seeking peace that only lives in the sky
& as the world continues to fall, I can only hope
that better days are soon to come
It hurts me to hurt you
cause a part of me cares for you
but i didn’t deserve the pain from you
& who would’ve ever knew
that it’ll come to me ignoring you
Being around you & completely silent
I don’t speak cause my soul is crying
Sorrow’s raining from the let down
from the one who shouldn’t let me down
I was wrong for putting so much faith in you
feeling like you were rare only to view
the real you, lonely & confused

Karma’s a trip but i still wish you well
the past is the past & i choose not to dwell
Cry your tears but I’m not the blame
for the results of these childish games
coached by your ego & what a shame
how things just aren’t the same
between us, the effects of the rain
falling from the damage before it’s own hurricane
- Poetic Venom
looked forward to the future
possibly a family with you
took a min but i was opening up to you
saw a best friend in you
& a source of peace within you
tough love but i wanted to love you

then it all came crashing down
there i am looking like a clown
guess who’s more shut off now
not willing to trust anymore now
i was flying high till you shot me down
sad enough like the rest, you let me down

i now talk with the rain
cause that numbs my pain
cause when the sunshines, I’m not the same
**** love, it’s all a ***** game
such a shame
even with the liquor & poems to cope with
I’ll always hurt the same  - pencasso
the sunshine with a hurricane
a sunny day with pouring rain
the happiness with drowning tears
the pursuit of joy with undying fears

the love of dreams with nightmares
the laughter after the thunder
the rage before the rain
& the light after the pain

poetry in motion
beauty within the madness
comfort within the irritation
the vibes of r&b with the effects of heavy metal
the butterflies
in your stomach

the rhythm in your

the key to your

i promise

until we’re no

forever your
cherie amour
I Am that kid feeling alone in a world where I’m surrounded
Trying to fly away but reality keeps me grounded
Exist in the thoughts that never get spoken in conversation
Zoned out & writing within the mind but often losing concentration
Head down, hoodie on, & trying not to exist
Lifelong battle with depression but trying not to quit

I Am that kid trying to create happiness in others
Giving them an outlet to vent just so they won’t have to suffer
Make it clear that they’re not living in this world alone
Showing that someone understands them & they don’t have to fight alone
Reaching to be that hero to which they’ve always wanted
Saving them from a torn world that forever seems haunted

I Am that kid who portrays the hero but wants to be saved
Although I may seem strong, I also desire to shortened my days
I hide my invisible scars to keep from being judged
Scarred from those who’ve previously dragged my name in the mud
I Am that kid who believes he’s the Legend struggling to be heard
Make his impact legendary before it’s his time to become that fly away bird
I Am the rhythm behind your every heartbeat
the concept to the soundtrack that rocks your heart to sleep
I Am the rhythm in blues for your every stormy night
the stars you admire dancing in the midnight light
I Am that King you see whenever you begin to dream
the passion that makes your body shiver & soul scream
I Am your every thought & the tears flowing down your face
the smile that’s brightening the world, the heart you can’t replace
I Am the arms holding you whenever you’re sleepless
the love that has you in the clouds & speechless
I Am that King admiring a Queen’s world from the outside looking in
thinking of all the strategies I can steal her heart for the win
I Am the one you’re missing even when you don’t realize it
desiring your mind, body, & soul but hoping not to wrongly utilize it
I Am that love you can’t seem to get away from
looking for an escape but my heart is where you run
I Am your wildest dream, your dream come true, your everything altogether
I Am the best love you’ve never had but also the love that never fails to make you better

☆Poetic Venxm ☆

single mother raised

no interest in school

the street life in my view

fast money & respect

the world i thought i knew

almost a high school dropout

but here i am, years later

a blessing to many

respected & motivated

to motivate my brothers
to be kings

growth & prosperity

as i continue to be a better me

i am king
My existence wasn't demanded
yet I was left stranded

nothing to do between you two
but I suffered because of you

grew up without your guidance
I'm hurt but remained silent

you forced the divorce
but made me feel like the source

for years I've taken the blame
feeling ashamed to have your name

not sorry I'll no longer be
the reason you'll always hate me
It’s the melody of a voice
the sunset when looking in her eyes
like when Daylight & Mother Nature kiss each other good night
then the beauty appears when they’re creating love just right

I’m thinking of her when I daze at the stars
& thank God above even when I haven’t met her yet
but I know that she’s the one for me
cause not only do I see the future but a beautiful legacy

She reminds of what it feels like when 2 hearts collide
fall in love & make more than dreams come true
create a legacy that’s beyond just beautiful
So yea when I see the the moon dance with the stars
it’s you that inspires the song
cause you look right at me & in my heart
is where your soul belongs

- Poetic Venom
i am king

i am poetry

i am love

i am dreams

i am sadness

i am happiness

i am all these things,
what i'm not i'll never be
I Am You;
right there going thru the similar storm
trying not to quit
& sometimes wishing I wasn't born

I Am You;
sleepless nights, crying the night away
blaming myself
fighting for those who don't wanna stay

I Am You;
sometimes wishing I could die
overwhelmed by the pain
wanting to know how it feels to fly

I Am You;
looking to escape from the hell around me
feeling alone
& shut down from the society that surrounds me

- Poetic Venxm
I came a long way to let the negativity stop me
I gotta keep pushing no matter how many may doubt me
I’ve been counted out since the day I was born
now here I am telling the story of a young man scorn
Never had a father figure, just me & my mom
& watched her struggled for us to eat with these dead end jobs
Been going strong for 14 years although I took it for granted
doubted myself & fell for the evil vibes I attracted
I’m saving lives with my words but the world ain’t heard of me
from Canada, the UK, China, Japan, & even Germany
You ain’t promised to be big when you come from my home
you either settle for fast food, construction, or wasting life at home
If I gave it all up, I give up on those that look up to me
the self harmed burdened angels who quit cutting because of me
To many I’m worthless, but to a few I’m referred to as a hero
the one they ran to when their tears needed a pillow
It’s a blessing to be a blessing & it’s amazing to see
how I’ve achieved my main dream without being famous, God’s just using me
- Poetic Venom
you're no good for me

yet I still chase you

i am alone when with you

yet i can't help being next to you

you're poison & toxic

but that's the only love i know

it ***** because if i were to die

it would be because of you
Eyes in the back of my head, high alerted of my surroundings
Can’t escape my enemy, I feel terribly surrounded
Too many near death experiences & looking at those with a personal vendetta
Thinking that taking me out is the way of making their lives better
If I Die Tonight then let me go, I’ve lived to the best of my ability
Tried to change the world in every possible
Even when most don’t see the good within me
Maybe they’ll have a better chance than I did, suicide failed numerously
Can’t have anyone getting close to me, fearing them all using me
The hell is never far away but always lurking for a chance to strike
Needing any reason to take you away especially when you don’t pay the price
If I Die Tonight then let my spirit move on the next phase
Bury me next to my legacy & turn the next page
If this is my final stand, just know I stood for something
Representing those without a voice & those trying to come up from nothing
I’m no saint in any way but I used my God given gift the best way I knew how
Slowly rising above all expectations & feeling the jealousy growing heavy now
Paranoia’s gotten the best of me & I don’t want anyone next to me
Just so they can plot on taking me out after getting the best of me
The war is far from over, my soul just can’t be killed
Broke me down once & I’m slowly trying to rebuild
So If I Die Tonight, don’t cry just let me fly away
The Good never exist forever but that the price you pay
If Love Doesn’t Exist
why do I cry when I hear certain songs
that remind me of you, the times I’ll never have again
the home where my heart used to belong
& the love that I may never win again

If Love Doesn’t Exist
why do I go to bed feeling for your presence when it’s missing
hoping to kiss you good night to tell you I love you
instead there’s the music playing with these mental thoughts spinning
feeling lonely knowing that it’s empty on your side of my heart

If Love Doesn’t Exist
why do I smile this way whenever we’re together
thanking God every time I set my eyes on you
falling deeper in love because you make me better
not worried about falling when I can always depend on you to catch my fall & knowing
any other woman can’t make me feel like I don’t need anyone else
or to make me love someone 10x more than I love myself

If Love Doesn’t Exist
why are my nights so sleepless with thoughts of you
thinking of new ways to give you my everything
becoming a new man all because of you
loving the sweet melody that when my heart sings

- Poetic Venom
i forgive you for breaking me
i forgive you for forsaking me
i forgive you for tearing me apart
i forgive you for hurting me from the start

i never asked for much
i never asked to be crushed
i never asked to be here
i never asked to live in fear

i never asked to be hated
or to be let down from all the years I've waited
for a bond that'll never see the light of day
or the love I never had, you gave it away
but the one thing that hurts more
is seeing my younger siblings being loved more
by a father that cared for me
but I forgive you for never being there for me
If Wishes Had Wings, I’d be idolized by millions
saving & impacting the lives of many scarred children
If Wishes Had Wings, the world would be free from pain
no more dark clouds surrounded by depressing rains
If Wishes Had Wings, the silent tears would be clearly heard
life would be less horrific so we’d worry less of the overwhelming storms
If Wishes Had Wings, the act of happiness shall be of reappearance
provide my mental slaves with the proper deliverance
If Wishes Had Wings, Love wouldn’t be so scary to obtain
heart break would be a stranger while the kingdom we have will still reign
If Wishes Had Wings, there would no longer be Hell on Earth
take away all the evil from life to grant us the proper rebirth
If Wishes Had Wings, heartbreaks around the world would sing
the greatest melody performed by all the broken Kings & Queens
If Wishes Had Wings, God forgive us for the lives we’ve been sinning in
trapped in a cold evil world that we’re forced but isolatedly living in
never intending to be heartless but our hearts have turned cold
frustratedly feeling the shattering of love to which a false interest beholds
possessing a tale that’s very relating but only a few understand
how being lonely & disappointed can take a toll on more than man

☆ Poetic Venxm ☆
Call me crazy. Call me stupid.
Call me foolish. Hell you can call me clueless
To be willing to take someone back who had my heart & bruised it
But can you explain the feeling you get
when someone is stuck in the memories that you can’t forget
Every song that comes on, plays a reminder of them in your head
thinking of em constantly causing you to toss & turn in your bed
I admit I miss what we shared, you made me a happy man
the one I ran to who saw thru my flaws & the main one who never failed to understand
that I’m hurt but still trying to love the best way I can
we destroyed each other & thru it all, I’d still give us a final chance
to see just how strong we could be if we get out of our way
to see the sunset in each others eyes instead of the tears that remains the soundtrack of our day
I ask myself why would I let you back in after you broke my heart
but I tell myself that I’m not so innocent & the guilt also tore me apart
knowing that I’ve made my mistakes with letting my head make the wrong decisions
blinding my tunnel vision of love causing me to overlook what was missing
So am I really crazy for wanting that past love back all because I miss the feeling
or am I just stupid for removing the patch on my heart that took me forever to stop the bleeding
☆ Poetic Venom ☆
If you love me, then let it be beautiful
I don’t wanna be scared or paranoid
but filled with joy & happiness
like the feeling I get when I’m fast asleep
in a dream but I wanna never wake up
or when I’m flying & the clouds cover my feet
So if you really love me
let the joy bring us closer without fears departing us
Poetic Venom
While you’re reading this, I want you to know one thing
I know why the tears flow & why the heart sings
I know why your soul cries in the rain
I know why you look in the mirror to hate what you see
I know how much you wanna break loose & be free
Nobody wants to be depressed but some of us can’t help it
Wanting to be happy yet existing with a spirit that’s restless
Your skin is a beautiful thing but I know why you cut it
just to feel something to get over being depressions puppet
I know why your teary rivers overflow your eyes
wanting to call it quits to live in the sky
You’re different & they judge you but don’t know you
a feeling of happiness, I wish I could be the one to show you
Love not anyone else but thyself
for self is all you’ll ever need more than anyone else
You overlook your strength & I know you’ll deny it
looking for the light knowing you may never find it
I know the pain & I don’t really know why I’m writing this letter
when I’m shattered myself but striving to make you better
Not your guardian angel, just someone who knows your struggle
& until I can’t go any further, I hope to be a guide away from your struggles
- Poetic Venom
I'm a Mess, I'm a Wreck
I'm Broken but what do you expect
I push you away due to fear
of you being close to me to only disappear

I'm Shattered, I'm Torn
just a product of pain & a Prince Scorn
I've been lifted up to the highest level, only to fall
but with no arms to catch me & no one to answer the call

I've loved harder than most loved back
gave away love but never received it back
Been stabbed in the back by the same ones who had it
I was once a beautiful fairytale & slowly became a hideous tragedy
I Miss Me;
before the hell began & I was stress free
before I found out how sad life can be
before I really knew what pain truly felt like
before I found out love truly had a price

I Miss Me;
the old me that never had anything to worry about
when I was able to be me & didn’t have anything to be sorry about
when life was simple, when being a kid was full of excitement & imagination
before the times fast forward & getting older wasn’t my occupation

I Miss Me;
the old me that used to smile endlessly & cried less
when life was about feeling happy without the stress
the old me that was truly alone but not depressed
before life became a roller coaster & the walls my back wasn’t against
before life truly revealed itself, I became lost, & got addicted to the rain
looking for any way out to escape this great pain
Like a night sky without the moon
Like a symphony without a tune
Like a heart that doesn’t skip a beat
Like true love that isn’t complete
Like a kiss without a K
Like writing poetry without anything to say
Like enjoying a vibe without intimacy
Like being excited without a fantasy
Like grasping for love with nothing there
Like trying to breathe without air
Like trying to fly without wings
Like trying to hit the perfect note but unable to sing
Like believing in real love without faith
Like without having a plan to escape
Like me getting married but I’m no groom
Like being in love but not in love with you
Like wanting to feel love except it’s not you
And like all these things, the main thing I’m missing is you

☆ Poetic Venxm ☆
I’m that struggle trying not to cut my wrist from the pain of life
trying not to blow my brains away so I think twice
I’m that struggle you face when you contemplate on a pill overdose
after being shattered from being let down by those you love most
I’m that struggle looking at you in the mirror when your tears dance on your face
falling from the cracks of your heart that could never be replaced
I’m that struggle waiting along with you in the night when sleep won’t arrive
so you sit thinking about life thru the music that assist with the terror you hide
I’m that struggle you face when you awake another day, healthy & alive so I pray
that he guides you thru the current stages of hell that taunts your every day
Life as we know it can be a roller coaster & we’re bound to fall
but if the landing doesn’t **** us then we’re granted another chance to crawl
I’m that struggle within that convinces you that you’re worthless
teaching you to settle for whatever or that you deserve it
I’m that struggle when you wanna give up but you know you can’t surrender
looking for the motivation for happiness but happiness is something you don’t remember
The struggle of being your own worst enemy, tearing yourself down with the lack of self love
loving others more than you’ll ever love yourself
I’m that struggle but I’m also that hand of guidance trying to be the source towards the light
letting you know that this war isn’t being fought alone, I’ll guide you thru every fight
☆ Poetic Venom ☆
Chasing lust & being a bachelor
Losing out on the best things, getting nowhere faster
In my head, I thought I was living the life I always wanted
but still in the midst of it all, something didn’t feel right
I’m attached to the **** things caught up in the night life
Trifling mental, carrying myself like all the others
Charming any woman foolish enough to stay as I guide her underneath the covers
But I’m missing someone like you
Someone that brings out the best of me like you
Someone who shows me so much love like you
I’ve gotten stuck on you & I’d be lost without you
I don’t know what I’m feeling but it feels right
Unsure what the future holds but hopefully you’ll be my star in the night
And the beauty of my every morning sunrise
Basically what I’m saying is, without you I’ll probably be weak
a lonely fool, that can't be me
& without your love making me whole, I’ll always be Incomplete

- Poetic Venom
My deepest fear isn’t succeeding in life & facing defeat

but to gain everything I want, yet still feel incomplete

- Poetic Venom
It’s not about the *** or the love making but about the connection
when we share our love & get lost within the expression
just the idea of alone of sitting down without any interruptions
understanding one another to avoid any future dysfunction
we both want the same thing & both share the same passion
of bonding thru vibes, sharing tears of feelings, or even laughing
the closer I get to you, the more you make me feel
shocked with excitement with the peace that you don’t conceal
like I’m on top of the world with nothing else mattering much
with the electricity in the air lighting up the room even without a touch
it’s the smallest gestures that make the biggest impact
something that can’t be explained & can surely never be matched
for whether we talk throughout the night or just sit within the silence
with you, I can never feel like I’m off course cause you are my balance
Love, Peace, Comfortability, & butterflies is what we feel inside
but that’s what happens when 2 rare & unique souls collide
I prove my worth

show you my soul

put my flaws on the table

we're both insecure, you & I

But what if I become true

to my every word

& show you dreams come alive

would it be enough to help you fly again
I’ve got my issues just like everyone else
feeling like it’s me against everyone else
cause I barely have love for myself
due to being stabbed by those I placed before myself
So forgive me if I seem paranoid or cautious
but we both know real love is going to cost us
especially if the one we’re investing time in
isn’t the one we’re meant to be with
You may have the best intentions but to me
I’ll still be scared before I treat you like the enemy
with my past playing these tricks on me
holding me back from accepting what it is, it won’t let me be
Living so fast that I was speeding, no brakes in sight
which in result, it leads to us having these pointless fights
then my ego comes to play telling me I’m good without you
making me feel better off alone & I start to doubt you
I’ve got issues just like everyone else
but unlike everyone else
I’m just stuck battling with myself
until I can battle with what’s wrong & get over myself
- Poetic Venom
The love we had, the love we shared
many envied it but none compared
The thoughts that came to mind
The light we led to shine
The memories we created from the love that faded
Passion, Pain, & Pleasure, the theme for our every night
after the tears caused from petty fights
2 torn souls colliding at the wrong time
with the perfect love that’ll never reach its prime
Happiness came to play whenever we were apart
trying to become one but we never knew where to start
No love greater than treasures
No feeling deeper than oceans
Just 2 hearts awaiting yet to be awoken
Our happiness was complete as we went our separate ways
as the sun wishes us good morning ahead of our sunny days
while the dark clouds produces sadness for our rainy days
We’re whole not being one, we’re just meant to be that way
- Poetic Venom
I took the time to analyze the one I always pay no attention to
The one thing I’m sometimes forced to face but never willing to
Always being provided the obvious hints but they over my head
Always trying to make something work when I should fall back instead
Months ago, I met someone who was trying to avoid being loved
Being afraid to love again & I felt like I was suffering her grudge
She’s been thru a lot & I can understand where she’s coming from
Been hurt by men & loved ones so her heart became numb
Just like the ones before her, I asked what was her intentions
Like the ones in the past, it’s always something they forget to mention
I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page
Didn’t wanna look crazy if I asked for our time to be exchanged
She confirmed that we could talk but something still wasn’t clicking
Maybe she had other options besides me that she was picking
Deep down I was starting to feel like I was an option
So I thought about it for a second then proceeded with caution
Tried to be the opposite of what she was used to but still had my doubts
Mapping out the perfect path & wisely choosing my routes
As time began to progress, I started asking for more questions
But didn’t bring to her attention cause I couldn’t face the confession
I’m feeling like there’s someone else & she refuses to advise me
I had this feeling that at some point, something would surprise me
A few days later, I saw something that set me off
Another one bites the dust & another one suffers a lost
Just as I suspected, she’s attached to someone else
But luckily I let go so there’s heartbreak to felt
I guess she wanted the best thing & unfortunately, I wasn’t him
And deep down I still wish that it was me instead him
I wish I knew what being perfect felt like
the ability to grab eyes when I walk in the room
I wish I was never forced to be the villain
I wish my present wasn’t so affected by my pasts’ opinions
I wish my dad actually cared enough to come around more
I wish my feelings weren’t so ignored

I wish the family I knew was the family that still exists
maybe I wouldn’t feel so alienated
I wish i still had the heart to repair what’s already gone
& return back to the home that my heart belongs
I wish i didn’t fear love so much & embraced it more
I wish I could give my life so my loved ones could live more
I've had hills to climb & tears to cry
I've endured scars but I don't ask why
I've barely seen the sun & have danced with the rain
I've soared thru the storms of my sorrowed skies
I've been the subject of rage, from bruises & sore bones
to ****** wounds to living my own nightmare exposed

I've been attached to a source to numbs the pain
falling for a temporarily killing but still hurting the same
I've looked death in its eyes just to realize
that I was looking at myself thru my own tearful eyes
More setbacks than numbers can count & more trails than a convicted killer
Been lost more than I could be found, still looking for the forgiveness of a sinner

Through it all, I keep my head held high
still haven't managed to fly but I still try
God's Plan is never known or understood but in due time, it's explained
so no matter the storm & no matter how hard the journey becomes, I Won't Complain
- Poetic Venom
I would love you
but you push me away every time I get too close

I would love you
but when I look for your heart, it’s like looking for a ghost

I would love you
you never take my words serious

I would love you
but for a love like mine, you’re inexperienced

I would love you
but for what I’m bringing to the table, it scares you

I would love you
but my heart doesn’t understand you

I would love you
but my past mistakes made it hard to love again

I would love you
but in this game we call “love”, I’ll never win

I would love you
but I’m not sure I know how to

Cause you can’t love me
when my heart won’t allow you to

- Poetic Venom
It’s something about her presence, better yet her in general that gets me every time
Making me do laps in my head, thinking of ways to make her smile all the time
The way she kisses me makes me feel like I’m flying within a dream that doesn’t exist
Cause there’s no way anything so unique could make me feel so **** good like this
I’m usually not thinking of one person 24/7 but here I am thinking of her non stop
Hoping I don’t **** up what I really want & I see that perfect picture but it’s me cropped
Out thanks to the paranoia thoughts that never seem to go away
And she’s never met a man like me before but I pray she won’t go away
It was supposed to be friends with benefits but some way somehow, my charm got in the way
That made her smile way too much because of me & it became the highlight of her day
I tend to have my fantasy thoughts of her ever since she ****** the soul out of me
Not ready for her level of kinkiness, her experience is way ahead of me
Then one day I shed a tear when I realized things were changing
Felt like I was losing her grip but this was something worth saving
It wasn’t the *** on my mind but the vibe we shared that kept my mind racing
And although she’s a busy woman, it’s her time I keep chasing
Just for another day to hold her in my arms & stare her in the eyes
Without saying a word but my heart never hesitates to reply
Jessica’s Tear was one of the most beautiful melodies I ever heard
As it detailed the presence of someone to which I feel like I don’t deserve
But in the end, she’s a best friend that I hope I can gain over time
So I can happily say that I was a smooth criminal of the most romantic crime

- Poetic Venom
for years, I've fought this feeling

of wanting love over a ****** healing

to say I Do to you

instead of what time to come through

thru chemistry, we carry on like lovers

in my mind, we belong together

I'm in love with my best friend

but she can't tell me why we're not lovers, just friends
It’s hard for me to say it but you inspire me
Thoughts of you constantly ignite the fire in me
Looking at my best friend’s daughter then I get *******
Cause her dad’s like you, another deadbeat who had a kid & ran off
I admit that I was wilding when I was younger & living
Aiming for one night stands just to see what I was missing
Talking women out of their clothes just for the lust
Ain’t thinking about love especially when there’s no trust
But I grew up, got older, wiser, & I see things clear
There’s no fun in looking for pleasure just to later disappear
But I can’t be like you & make the same mistakes
Get my wife pregnant, cheat on her, & bring the side chick to where my wife resides
Start a new life then leave my child behind
For them to grow up in self hate wondering what they did wrong
Questioning if it’s their fault cause their father left em alone
I don’t know how you can live with yourself leaving your 1st born
While he’s looking for the love that was forever gone
Pure example of a **** boy living without regrets
Ignoring the heart you broke, lacking respect
I was ******* for years thinking of possible solutions
Like you needed a better son, just looking for the perfect substitution
Seeing all my friends with their fathers & deep down I feel bad
Not having my creator around to prevent me from doing bad
Just can’t imagine having my kids growing up in a broken home
Leaving their mother to raise them all alone
Putting pressure on her back to protect the throne
If I don’t do anything else, I wanna make sure I never become another you
Just become the man that my mom raised me into
Be the man of the house that you could never amount to
And be the man you never taught me how to
I don’t wanna be just like you, having kids but don’t raise em
Look into the eyes of my blessings & embrace em
Don’t wanna be just like you, a poor excuse for a father
Provide my kids with the best life so they’ll never stress about support or a dollar
Tell me why I sense so much sadness & not enough joy?
Seems like your self confidence went down since your heart's been destroyed.
When's the last time you've smiled or appreciated what God created?
What's that one thing about yourself that you look in the mirror & immediately just hate it?
Tell me what's the missing ingredient that seems to be lost.
I know you probably think things will never get better cause you always seem to take a lost.
Lady in the Mirror, you gotta gift & your presence is special.
Your flaws don't define you & your imperfections are just a distraction from the disguise.
You can tell a lot about yourself just by looking into your own disguise.
Don't be afraid to smile or be happy, it's been a long time coming.
Accept the gift that God's been working on, he's definitely up to something.
Many may not appreciate it but to a few, it means the world & more.
Lift your head up & be strong, your true value is never ignored.
I want you to smile, you deserve to after shedding so many tears.
Even if you don't hear it very often, I hope it means the world to you.
My goal is to make you smile in a huge way maybe because you deserve to.
Your insecurities may not allow you to see it but thru it all, you're uniquely beautiful.
So smile simply, you don't know who it inspires or how much it means to someone that thinks highly of you.
Someone that sees your happiness as a blessing
Lady with the Glass Heart;

I see right through the savage act
saying that you don’t want love
but you still wish that the one you love
will one day love you back

Lady with the Glass Heart;

I’m reaching out for you but you reject me
fearing that I’m gonna love you incorrectly
don’t want love but you still dream
for that one day to come
when someone loves you but won’t leave

Lady with the Glass Heart;

with all the savage impersonations
you’re used to being alone & you hate it
yet you still dream for that one moment in time
when you can finally love again
& your dreams come true of being his bride

Poetic Venom
Intimate conversations turn
Associates to close acquaintances.
talks about life & past experiences
that turn a heart cold that built
walls up to be the guardian against
the bad vibes that come around
with the intentions of harm

Over time, this pain births the doubts of happiness
& everything that’s attached to it
but we keep search in hopes of falling in love
only to fall victim & eventually look stupid

I’ve seen the potential in a few
out of the many I’ve chose to entertain
but they’re nothing more than lessons
of the game with the goal to destroy
you from within letting it be known you’re the problem

We can only bring true peace to ourselves
& only wish to addon to another one’s
peace if it indeed exists above the pain
that’s already established from the tragedies of the wrong love
Let me fly, Let me die
Say goodbye, Don’t ask why
See you again, my time is up
Drugs weren’t enough, I gave up

Heart’s cried too many tears
Soul’s burnt out from abuse
Spirit surrounded by fears
No point of living, what’s the use

I made my mark, time to go
Where I’ll end up, we don’t know
I wish you the best, I’ll remain by your side
Guiding your path along the ride

Let me fly, Let me die
Say goodbye, Don’t ask why
See you again, my time is up
Just promise me through it all, you won’t give up
- P e n c a s ******>
Dre, I understand that you’ve been thru a lot but you can’t blame yourself
for loving everyone else more than you’ve ever loved yourself
You’ve been told a lot that you’re amazing but you’ve been treated like trash
referred to as “weak” & “soft” by the same ones falling for those who only want ***
I understand the pain but you messed up by neglecting the one person who needs you the most
the one person who loves you & deserves your love the most
A heart made of pure gold but that treasure suffers from several cracks
trying to be a real man with the pressure of perfection weighing down on your back
Let me love you until you can love me the same way
cause you can’t understand what that love is with the self hate blocking your way

Baby girl, open your eyes & take a look at what’s right in front of you
the queen of amazingness, yea that’s all you
Let me ask you this, how can you love me more than you love yourself?
Why would you love me more than you’ve ever loved yourself?
I give you a lot of my love but doing so puts fear in me
all because you’ve never had it before which might make you leave me
You’ve placed this wall in front of me but every time I get to the top
you knock me down a few more feet because you see I refused to stop
Let my love bring you to life, revive the very soul that seems to have lost its life
& I’ll give it everything I have even if it means paying a price
☆ Poetic Venom ☆
I let you control my life for 6 months & for what?
Just because you were the only source of healing that I could trust?
The pain that life has caused me makes it hard for me to balance
& nobody knew about this, I kept everything private
They don’t know how you called my name at 2am, I came running
just for you to stop that pain that never stopped running
I crushed you up into powder before I poured you into my drink
******* me up so bad to where I couldn’t even think
You chose a weak soul to manipulate, I fell for your comfort
all because I couldn’t bare with the feeling within that made me suffer
You made me crazy, you made me lazy
had me feeling low like your feeling was all I ever needed
You were supposed to be a one night stand but I got attached to you
felt like nothing else mattered & all I needed was you
You can do no wrong to me, only supply the perfect cure for me
when I needed that love, it was you that was there for me
Anxiety, depression, anger, paranoia, you made me feel forget it all
had me flying above the clouds when life wouldn’t let me do anything but crawl
Why did you do this to me? Why is your loving too resist?
Why am I so attached to something that make me feel under like this?
You’re that demon I can’t shake away but you’re the source that takes my pain away
& ever since I accepted your love, I’ve watched everyone walk away
You said you loved me yet you’re taking my life away
killing my system as I keep swallowing your substance away
I had 2 ways of getting rid of you, either overdosing or flushing what remains
just to go back to facing my demons by punching walls til my fist gets blood stains
So here’s to you, my bad habit of pain killing pill popping drug addiction
may you rest in peace forever, here’s my benediction
I've never publicly admitted this to anyone but a few years ago, I suffered a pain killer addiction. I was popping 20 pills a day & even mixing pain killers into my drinks to numb whatever I was going through. Just hope this helps someone else out with their addiction or their struggle with addiction
Hell on Earth, can’t escape it
Evil on my shoulders, can’t shake it
Paranoid of society, hide from judging eyes
Life Scares Me

Dark clouds above us all
the sun avoids the spotlight
After a while, we all begin to fall
can’t win the war but we still attempt the fight
Life Scares Me

Life’s a Phase & I often wonder
what the next wave withholds
So until my turn arrives, my spirit continues to wander
down that lonely yet interesting road
Life Scares Me

☆ P e n c a s s o ☆
We often;
hold on to seasonal people
expecting the most
when there’s no planned sequel

We tend to;
fight harder for those trying to leave
than for those
we push away, refusing to leave

We Give;
seasonal people lifetime expectations
closing the door preventing them from walking away
accepting something temporary is a hesitation
because we don’t wanna see that one person flying away
obsessed with the feeling

tried hard to overcome it

running from fate

regret fills my face

saw a trap & took the bait

the right one wasn't worth the wait

rolling stone in the night

the man I've become
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