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 Jun 2023 Khaab
Eshwara Prasad
Every human feeling is a raw work of poetry.
 Jun 2023 Khaab
Enough is Enough
 Jun 2023 Khaab
Some just want to prove
they are  Right and not wrong.

Some want to be unique
To be noticed in a crowd.  

Some just keep quite
Blaming everyone for their plight.

Some just impose.
Either by love or by force.

Some simply dont care
And move on and on.

Some exploit others
For their own gains.

Some just observe
And wonder what is to be done.

Enough is Enough
When this will be end.
 Jun 2023 Khaab
Ben Palomino
There’s a shadow

Poking at my thigh

Trying to take attention


From my mind

Not to reality

But somewhere unrefined

And Opposite of divine

Can you hear it call out

Sideways in time

Three different perspectives

Of the same scene


Their all upside down nines
 Jun 2023 Khaab
A Poet
Sweet musky scents,
Tingle my red runny nose from the cool desert air.
   Two tattered pairs of converse high tops intertwined,
       feet on the dash of your rust bucket.
          Lana on the speakers, the smell of **** and cologne,
              so close and so far,
                 we were two lines never meant to intersect.
cruel fate,
    cruel memories,
         I will always love you, yet you can not say the same. . .


we are parallel lines, never meant to intersect,
     longing, hoping, to meet in another life.
 Jun 2023 Khaab
Did you weep too?
when we put down our cups of hot tea and joy
they seemed to speak to the wavering air
some reticent secrets of themselves or us
I thought: death is like my father now
it names me, not after, for itself
and I smell the petalled incense of its security
Security. Security.
I thought: we are written
you pull right, and I pull to left
and we go stumbling forward to papa
I thought: I am a cold bottle put in the day
I wipe my tears, and I smile at the beautiful sun
and then again, I wipe my tears, and I smile at the beautiful sun
Did you whimper?
sweetly like a child
I could have loved you if I wasn’t afraid
You say: I am always afraid
You say: it is my excuse for everything
You act so brave, you think I do not think
I have seen you in the velvet dark
crystalline eyed and thin,
not yet the woman that becomes my sin
You are just like me

I thought the eyes would swell and mama would know
so, I stopped and quietened
breathing like a valley, sniffing like lizards
We heard the city sing by
I thought: it is like a train
its tail hooked to the nose, it moves in a circle
and we are in it
Say, do you recall at all?
not more a nigh to pass, but the sentimentality fades,
and we ought to go

Say, stay?
Say, stay for a dance
However pained– a waltz of held-hand and shoe
I will try not to tremble
like that acrid tongue of forever time
Now your forehead gleams with the smear of gloom
and we are wont to let it dry
wont then, to become canvases
wont then, to hide them away, in slots of unlit places
(like ******* or... palm-on-palm or... in between bookshelves or lip)
with so many others
Remember that one? Then that, then that, then that
when we wore our shameless dresses of terror and shame
and we cursed the holy heavens of youth,
when we fought, when we fought, when ran like laughter
There was so much grief
I thought: it will eat us
I thought: I will never escape this
this name that papa wrote
on the paper of my breath
we will always be here, babes, fumbling in shawls
and pleasing the house
plaint and faint and so much like fear

Did you weep too?
I was astray in the street, I couldn’t quite see
I could’ve kissed you like the girls on TV
but mama was everywhere, and she was dressed in papa’s shadow
She said
She said—
She needn’t say anything at all

Say, did you weep at all?
I said I was afraid,
I said then so much of it, I forgot of you
Say, I don’t think you did.
 Jun 2023 Khaab
I want to talk to you, now
that the sadness is thickening
in the air, now
that I begin to flee the night

Sombre rue settles, ergot
of rye: i feel a blackened wheat,
I feel contorted,
and worn, crumpled, contaminated

now, I am past again, i am
faint, fossil, begone from the city
I roll in little tremors
through sandpaper streets

franctic brushwork of the winds
I am canvas, paint, the face I hate
a feeble cry
of the stray cats in crooks

you make me so, so thin
I buzz a wasp in my sleep, i begin
to hate the sleep
I dont... I dont want to sleep
I want to disappear tonight
I want to talk to you
For... no one in particular
 Jun 2023 Khaab
Don't sleep
 Jun 2023 Khaab
Don't sleep
Don't sleep
I begin to
Like you
A little bit more
I shift and sigh
Say your name
Fatigue rolls
Somewhere by
But, alert I
So many paintings
To make for you

You mumble
Your laughter
Is glittery
I wish
For so little
I wish too
Dont wipe me
With a stiffened cloth
In turpentine
And a hundred hues
Dont stir me
I might be disturbed
Out of skill
Out of thought
Onto a burlap scene
And so, so true

Don't move
Or I might too
I might too
Become a facet
Among the facets
Of your horrors
I might
Become art
Might become
In that strange
Black way
Of art

Dont sleep
Talk to me
Speak to me
Let us be
Let us
In the silly blue painting
Of an eyeless pretty
Smooth and porcelain
Perfectly closed

No night
To mourn into
Dissolve into
To stumble,
To tremble into
Don't sleep
I become too much alone
Shrivel, burnt sienna
I cannot move alone
I become the paintings
That I fear to paint
I become the sombre
Debris of your laughter
Cold, blue
A moonlit night
Nothing but red
You don't know
That I like you
In my head
Come back
Come back
For Crocks
 Jun 2023 Khaab
 Jun 2023 Khaab
I am completely, utterly lost
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