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Khaab Oct 2020
It was an idle evening
And I was sitting in the lap of Past
Resting my head on her chest
As she slightly moved her hands through my hair.

I told her about....when I painted
With colours and brushes....a colourful world of mine
When canvas and sheets were drenched with bright colours
Bright colours like red, yellow, green, orange and so on.

But now...I can't even recognize them
They are lost in some dusty drawers
Somewhere I can't even remember
Now I live in a world of black and white
White pages drenched with black ink...

Did I lose my bright colours?
Or am I just homing in this black and white world of mine?
From canvas to white pages....from paint brushes to black pens
There was a time when I used to draw and paint all day...but now I just write...I have completley forgotten how to use these brushes and paints...It's just I miss that time. Now it's just me and Poetry♥
Khaab Oct 2020
She was happy and angelic
Just like a Disney princess...
Believed in an asthetic world which never existed...
Believed in people who didn't know how to love...
She celebrated each and every day with them
Gave them her heart and trust....silly!
But how could she forget...
Neither it was Disney nor she was a princess.
They hurt her with their knives of words and actions.

She bleeded everyday more and more...
But she was not a it ain't in her blood
She picked up her sword and the bruised pieces...
Put them back with the bandaids.

They thought of her as a dream...that could be broken easily,
But she is a nightmare...dressed up as a dream.
In this world of princesses,
She will be a Queen...
Now don't get near'll get burned
Her heart is all black...
I saw her pretending to be happy.
But now I guess.... she is tired.
The demons that once played and made her cry
They are bowing down to her.

Even though she is all black  
But I'll miss the old her...whatever she was
Atleast she was mine.

To all the girls out there who first lost themselves but then found a Queen inside them.
Khaab Oct 2020
I stand here between the hills...
And they welcome if waiting for me
I walk down the shady paths
Where every turn has a secret
The dogs bark and street lamps fluctuate.
The crescent moon shines like a diamond...
And the countless stars are like gems in my mother's necklace.
There is a mystery in this place...
And I am in love with it's darkness.
I dance with my darkness as I walk through the hills.
Khaab Oct 2020
It's midnight and I miss you really bad
I look at the place where you sleep.
And I have these thick tears in my eyes,
Everytime you feels like spring🌸
But everytime you feels like the harsh winter.
I feel like pianos playing when we all are together
The way we laugh...make fun of each other...share stuff and more
I remember the movie nights till 4 in the morning
And I remember us talking about avengers all the time.
Everytime you leave I love and miss you even more
Being your elder sister...
I feel like recording your tiny voices
before puberty strikes them and they become hoarse
I feel like holding your tiny hands
Before puberty strikes and they no longer fit in mine
I feel like taking pictures of the tiny you
Before puberty strikes and you grow taller than me
And all I feel is lucky to have a brother like you.
Tonight it feels good to be an elder sister.
Khaab Oct 2020
Emily Dickinson said," The brain is wider than the sky..."
Some thoughts are like clouds in this sky
But some thoughts pollute it...
Changing the bright sky to a darker one.
A dark sky with no stars...
But yes...there is a moon
Just like a window in a dark room with no door...
which gets smaller....and...smaller with every coming day.
But how can we forget, we are the little birdies
Flying high in our sky mind.
Some days we ride on our cloudy thoughts
And some days we look here and there...
finding a ray of light in the dark.

Our mind is the place, where we live
So let's welcome the beautiful thoughts
as our loved ones...
And fear not slamming the door!
in the face of dark thoughts...
bringing the uninvited guests...stress,anxiety and depression.
Hey! my fellow birdies...
I believe it's completely our own choice to
fly high in the cloudy sky
or watch it turn darker from the home.
Khaab Oct 2020
What is this life?
Every single time it's a question...
Isn't this funny?
With my feels like a party
Where I feel like dancing...
On some nights, it's like the saddest novel
When the coming day feels like a burden
On rainy days... its like my favourite song
It goes on.....smoothly
On some days... it feels like a comedy series
Where I can hear laughters behind me
And sometimes it feels like....

Nothing!....its wierd that day.
I like I experience different things...feelings...emotions...through my life.I am thankful for every moment....but it will always remain a mystery for me.
Khaab Oct 2020
They say," change is the only constant thing..."
And she changed...
As her soul danced between the four seasons
From feeling powerful to the most miserable person
She felt everything...everytime.

There were times when summer flourished
When she took dips in the ocean of stars
And danced the nights away with the fireflies.

But she enjoyed the winter more
Where the winter rains calmed her
And the Dark and Cold felt as her own people.

But before she met them...the maple tree in her garden
was changing colors...from green to orange
She picked up the fallen maple leaves
and played among them.
As she saw everything around her fading away...
She felt autumns were beautiful,
Because she had to be dead to feel live again.

The time passed by...
I remember her sitting...eating her cake
Waiting for the winter to end and spring to come
Waiting to sing songs under her cherry blossom.
Her heart was her home and she sat their celebrating the seasons
She loved all the seasons but something was special about winter and spring...♥
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