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Khaab Oct 2020
I want to write poems
Day and night...I feel like doing this
But the words are lost...
I try to find them in the sky
I try to find them under the table
But they are lost...
The change is not an easy one
With every new day...I discover
a new smile...a new tear...
a new hate...a new love...
every single day I find something new.
Waiting to get myself back soon.
I can feel it
Khaab Oct 2020
I put my guard down
as I enter that place called home
I meet people with whom I share my blood
The ones who are precious to me...
The ones who know the real me...
My life becomes a party
And they are the songs.
The heart which is cold
And the smile which is lost for others
Becomes a warm one and smiles come out like stars.
We laugh together...we cry together
And at the end I close my eyes to thank God for them.
I love them...because they love me unconditionally
  Oct 2020 Khaab
When it rains, the sky blue-black
When scars re-open
When eyes are wet
You are a friend
You are the secret garden
I have not discovered in full summer
I wish rain to fall on your soil only to make you grow
I hope clouds only exist to shade you from scorching suns
And when we bleed may we share the hurt
And when we laugh
I know we are women
Girls, sisters,
And are enough.
Khaab Oct 2020
The sky is becoming happy again...
The flowers dance with the wind
And I can hear the piano playing...
Instead of shedding tears,
I am shedding the old ***** cherish the new one!
May be the spring has come...
But I feel like I have still not won.
It's hard to win but I am not giving up...
Khaab Oct 2020
I guess..its never the end,
The end is the start of the new beginning
The beginnings wait for the ends to come.
Even if you slept tired and hopeless last night...
Today the break of dawn
will mark a new energy and hope for you.
The end of a catterpillar is...
beginning of the life of a beautiful butterfly.
The methods change as ideas wheel around minds
But the basic principle never ends.
So...I guess it's all connected!
We all are growing and meet thousands of people
But...very few stay...
If it all ends up with someone
Either you find yourself or a new person finds you...
The loosened ropes of one relation
tightens it up for another...
And this way it goes on.
Nothing ends...even we as humans have a soul residing inside us...which never ends.
Khaab Sep 2020
The sun has done it's duty
And's handing over the sky to the moon.
The sky and air sound gloomy....
People...there are crying
Some are family and some are friends
He was there...he was just there!
I had met him last year...
And I saw him last week
He was different from the herd
And asked me to relax...
during our stressful exams.
He made everyone smile...
I remember when he told me,
about him being the best teacher in the world
He was just of my age
But now...he is no more.
Khaab Sep 2020
To enjoy the coming spring
First, you need to move out in winter.
To make your little heart feel warm
First make it feel cold.
Even your soul and her home,Heart
become stronger, only after...
Someone hits and almost breaks them.
Isn't it awful but amazing?
The way life teaches it's lessons.
The cycle of life
is from pain to pleasure.
So let's not lose hope...
Let's not be scared of those wounds,
Because that's only where the light
will enter and heal that soul.
Let's not forget, the brightest stars are
seen on the darkest nights...
And only after the darkest night...
The brightest light of dawn will come.
People come and go. Some will leave you with memories and some will break you. But life goes on and makes us stronger with every new obstacle. I know it's extremly hard sometimes. But let's face it...face to face!
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