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  May 2016 Kara Jean
Lora Lee
We are
the creatures
of the night
no tears for us
as we soar
taking on
such glorious
up through
trees, up
through the
invisible threads
between stars
in silvery wefts
I will bring home
the nourishment
to my little ones
nestled in their
warm nesty twiggy
holes safe curled
in lairs
we are
the protectors
of the light
that starts
in darkness
and arcs
        like a flare
we ride alone
but when we give
we yield
completely in
full thrusts and
dark patterns
as leaves
cascade and
comets fall
the shadows
then, in the
morning's first
sun peeking
I land and find
that peace
a kind of
proximity to
that love

Inspiration enhanced by listening to:
No Tears by Tuxedo Moon (remix by .adult)
and Proximity: the Vile Electrodes
  May 2016 Kara Jean
My sweet angel battles with demons
Its always heaven and hell in a way eternal
A war which will keep on raging
A story that's never ending

My sweet angel found a way to save me
While one of her hands held a sword
And she was swinging it into darkness
She held me with the other

My sweet angel sang a song with my voice
Spoke words with my thoughts
Held a meaning
In her heart
I would do most anything
To hold my sweet angel in my arms
That she feels my heart beat
And knows its because of her

My sweet angel sees nightmares in her sleep
Because she dreams so sweet
That a tongue cannot taste
Without going insane

My sweet angel is the only one to save me
I'm the only one to show her
That she is the love
I always need

My sweet angel became my only saint
My only every belief
My trust in fate
My guardian
I would do most anything
Offer up my life
To grant her strength
That she must keep fighting

Its always heaven and hell
In a way eternal
Its all her light in darkness
She becomes my faith

My sweet angel
Im going to love you forever
Not for simpletons

A, you know its you
Kara Jean May 2016
Late night seems to be my favorite place
I promise to behave
I'm not going to lie, the meaning has clouded clarity
I can't help the words I speak, they come out before I think
I keep telling myself I was born interesting for a reason
You guessed it, Barney Manners never worked for me
To be honest, I'm only capable of being Kara Jean and she is ******* amazing
  May 2016 Kara Jean
Michael Blonski
Pour energy
into your

Write with intensity
so great
that if you held the page
from a mountain's peak
your words
would be mistaken
wow! I'm so honored to have been selected for the daily. I feel like there are far more deserving writers than I!
Thank you everyone for reading my work and all the lovely comments.
Please use the tags below to read some great works from great people :)
  May 2016 Kara Jean
It's easier to wallow
with no additional weight

It's easier to swallow
tiny morsels stripped off the bone

It's easier to swallow
when you submit to fate

It's easier to wallow
when you decide to walk alone
Sometimes you have to **** it up for the benefit of others.
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