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i would like to pretend
i can stay put,
my heart is full and rooted.
i feel my love has grown great arms,
branches stretching to embrace the enormity of your passion.
even still, the seed blooms.
i will never out of shame
and also of guilt
and partially of care
but not of love.
i fear i begin to understand my parents
both of them sinners
does that make me a monster?
 May 2022 κλείω
People keep getting tired of me
then they leave
what they don't know
is that i am tired too
but i always choose to stay
you say, tangling up the three words in one breath.
i love you more, i tell you.
no, iloveyoumore, you say.
i love you more than bees love flowers, i say,
and you tell me that bees love pollen
and that youlovememore.
but i love you,
more than bees love flowers and yes, pollen
and i love you more than birds love to sing
more than wishes love stars
more than dreams love sleep
i love you more
than grass loves rain
and rain loves the earth
and the earth loves trees
and the trees love the wind.
i love you more
than sunflowers love sun,
more than the sun loves the sky,
more than the sky loves blue,
more than blue loves the sea.
i love you
ilove you
iloveyou like youloveme.
 Mar 2021 κλείω
Kafka Joint
People are strange,
You are normal,
What does it say about you?
My Relationship With You

I give
and you take
I give
and you take
I give
and you take.

This relationship,
built on what I do for you,
and you give little back,
a look, a word (in your fashion)
should I step out of line.

And still
and still,
I (like the ancient Egyptians),
obey you,
my feline masters.

James E. Roethlein copyright 2021
Jim is the author of two books of poetry “Musing On The Cricket Game of Life Part 1 1/“ and “An Extravagant Way of Saying Nothing “ both available on Amazon
 Jan 2021 κλείω
Kafka Joint
I've had enough
Of too much.
 Jan 2021 κλείω
Kafka Joint
What took you so long?
What's left of you now?
 Jan 2021 κλείω
Kafka Joint
I'm feeling, that
I gave up the best part of me,
But I'm feeling better.
 Nov 2020 κλείω
you never asked to read my poetry
maybe that was the sign.
i told you i wrote for fun,
you shrugged and moved on.
red flags went up everywhere, but i didn’t bother looking
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