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  Jan 2019 Jen
So much can be seen by the naked eye.
We tend to look highly of them,
But they're pretty much like us.

They're born
And they die.

Some stars lose their light,
Some explode.
Even though they seem so ahead,
Like us, they are still mortal.

The way we look at stars,
It's like they can guide us moving on.
In reality, we're lost in the past;
Long gone, moved on.
January 6, 2019 - 12:55

There's no way we can re-write the stars..
Jen Jan 2019
He saw the glow of soft promise on his horizon
And road maps were only an excuse for getting lost
Her heart yet beats within his like a full blood moon
The memory of her whispers softly present in his ear

She mailed him a letter, scented with a clue,
A set of coordinates scribbled hastily
Upon a half torn page,
A compass, a key, and an address

Sweet forgiveness in her musky scent upon that sacred note.
The coordinates marked where they had fallen in love
The compass, a golden needle pointing always to her soul
A bejeweled silver key, the only one to her heart and dreams
And an address that pounded in his brain like a hammer!
With eyes seeing only her face, casting his doubts to the curb,
He rode the highways to the place they both called "Home"
As his heart made love with the ghost that haunted his soul

He arrived in the night to see no lights welcome him home
After many miles and thoughts, he knew it was her voice
That called him home to the place that holds their lost love
Her message was crystal clear, yet dead silence filled the air

Sitting on the front step where it was they first kissed
The cold winds of yesterdays swirled his memories
Howling thru his mind and echoing thru his heart
Turning the silver key in his trembling fingers
That hung now from a chain around his neck
Whispering, as a prayer, her name over and over again
They fall into questions that may never be answered

All this time he'd been speaking to a wraith unrequited
Words she sent him somehow from the other side
How could this be? That she could still be here
To send him her wish delivered as a silver key, compass
And the softly sung verses of her letter?

She kissed him one last time, as a lover brought back to life
Something he could relive as if it were only yesterday
The next morning he awoke on the porch they used to share
Reached for her note and it was no longer there
No compass nor key, only an empty chain around his neck
Everlasting memories
Bound by an undying love sent from above
By Poet's Creek & Jen

Please leave this world behind and get lost in this tale we've spun for you.  It's one of an everlasting love and haunting memories.  Thank you!
Jen Jan 2019
Zero Gravity

Take my hand
And fly with me

Don’t let go
And let it be

If you lose your grip
Somehow slip away some day
All you’ll have to do is look for my ship
It spills sparks as it sails across the view
They trail the sky to lead me back to you

Follow them when you are lost at sea
We’ll be weightless together once more
in zero gravity
I saw the word "Zero Gravity" somewhere a few days ago, and I was determined to include it in a poem.
  Jan 2019 Jen
commune with stars these days
and days for sleeping

things turn upside down

solitude is my lover
and silence a sister

poetry a river
forever singing.
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