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"Man's biological nature is such, that reason cannot always guide his behavior."
Raymond Aron.

Distrust "nature" — on fools she plays,
Her rest lies in their flaws concealed.
The world is mad, and not in jest;
When Spirit falls, the Abyss is revealed.

It's not cold reason that inspires,
But Spirit pure that leads us through.
Though now you burn in hellish fires,
Stand strong in Spirit, not subdue.

In Russian:

Не доверяй "природе"

"Биологическая природа человека такова, что его поведение не может всегда мотивироваться рассудком.".
Раймон Арон.

Не верь "природе" — на уроде
Век отдыхает уж она.
Безумен мир, и то не ВРОДЕ:
Коль Дух похерен, ужас Дна.

Не мотивация рассудка,
А Чистый Дух всех нас спасёт.
Пускай сейчас ты в Аде жутком,
Коль Духом крепок, всё пройдёт.
Jason Aull Jan 7
Joe the red ate lots of bread.
His massive gut was quite well fed.
So slow his feet, to cross the street,
that angry drivers wished him dead.
A limerick I came up with a long time ago. I’m not an expert on limericks. I just assume this is how they go.
A nasal drone of endless lies
Pours into slaves’ distracted ears.
While watchful cops, with eager eyes,
Defend the chains and stoke the fears.

In Russian:

Пропагандоны и полицаи

Гундос понос словесный валит
На уши суетных рабов.
А полицай всех прытких жалит
В защите всех "святых" оков.

— The End —