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 Nov 2018 Jade
 Nov 2018 Jade
I'm happy
I'm depressed

I belong in this world
I feel worthless

You take the pain away
You're the reason I have this pain
 Nov 2018 Jade
The Masked Sleepyz
My couch,
Is death,
And avoidance is a second language,
Ask me do I speak it?
Conjoined twins,
Of misery and manipulation,
No calls,
Only cushions and customer's custom complaints,
From tomorrow,
The phone wont ring,
So I'll stay down this road,
Listening to headlines and headlights
Moody music dwelling,
Where the lies and shame met in between,
Cut the cue, end the scene

The stage has been rebuilt,
We talked like teenagers,
And you told me that I've changed,
But the same,
Still that same number,
No more gap,
But your smile still kills,
Pain with palendromes,
We were here before,
And so again we,
Our fighting saying goodnight,
Street lamps in different cities,

I'm just fine,
Playing my part,
My mainstream maybe different,
Obsession has been overcame,
By the rising tide of a smile,
If the teleprompting signs shine through,
Meanwhiles and meditations
What can I do,
Except hope I'm reading,

The couch,
It asks,
Where have you been?
I set down another,
Kind of scattered
 Nov 2018 Jade
2AM Story
 Nov 2018 Jade
Evert night at 2 AM
Different poems are written
Different words are scribbled
Different papers are crumpled
But only one thought she had
Yet, word can't help her convey the feelings
"Empty" has much more than herself
"Sad" is not sadder than she thought
"Broken" is more whole than her
"Hurting" ain't just bleeding just like her
And when words can't take the role
It's the blade that play with her
Every cuts has meaning
Everything is her unreleased feeling
Sometimes, words are not enough to tell what we really feel and most words doesn't fit to the emotions we are holding.
 Nov 2018 Jade
Zukiswa Mvunguse
When I say I’m afraid of loving you
What I mean is I’m afraid of loving anyone
You are not the problem
I’m the broken one
With a bruised, twisted, knurled muscle
I barely recognise as my heart
How can I expect you to love me
When I can’t love myself
 Nov 2018 Jade
 Nov 2018 Jade
text is so beautiful
for it will never fail you
it will never cease to capture you
in its beautiful curves
inky phrases
endless possibilities.

text is so beautiful
there is a text for everyone
and you know that
you are never alone
so long as you have words

and they will always be around.
 Nov 2018 Jade
Ruby Nemo
if you love it let it go,
if it returns it is real,
but as does a virus
or an insect in the walls.
to discern a lover from pests
or physical attraction from emotional sincerity
happiness from fulfillment . . .
drawing me back, every time, to you
caught in a trap,
a bitter taste for every confession;
painful admissions breaking their way through gripped teeth,
and since, in the past, you've destroyed all my standards
obliterated sensations of sanity
if you knock at my door,
you know I'll hand you the key
allowing you to enter
despite how poisonous you may be.
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