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May 2021 · 102
Jennifer Kyle May 2021
Dreams are funny. When you are trying to move forward, they still seem to produce something you love from the past.
May 2021 · 198
Jennifer Kyle May 2021
It's that in-between time, when you are waiting for what is divine. It grows your endurance,  your strength, even your faith. It's better to wait for what is yours, than make a way on your own, which leads further from fate. Only if there was a way to calm your soul from what your faith already knows, in-between time.
May 2020 · 116
The Chance
Jennifer Kyle May 2020
Standing on something so unprecedented,
A chance to begin a new beginning,
It's hard baby,so many choices but all I see is you and me,
I'll fight the good fight.. but I need to know you'll always stand right next to me,
Ill love you through your personal battles until you grow spiritually and make it up to me,
So many never made this level,
Its divinity you and me,
Power couple overcoming powerful hurdles to make our dreams our destiny,
I knew from the beginning this was unprecedented.
Apr 2020 · 122
Jennifer Kyle Apr 2020
There it is relentlessly coming back in, it moves to different vibrations given the day.

Despite yesterday’s efforts you steadily make your way in. As many times as I notice you, I still seem to let you in.

I catch a glimpse of you in the morning saying hello, my defenses are high and I am able to **** you away.

Midday, you reintroduce yourself thinking maybe this time of day is prevalent to when you may win.

There again, satisfied in glee, I simply shy away.

At night you ravage, you finally coax your way in, desolate and broken I lay entranced at your ability and beguiled to have met you again. Finally I fall asleep, wake up and there you are again.
Apr 2020 · 262
Jennifer Kyle Apr 2020
I dont think I've been here before
And it frightens me,
The amount of anguish that resides in me
Since childhood, I've learned to numb the pain,
However, this one pierced through to my lungs and stole my breath,
As I smile at you cheerfully and full of glee, there beneath the facade, lies a dejected me,
Somehow, my numbing agents wore off, and this dismantled me.
Apr 2020 · 121
Jennifer Kyle Apr 2020
Come away with me,
Let me show you the way,
How to rid of the life long pain,

Take a step with me,
To honesty and openness allow yourself to relish in eternal blissfulness,
Take a trip with me to the island of soul cleansing, spiritual awakening and awareness and forgiving,
Show up for me I have you, you have me together we can become masters and craft of our own destinies,

All of this happens from a simple decision to move forward to  greatness,
Another story will begin to unfold,

It starts with a  simple decision yes or no?
Is this too real for you or too deep,
Is this something you want to do?
Or,  is it  not your time to finally become that divine being no matter the space, circumstance, or time.

I guess its not,
So back to the world you go,
Hopefully before it is  too late you find your soul and,
Vacate the premises of who you once were.
Apr 2020 · 108
Urban Heartbreak
Jennifer Kyle Apr 2020
A hole deep in my heart remains,
You were the world to me but you did not feel the same,
Maybe in a weird sense you did,
So then that hole is multiplied by ten,
Lying, deceiving, and cheating you were,
I gave you all of me but what was it worth.

In the end i was nothing to you merely a fool,
Embraced by your trance or at least I thought it was you ,
I feel sickened ,weak, in my head,
All my thoughts and dreams have been laid to bed,
Weep not for me, but for yourself,
As soon you will realize the house of cards you dealt,

Leads only to more heartbreak and tragedy ahead,
The blow happened suddenly, I gave you the best of me ,
Instead none of that matter as there were always others you sought
Oh the trials we fought,
So good bye have a wonderful life,
Take what happened here in stride ,
On how well you treat people, things you do and say,

You never know when it will become your day,
To feel the blow you shattered on me,
To know for you it was nothing but to me it was everything,
This pain kills me it sores deep,
As much as I want to wish you well, all i hear is hate,
However, I will not allow myself to be devoured  to your fate,

Remember you will reap what you sowed,
Although i wish you well, your actions made your story unfold,
To a world of deceit, lying and trying for someone who just doesn't care,
I pray mercy on your soul so that you don't feel my despair.
I prayed you would show up for me,
Show me your true self, honesty and devotion, I waited and waited
In the end I was broken.

Written by
Jennifer Kyle
— The End —

— The End —