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 May 2021 JDK
Slur pee
When your eyes graze my cheeks
I cringe internally,
They're dead and they see
Every flaw that crawls on me.

But you always made me feel so pretty,
On your springy bed- when you said
"**** the lights and turn your head"
And I would let, darkness consume
My arms, my legs, and you;
With closed eyes and beauty, new.

 Apr 2021 JDK
Shut Up!
 Apr 2021 JDK
I get it
You're a princess in your robe ball gown
With your boyfriend across the states
Dancing a waltz with you
In some stupid ballroom
And you're so in love
You've decided to get married
With blessings from the parents
There are doves in the air
But then you fight in the bathroom
Then make up twenty minutes later
Your life is hard
You and your prince
Dancing in a ballroom
 Apr 2021 JDK
Memory Beach
 Apr 2021 JDK
Sometimes I dig in the past
Like toes in the sand searching for the cool damp of the ocean’s kiss
I want to feel the things I felt before
See the memories like movie screens across my eyes
The love that I shared
With each and every shining constellation
Some brighter than others
But pinpoints in my sky
The homes that I had
The comfort that only exists in the caverns of my mind
The joy and the sorrow and the blinding hot pain
The mistakes and the triumphs and the life that I’ve made
It all considered, I’d never change a ******* day
But what day was the best that I had?
Which life was the one that was bad
Who’s kiss was the one
I should of held on to
Whose soul was made
Of the same parts as mine
In the end it’s as insignificant as the seconds that pass by without my notice
Nothing at the time,
But everything in the end.
 Apr 2021 JDK
The summer sun shines on your face
And I can see you smile
And I feel like the luckiest girl
To be holding our hand for a while
Half the time it feels like
I'm the one to hold your heart
The other half it feels like I don't even know who you are.
And I,
When push comes to shove.
And I,
It's heart to see
Invisible Love.
I first wrote this song in 2011/2012. It was a song I had written about a first love of mine. I produced this song with the help of someone who would later become my partner. This person published my original lyrics and guitar chords on his SoundCloud, which at the time I thought nothing of. After we ended (horribly) he deleted it from his profile and refused to give me the original or finished recordings of my song. I write it here so I don't ever forget it, as it's the first real song I ever wrote. One day I'll produce it on my own and publish it again.
 Apr 2021 JDK
Mike Hauser
It looks like life's not treating you right
And you don't like it a single bit
How about you try this friendly advice
...Get over it

Day after day you don't get your way
Where all you want to do is quit
Lean over here so I can whisper in your ear
...Get over it

You think you're the only one with problems
That spends most of your time in the ditch
Here's a news flash, we've all got em
...Get over it

You whine and cry thru the struggles
In the midst of quivering lips
Time after time, questioning why
...Get over it

I'm not saying it can be that easy
And with all of this being said
Still stuck in repeat believe you me
...Get over it
 Apr 2021 JDK
Shattered Thoughts
The forbidden words,
Never to be spoken aloud
Tumbled out of my mouth
From the moment we met
And I let them.
you know who you are...
 Apr 2021 JDK
Madisen Kuhn
come here. i’ll wrap myself around you
most of the time i’m sure i’m a sliding glass door
obvious like a schoolgirl crush
never able to hide the pink in my cheeks
or bury the truth behind enough broken parables
i’m about as vigilant as a chihuahua
perched on top of a sofa barking at the mailman
forgetting for a moment that you could pick me up
and put me down on the floor but
i promise i’ll just jump back up again
never fully accepting the plainness of my bluff
the winters crack my knuckles but
i don’t want to buy another pair of gloves
i’ve got ripped fingernails turned ******
and a kitchen sink full of unwashed mugs
and you’re pulling my hands away from my face
trying to show me how much we look the same
 Apr 2021 JDK
we are but the sand and the ocean.
you are the sand
warm, fine, comforting, golden
people always seem
to walk all over you,
but not me
for I am the ocean
deep, brave, pure, peaceful
and I try so hard to get to you
but every time I push myself
I always end up trickling back to where I belong
it's not fair
I want to belong to you

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