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728 · Oct 2019
My deepest secret
I feel a pain,
Deep from within,

It's hard to say how it feel,
Because it is not written within a book that you can read,

Twisted and bleeding from every corner,
Occupied with scars and sores,
Never has it been revealed,

I've received punches and bullets,
I've been injured and hurt,
I've been tortured and captured,

But still I kept it in my belly,
And never say a word,

For it is my deepest secret,
It can not be share with anyone, not even my mom or dad,

For it is stuck inside my flesh,
Saying it will lead me to death,

If you wish to know ask God for he knows all things.
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I'm not satisfy neither am I happy
Saying goodbye to you wasn't really my intention

You caused me sleepless night of worries and tears
Unbearable pain and countless heartbreaks

Intially,  we were the most talk about couple
Our moves and steps got people calling us sweet names

You stole my heart and ran
Broke it into pieces and threw it right on my face

You betrayed me with hurtful words
Saying that you and I ain't compatible
You used me and dump me without any regret

I trusted you
I loved you
I did everything for you

This is how you could repay me
I'm totally a stranger and absolutely nobody to you

I got to let you go
I have hold onto you for long
Seriously, that has killed me numerous times

I'm sick of dieing a death that is worthless

Goodbye 😭😭😭

To those pleasurable moments
The calls, sms, visits & hanging out

Goodbye 😭😭😭

To 'I love you'
I miss you'
'You are my joy'
'I can't live without you'
'We were meant to be together'

Goodbye 😭😭😭
To everything
Most especially you
At times the expected turn to be the unexpected. Life is full of uncertainty!!
374 · Oct 2019
So called friends
They pretend to be your brother/sister, but at your back they are a dusty gold digger,

They published your character in daily news, used you as a broken tools,

They paint you in history with their fake and bitter stories,

They chew your bones with lies all day, think that your life will becomes muddy someday,Β Β 

They blackmail you, told everyone that you ain't real, that your life is a mess, used you as copy and paste,

They drew you with their nasty routine and broken pencil, and used their spicy spite as the eraser,

They looks beautiful on the outside, but inside, there heart leaks with sores,

In your presence, they hail you like king or queen,

In your absence, they murdered your attitude and behave like they are so good,

So called friends,
You find them in church, wove in sheep clothing,

So called friends,
You find them in school, dark aches in the midst of white aches,

So called friends,
They are here, they are there, they are everywhere

Direct copy of the devil, there hands are full of evil and always caught in the act of trouble,

Shine your eyes!!
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354 · Nov 2020
I'd walk my way to the realm of peace,
That I may find rest for my weary soul.

falling in love was never an intention,
but with you it is more than absorption,
let me be your Romeo,
and let's keep it on till the end.

my love for you keeps on shining like the ever glowing stars,
growing every day like a red bar,
getting more deeper like the blue ocean.

the more I think about you
the more I get into you,
come rain, come shine,
our love will keep on flying.

take a ride with me to the moon,
in the center we'll find a pool,
bring along your towel,
I'm going to bring along my powder.

we going to bath out our worries ,
no stress, cause God will erase all filthy stories,
I'm going to be your hangbag and you my wallet,
together we shall make a beautiful per!!
Love in thin air 😍
207 · Aug 2021
I wish I could be a better me
irrespective of those inevitable challenges that surrounds me.
I wish I could be a grateful soul
to my God, Who gave me this precious soul.

I wish to live aΒ Β life that is trouble-free,
and of all bondages, I will be set free.
I wish I could just live alone
but my conscience won't leave me alone.

I wish I was brought into this life by no one,
and be independent without no one.
I wish I could just be rich in seconds
but why is poverty claiming to be my second?

I wish I could live an eternal life
but death is a must in life.
I wish to become a doctor
that saves lives not a vector.

I wish I could just see my mentor,
My Uncle in disguise, but there are factors
Though short term that are hindrances
to our meeting, I can't be affected by greviances.

I wish I could become a writer with impact
that heals those visions affected by cataract.
I wish to live in luxury
but where I live seems to be like a factory.

I wish I could be good to everyone
I tried my best, but why am I bad to someone.
That just wants my downfall.
Impossible it is! Momma said I can't fall.

I wish I could go for pilgrimage,
an important thing I have to do before old age.
I wish I could be in the Garden of Eden
singing praises of my Lord, but when?

I wish I could just be loved
by someone whose sight makes my problems solved.
I wish I could be a better me
but why has the weather not favoured me?
192 · Nov 2022
The Groom's Letter
Letter from a Groom to his Bride.

Someday! We shall stand before God and man, exchanging our vows and being unified, as husband and wife.
Someday! You shall be mine forever in holy matrimony of God's ordinances.
Someday, our flesh shall become one, body and soul joining to live here on earth till eternity. I can't imagine the smile and tears watching our parents, families, friends, and loved ones cheering us up with loud noise and praises.

Before we both take the altar in the presence of eyewitnesses,  
Let me first say: thank you for letting me be your husband.
There were dozens of others out there, but you still chose me.
Amidst my imperfections, you stood firm and humbly welcomed me. I Thank you for this one chance.

I cannot say that all will be glowing and sunshiny, nor can I assure you that I will be there 24/7. But I can assure you of my commitment and loyalty to you alone, my Tinkerbell. There may be days of dark clouds and thunderstorms, but together we will withstand the heat. We may battle over things, argue, and have some disagreements still we will harmonize.

Our home should be for us; our families can come to visit but please, let's keep our issues behind closed doors. Always remember that I love you and always will. Let our home be our sanctuary, place of prayer, and our Eden. I will try to be attentive and sensitive to all your issues. Till then, meet you at the altar, my angel.

Your groom-to-be.
180 · Jun 2020
Self Battles
I'm in a cave
Fighting battles with no trophies
Broken bones in healthy body
Cast down by self- depression
I'm at war with myself
Self gain and ugly thoughts
Are the order of the day
No root to get out
No one to give me a helping hand
Voices of suicide kept circling in my mind
I'm walking dead
Breathing but can't feel
This self battles is challenging
Giving up means death
171 · Mar 2020
Rest Well 😒
Years have come
Years have gone
But their memories still lives on
The tears we've shared cannot be compared to what they did

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Their soul has found rest
Inside the grave

Away for good
To place called unknown
Only God knows why
Cause He's the giver of life

167 · Apr 2020
On the cross
Upon that old rugged cross,

Blood streamed from his hands and feet,

The dark nails pierce him and the sky turns black,

Cruel men did mock him and spit in his face,

He endured it all and forgave us our sins,

'Jesus' death paid our sin debt price,

His sinless soul was an offering for sin,

They gave Him a β€˜crown’ of sharp thorns,

He suffered beatings beyond belief,

Such lonely cries He made, from Calvary,

He borne our brokenness and dearly paid the cost,

His scourged back stung and bled and bled,

It is finished! ' the Saviour screamed,

He died for you. He died for me,
167 · Mar 2020
I'm bitter
I'm grieving
I'm broken
I'm lost

Something isn't right
Some people aren't happy

There's a problem
There's a mistake

No one is watching
No one seem to be caring

I see broken hope in broken bodies
I see jealousy reaping out the beauty of friendship
I see anger ruling the mind of great leaders
I see the flesh overthrown the spirit because of selfish power

The land is mourning
The cry for justice is yelling from the ground
Sweet land of liberty is now sweet land of hardship
Lazy men don't work much but eats plenty

There are some millionaires
With money they can't use
They stay in mansions and estates
Their child/children tour the street with madness

Mother earth wept
For evil and malice have won the hearts of her children
She bleeds with fear
Knowing the land is wearing in the grave

Fathers against their boys
Mothers used their girls for wealth
Boys fright with their fathers in words
Girls lost respect for their mothers cause they are the breadwinner

Life is uncertain
Imagine beggars earning thousand dollars
Then those who sweat in the sun all day
And later earned a dollar

Some women are evil
They used their bodies as an attraction
**** the wealth of men
And dumped them in agony

Some men are threat to women
They played a game take their proud
And leave them in a chain of promises

What is happening? 😞
157 · Apr 2020
Loving you more
The day means nothing
when you are not beside me
When night falls, I dream of the touch
of your lips as we kiss

I don't mind the distance
Between us
I believe our love
Is growing like a vine within us

It grows bigger and brighter
Longer and stronger
Our hearts are always together
Beautifully better for each other
In lockdown
154 · Nov 2020
When I'm dead
Buy no flowers for me
Sing no sad songs for me
Say no good deeds about me
Don't drop tears over my casket
For all will be vanity and useless

No care!
No concern!
No love!

If I die
Leave my bones alone
And let my soul rest in glory
134 · Apr 2020
It's night time
Memories of the dead
keep circling in my mind
My bed looks scary in my eyes
I can hear a whisper
Oh, the light is off
Jesus, have your way!
This happened a month ago
Fear creeps in slowly
But Jesus took me through
118 · Apr 2020
My cry
In sin
I suffered

From your love
In shame
I hide my face

So I pray
For your mercy
To cleanse me

Wrap me
In your arms
Mold me
In your love

Hold me
Don't let me go
To you
I belong
In time like this
All I ever pray for
Is your mercy and love

Love you lord
#Jesus is Lord

— The End —