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Inevitable Feb 25
I'm trying to fill your gaps with the lengths of me,
inhale your essence in form of hyperventilating.
Handling a ****** that i'll purposely procrastinate
I wont commiserate , it's more so a proclamation.

Guide your hands to the utmost high.
Religion can be a lie but we will pray tonight,
atone for sins, all while committing them,
a sip from our fountains before we begin.

Holy water. Instinctual desire.
Theres no hell in this fire created in our friction.
We've taken a fiction into reality.
We can lack diction in our expression tonight.
I'll read more into the thrusting of hips
and the curling of toes and lips
and the feeling of finger tips
to verify what your physical reactions
and floods already tell me.
I confess at your feet, i'm on my knees
begging for saving.
I'm praying on a rosary thats choking me.
No tithing but offering daily communion;
you have my body for free.
We worship in my house. Eucharist.
Natural inebriation, no tantalus.
and when your ready to spill your secrets,
call out my name through your bliss
while you grip my sheets in your fists.
You didn't know heaven could be visited
but we just did.
Inevitable Jul 2024
I'm busy finding myself and getting aquatinted. Feel like my past body is on the pavement.
It always had to be me who saved me.
Now it's a different picture being painted.

Put me on a t shirt; that death was inevitable. Prolonged for too long because
I was told I wasn't capable.
I dug a grave and now I stand on top of it.
This life has always been some twisted monopoly. So I framed a death for new possibilities.
New ID, new area code.
A brand new home where no one knows me.

Im back to my old dream
since living in a false reality.
Heavily medicated had my foundation cloudy.
I'm out and I'm free from
the chains of my mentality.
Here comes the sun and the summer.
Pink cloud mornings bring on the thunder.
No rain can drown me out.
I prayed for a storm in the face of a drought.
I will scream in the name of resistance and
demand the change that persists. This is it.
Its inevitable.
Wrote 7/6/24  @ItsInevitable229
Inevitable Jun 2024
Born again.
It ain't no euphemism.
Dealing with this anger and depression
it's like I got the **** youth again
and I don't have any friends.
The people that call me don't read my pen
and they don't repent
but it doesn't make them any less heaven sent.
I've been learning and failing
for as long as I can remember.
The lessons I've learned has been simple tinder
for this fire in my soul and ain't no dent in my bumper that can muffle this thunder,
cause you're going to hear what I have to say
even if I cant find the words to muster.
My smile glistening with blood in my teeth
from all the rocks that I swallowed
when I ain't have nothing to eat.
I refused to claim defeat.
You couldn't walk in my shoes
cause I had bare feet.
Blisters that made them bleed
and it never stopped me.
I was beaten black and blue
but I kept silent to appease you.
What you said you'd do if I told,
wasn't what happened when the truth unfolded. Instead I was scolded.
Lost wandering in this world and
always cold shouldered. Considering it all,
I kept the chip of mine.
Walked the line and called on the divine.
Then I woke up one day and decided not to live past 9 cause when I called up to God,
I got the busy toned line.
I woke up and there was no one home to find me.
The message was blinding.
No one was going to save me besides me
so I got to the soul finding.
I woke up again and I was 25.
My old life was behind and I had a chance to shine.
No direction to go in,
just went where the river was flowing.
Without even knowing
I was living and growing.
The old memories were like a dream
but theres one I've been constantly chasing.
I refuse to forget
when my memories constantly erasing.
It's been hard to face dealing with a body that always felt out of place.
Defending my energy with a can of mace
and suddenly it's only me left to embrace.
So I do, until I turn blue.
Transcending time and space trying to find you.
Wrote 6/11/24   @ItsInevitable229
Inevitable May 2024
I could ask for a call and still not get it.
That only makes me regret it.
In the off times I prepare myself to be vulnerable
and then not get the chance,
I just stay to myself and
keep everyone closed out.
My problems, I've addressed on my own
because every time I picked up the phone,
they feared the emotions were waves
that would take me in the under tow.
but little did they know, I'll always float.
and I know thats not much of living
but its been the cards I was given.
I don't fight it anymore
and I choose to adore the shore
that I can never quite reach.
I watch the beings that I'll never quite be.
Wrote 5/17/25  @ItsInevitable229
Inevitable May 2024
In my world,
I live in that movie.
I go to the shops
begging someone to speak to me.
All I find is mannequins
and blood *******
flesh eating
In the outside world,
it's just my dog and I
and keeping those monsters
hands and nails from gripping onto us,
keeps us locked in a waste land.
Ive been looking for a cure,
a vaccine even,
but all I come up with is words
no one is listening to anyways.
A real cure would be a heart or conscious
but thats not something
that can be gifted or bought.
So I stand with those who
have known nothing but being fought,
I speak for those who only have racing thoughts,
for those who live in fear
and those who consistently miss a meal
cause those monsters are no sponsors
and they'd rather see you bleed
before they feed you.
Wrote 5/5/24   @ItsInevitable229
Inevitable May 2024
Expectations have a way of breaking your heart.
They highlight the grey line between
thought and the actual know.
You never know anything unless its explicitly said
but in my life, even the spoken words
hold no weight anymore.
There is no trust in the mere words that are spoken to me because without action, they mean nothing. Same as an apology;
would rather skip the sorry and see/be the proof.
I have not always been right.
To be honest, i've been more wrong.
Life has a way of humbling you and
showing you exactly what you need
and most of the time, it's just you.
And even in myself, I've had to learn to
not have expectations because after 26 years,
I'm still learning what I'm capable of and
who I am.
Wrote 4/30/24   @ItsInevitable229
Inevitable Mar 2024
I believe in some things
like happiness, true love, peace
but its always been just out of reach.
I've run into snakes and leech after leech
but its nothing thats ever defeated me.
I've been lost at sea,
in holes too deep to see,
not been able to breathe
but these blessings I receive daily
has been the energy that gives belief of a maybe.
I'm a presence you don't realize until I leave.
I believe in my reprieve. I repent.
I'm heaven sent
to a society in which I do not blend,
I transcend.
Touch lives and survive.
I don't say whats not meant.
I believe in something bigger than me
and I believe in destiny.
I don't not fear the inevitable.
It's what makes me,
it's what breaks me
and it's what will take me.
I'm here left standing when I was created to fall.
It's nothing more than what it's meant to be.
This world was made for me.
The disasters perpetually creating prophecy.
Despite the darkness that I called home,
I still believe in a light that will brighten my nights,
I believe in a creator that makes more than a fight.
Wrote 3/18/24   @ItsInevitable229
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