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 May 2017 Tien - Tim
 May 2017 Tien - Tim
Every time you scream and yell
I want to take a razor and cut my skin .
The abuse you put me through
Hurts me inside.
Hurting me inside,
I hurt myself outside
Only if I could escape
But no escape can happen
this will make me stronger
Or this will **** me.
Whatever happens
I have no strength anymore
 May 2016 Tien - Tim
 May 2016 Tien - Tim
for hours at night
i keep myself company
i write, i think, i listen
i crave parts of old lovers
put them together into a dream one
i miss one's respect
another's vibe
regret a whole one
except physical touch
one's laugh
another's moan
the way different hands
felt around my waist
and lips to mine
i go over old instances
only the two of us had
deep intimate moments of the past
and how for a minuet span
in man's notion of time
we were only for each other
until money, reputation, other women
(abridged version of list)
were their "reasons"
their excuses
then i cry
and the night is over
so i go to sleep
"evol:" sounds like "evil;" love spelled bakwards; love is evil
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