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 Jan 2021 Howl
Yazad Tafti
 Jan 2021 Howl
Yazad Tafti
was god made with insecurities that

he had made us with insecurities to

make himself

feel better

--- maybe imperfection was the biggest insecurity

. but imperfections relieve the pressure
of expecting

and that makes my life perfect
i love god and to me imperfection is the most difficult perfection there is ....9999.9999% is imperfect to someone's eye and perfect to another's

 Jan 2021 Howl
 Jan 2021 Howl
i dont want you to knock on my door.
cause i know if i saw you standing in my doorway,
id run to you like you didnt break my heart.
 Jan 2021 Howl
 Jan 2021 Howl
for it wasnt you who broke me.
the only fault found is on my own hands.
i broke myself trying to love you, not the other way around. and i do greatly apologize.
 Jan 2021 Howl
Sk Abdul Aziz
While there is no standard recipe or formula for success...if you have passion and belief then you will more often than not...achieve your dreams.
 Nov 2020 Howl
Jana B
If making mistakes
Is part of growth
My mistakes
Are certainly helping me grow.
 Nov 2020 Howl
Sk Abdul Aziz
Don't stress over what you can't're only wasting time and energy. I know it's easier said than done but the more you keep thinking about the uncontrollable elements of your life...the more you will hamper the controllable parts of your life.
 Nov 2020 Howl
Sk Abdul Aziz
Despite all the problems in your life..if you think and analyse will find that there are more reasons to smile than to's just that your fears and insecurities fill you with negativity and make you believe otherwise.
 Nov 2020 Howl
it's the words i don't say
it's the words that i don't mean
that makes loving me so tiresome

it's the love i once lost
it's the memories i still have
that makes loving someone so hard

it's the apologies i never said
it's the fights that never ended
that makes moving on surreal

it's the poems i never wrote
it's the stanzas that were never finished
that makes my poems remind people of love
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