this seems different
this ******* terrace
this bottomless bi-way
those stark yellow lines that simply ask we obey
and that we stay in our own ******* lane
that limit our movement but promise safety
amidst the controlled chaos
this seems different
I am the poster child of panic
abstract to the point of alienating
aware most parishioners only fall victim to loving
& listening to long winded rants
asking simply for company and 20% less depression than “normal”
it’s not a lot
but most days I have so little
I ask myself
How many day and night, have I spent languishing on an empty road
documenting its vapid variations
selfish and soliciting online onlookers for attention
hoping to find some connection
some reminder that if you see me, I’ll hear you
and we won’t be alone
But this seems so so so very different
In closing
This could be us
But you’re isolated, on your island
And even though I don’t know you
and even though the hubris of our time,
these prescient moments are… indescribable
You are saving someones life
And I love you