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Feb 2020 · 146
A Poet's curse
GENIE Feb 2020
The curse of pain
The curse of overflowing tears
The curse of paralyzing fears
The curse of true love
The curse of being different
The course of dejection
The curse of joy
The curse of pride
The curse of self-expression
The curse of resilience
The curse of soul baring
The curse of immortalization
All these are a poet's curse
To these curses I am doomed
But I need no cure
I am blessed to be doomed
I am doomed to be a blessing
Cos I am blessed to be a poet
Dunno about you though???
Being a poet ain't child play
Respect them
If you think otherwise
You're welcome to try
Dedicated to Every poet
Feb 2020 · 36
Path of sorrows
GENIE Feb 2020
Though I walk this path of sorrows
I lose perspective of sadness
Sorrows are the thorns and throes
How I view them is called sadness
Or happiness
How I react is called laziness
Or craziness
How I improveΒ Β Is called evolution or destruction
As I walk this path of sorrows,
I realize
It's life's duty to fire these arrows
It's my body's duty to feel pain
But to let that pain stop me
Or get me to gain,
That is solely up to me
If I don't make myself happy?,
Who will?
As I walk this path of roses
I realize
Even roses have thorn
And thorns create sorrows
Make yourself happy cos no one else will
In life sorrows abound
How you let it affect you is your sole choice
Nobody is to blame for the sadness you feel
Feb 2020 · 73
One more step
GENIE Feb 2020
~~you had it rough
So what?
You made it through
Life had been tough
So what?
You remained,true?
It's getting rougher
So what?
You'll get tougher
You will remain?
I'll bet my life on it
One more step
You will get there
You will ride the eye of the storm
Where it sources power
And there you will find peace
Just one more step~~
One more step can make all the difference
Oneore step might be all you need
Feb 2020 · 44
Love n danger
GENIE Feb 2020
Of what use is a love that keeps you safe and sound
Of what use is a life no adventures abound
What is love with no anchor to hold ground
When mighty winds it's fragile  vessel toss around
The purest love in Christ is found
Who for love, his blood spilled to the ground
Feb 2020 · 40
Not hurting you(2)
GENIE Feb 2020
The woman:
I am a woman,
a tempest in my right
You are a man a hurricane in your right
I ask not to love me,
Just take me
I am ripe and full of passion
You have passion written all over you
I know you want me,
You make no effort to hide it
But to take me,
You lament of not to hurt me
My imaginations gives me the torture your touch only can ease
Let me handle the pain
Of not seeing again
Let me handle the hurt
That you love me not
But if you can't grant this simple request,
Maybe you're not afraid of hurting me,
You're afraid of hurting yourself.
I'm definitely not hurting you
Feb 2020 · 69
GENIE Feb 2020
In their dark
The stars shine
So why can't you shine in your own darkness
In your darkness lies the secret to your light
In your problems lie your solutions
So shine!!!shine!!!shine!!!
You don't have a choice,
No stories,
I don't care what you've been through
No apologies
It won't change what you've been through
Just shine
Let the suns rule their day
Be the star that rules your night
And when you grow bigger than the sun
You'll make your night day again
But first you must shine
Cos dead stars don't make suns
So 🌞🌞🌞
You choose to remain in the dark,
You choose to shine
Feb 2020 · 36
Motivated to be
GENIE Feb 2020
What is the essence of life if it's not happy
If you don't find a way to be happy,
You'll find a way to **** yourself
What is the essence of love if not sacrifice
Of what use is your edifice
If you can't give a bit of yourself
What is the essence of relationship
But trust
Even enemies trust each other
To hurt each other
What is the essence of beauty not appreciated
You're beauty understated
If you don't appreciate yourself,
Who will?
What is the essence of nature without beauty
Darkness is beautiful
So are you
What is the essence of life without you
If you weren't important,
You wouldn't be selected
If you weren't selected,
you wouldn't be
If you ain't meant to be,
You can't make yourself to be
So,because you are,
You can be,
And when you lack strength to be,
Let grace make you be,
A million ***** swam,
You didn't just be by mistake
The universe wanted you to be
Grace wanted you to be
A million ***** swam,but you were chosen to be
A million eggs drowned
Yet you came to be
So if you ain't,
It isn't because you can't,
Its because you didn't
Its because you were only interested in being,
You weren't motivated to being
So don't just be interested to be
Be motivated to be
Because I am i can be
I am the essence of life
Life is meaningless without me
Others may be interested to be, I am motivated to be
Feb 2020 · 46
I'm not hurting you(1)
GENIE Feb 2020
The man:
Wish I could say I love you
I just can't
Wish I could lie to you
I'll be lying to myself
Don't cry,
Go find happiness
You deserve peace
I can't promise either
I've been hurt
I won't hurt you
You seek deception
I won't give you
No worries,
This shoulder is yours,
But not this heart.
I'm not sorry,
Cos I'm not hurting you.
We will never hurt the ones we love
Feb 2020 · 61
GENIE Feb 2020
Life plays its games
Life always plays its games
Life will always play its games
The rules have changed
It's still life's games,
We have changed the rules
Its still life's conditions
We have changed our perceptions
Strong problems of life and love
Made our minds to evolve
When life breaks us,we change rules
Break yourself first
So as to
Change the rules
Don't take life too seriously,
Even life doesn't
How do I know?
The funny things life throws in our way
How do you explain laughter even in times of deep pain
If seriousness was all life was after
So hurt is still life's game
But we have changed the rules
We learn, we get better
Defeat is still life's condition
But we get up and evolve
We changed our perception
Falling is a chance to look at the sun from a new angle
Failure is a chance to see success from another perspective
So it's still life's games
But we have changed the rules
So I won't ask twice
Are you one of us?
Are you a RULE CHANGER??????
Learn the rules
Break yourself
Don't break the rules
Change the rules
Rule breaking breaks games
Rule changing remakes systems
Feb 2020 · 50
Loving the unloved
GENIE Feb 2020
Why give myself a heartbreak when I can give myself a real  break
Why look for love in others when I can give myself love
Why create myself a problem when I can create myself an emblem
Why die for love when I can live devoid of love
I need a heartbreak to kick-start this heart I need pain to live again
But I won't hurt for what I can't have
I'll enjoy life even if its a second and half
I loved myself when I was unloved by others
Feb 2020 · 90
Found myself
GENIE Feb 2020
I have found myself
But the self I found
Even i myself
Am profoundly Astound
And of this astounding self
I am infinitely proud
Surprise yourself everyday
The world will never get a chance at you again
Feb 2020 · 103
GENIE Feb 2020
Hell means a lot
A place for the condemned
Burning fiery red hot
A place God's wrath descend
Hell scares a lot
No one wants heat
Life opened the gates of hell
I had to walk through it
And I actually liked it
Hell is where legends are formed
The greater the heat,the purer the metal
The purer the metal,the rarer the metal
The rarer the metal the greater the value
The purer the metal the greater the heat
Hell is a refinery
Its destiny's greatest arsenal against life
Life opened hell,and I found destiny
But first I must be refined
After being melted
After being broken
But I won't remain broken
I won't remain melted
Like a Phoenix will I rise
Leave behind the ashes
And soar to destiny
For on the other side of hell lays destiny
In a beautiful land named destination
On the wild journey called life,
Beyond the training zone called HELL.
Life opened the gates of hell,and I found solace in the heat,away from the cold that is called the world
Feb 2020 · 329
GENIE Feb 2020
I was stupid to have believed you would help
Too stupid to see you needed help
I was stupid to think you'd never betray
Stupid to call you brother
I was stupid to think you selfless
Not just stupid,a little helpless
No more will I ever wonder
If friends,friend waylay
I was stupid to take you a friend,
Stupid enough to overlook your shortcomings
I saw the signs,yet I had to pretend
Or I had to be stupid
Thanks to you I'm no longer stupid
I hoped to feel hate,but I feel nothing
The pain is gone,but the scars remain,
The scars are my certificate,
I faced my trials,
Faced my demons,
Fought my battles,
Yes I died out of my stupid trust
But wisdom found me
I passed life's test of stupidity,
I've finished my course,
I've passed out,
I've moved on.
I forgive you,
I forgive my stupidity
Not because you deserve forgiveness,
But because I deserve peace
Only stupid people hold grudge,
So I forget you
I'm not stupid anymore
Dedicated to all who had my trust betrayed my easy trusting heart.
You've been forgiven and forgotten
Feb 2020 · 85
GENIE Feb 2020
I was stupid to have cried when you were laughing
Not of wickedness,but ignorance
I was stupid to nurture this aching,
But it felt good at the time
I was stupid to have hoped you would love me
When I knew your heart lies beyond
I was stupid to have held to you when you hurt me,
But it felt good at the time
I was stupid to have believed my own lies
I place no fault on you
I won't be stupid anymore
I've been too stupid for one lifetime
dedicated to the one who gave me true pleasure and true pain
But its all gone now
Feb 2020 · 136
You seen nothing
GENIE Feb 2020
You think you seen it all.
You see my pain not my tears
You see my age not my years
You see my dares not my fears
You seen it all?
All I want you to,yes.
But in reality,
You seen nothing
So bring it on,
I fear nothing.
Feb 2020 · 164
GENIE Feb 2020
I am the mystery that hides in the light
I am your vision, your sight at night
I am the reason you shine so bright
I am the creativity bonded to your soul,
I am the goal,away from your ghoul
I am poetry,the reason you're whole
Feb 2020 · 111
GENIE Feb 2020
Its better dead than to be,alive
When will this pain end
And peace will arrive
Feb 2020 · 69
Freelance poem
GENIE Feb 2020
I'd love to join your group
For this century's soup
Prepared for great minds
Such in this group one finds

Ain't here to show skills
But give you thrills
Just gimme a chance
I won't prank your plans

Didn't come by you by accident
This request is not an incident
That you think upon this
Gives my soul bliss

I bring from a far land
A potent magic wand
I bring to all&sundry
The bliss of poetry
So let me in this group
Serve this delicious soup
Meant for great minds
Such as here one finds
Just flexing
Feb 2020 · 40
No stories
GENIE Feb 2020
If you ain't in ma shoes you can't judge how I walk
If you can't fill ma void
Why judge ma darkness
If you can't forgive ma sins
Then you can't condemn ma soul
If you can't create my path,
You can't decide ma destination
You are free to say your opinion
I am free to make my decision
So if you say I'm rude,
I'll say I'm free
No stories,no apologies
Maybe in my next life,
But definitely not in this one
Feb 2020 · 45
GENIE Feb 2020
I am not on your way of success,
why stand on my way if progress
Be who you wanna be no stress
Lemme be who I wanna be fearless
Hate me for who I am,id care-less
Still I'll be there for you in times of distress
Feb 2020 · 41
Just me
GENIE Feb 2020
I woke up this morning,
To an empty bed,in a dark room
Though its hotly sunning
I feel dark and doom
Oh no,not again
I feel sudden pain
So its been a dream all along
Yet the scent of you still strong,
You are a lifetime away,
And though I find a way,
You'll still won't be there
Though I trek the universe,
I'll still wake to a nightmare
And though the universe
Showers me with love and care
So long as you're not there,
It still will be a dark scare
Cos without you there,
It still will be a dark room,
It still will be doom,
It still will be JUST ME
Apr 2018 · 220
GENIE Apr 2018
Dear God,its been so long,
been praying for too long,
never knew I'd be this strong.
what's happening dear God,
have u forgotten ur promise n word,
to be my saviour n lord,
save from this sword ur ward,
wield by ur enemies o lord.
I've been faithful n patient,
at every chance,I've been serious.
not saying am pure or righteous,
but I fast in length at lent.
lord this war is hotter and hotter,
am tempted by  the tempter's offer,
father u know how much I suffer,
pour blessings into my quarter.
have you left me to rotten,
have you your mercy forgotten,
have you lost your sympathy,
Look upon me,I pray,with pity.
Find me lord for am lost,
find me lord lest I rust,
seeing am made of dust,
Find me now at all cost.
I have been through so much pain,
Lord my morale is slain.
gat natin to live for again,
unless u gimme some rain.
Its a dry and tough terrain,
I'm getting more than my bargain,
pls father send me some rain,
That I might live again.
the call of a patient soul

— The End —