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371 · May 2018
Bryce Simons May 2018
When we trip, we fall forward.
That's growth and we jump upward.
Skyward to the future,
A style that comes from culture.

When we fall we hide...
Hide away shy when people pry.
Awry in our minds,
We hide instead of find...


When we tremble,
Strong love is gentle.
Cooing voices

Unconditional is:
Nothing can exist
To affect
Our faith in this.


Its Unrelenting.
Love is listening,
A constant,
Never abating.

No matter the road-
Express lanes with toads,
And side roads that end.
If ever we're slowed,

337 · May 2018
It's like this
Bryce Simons May 2018
It's like this:

I pick a human to treat and claim them.

I nag when they don't eat and poke when they sleep.

I care so much that it drives me nuts and I weep;

Tears of joy at their presence - And sadness at their absence.

It's like this and don't miss it;

I like this 'cause it's madness and crazy is my essence.

Madly in love and crazy snug like a glove.

But there are bumps in the dark…

Mind racing at nothing - cant shame my feelings.

It's like this:

No emotions are wrong 'cause they are just raw reactions.

These are effects of causes called rationalizations,

a.k.a. Choices made, like thoughts after sensations.

It's like this and don't miss it:

I love you because I decided to and the reality is that you did too.

My favorite one of trillions of thoughts causing emotions.


We did this and I won't take it back.

It's like this:

Neurons fire at blinding speeds spreading chemicals like dopamine

In response of a decision for an act toward another being

We want to be with for the rest of our existence.

It's like this and don't miss it:

Love is investing like we have a business and don't know it.

Money is our time

the contracts our minds.

Our offices,  our hearts with our competitors all outside.

It's like this:

Competitors are like scavengers

Picking and scratching at weak links and sweet things.

They are time and distance,

Other men and women with their opinions.

It's like this and don't miss it:

Holes are in our contracts making us doubt and act out,

They mislead and would have us seem inconsistent.

Feelings of distrust, betrayal and resistance

It's like this:

Holes are the darkness and it's natural to fear it.

Vast numbers of events we can't predict.

When we try, those are holes we dig -

Shoveling to bury past sins that lack forgiveness.

It's like this and don't miss it;

The dark is the future and a monster –

but the monster has no power unless you gift it attention.

Dismiss it and with it go your worries.

Forgiving and listening are the lights as we hurry.

It's like this.
Bryce Simons Jul 2018
Ooo, I think you're in love with me.
This is where I want us to be.
Walkin long the beach skiping small rocks out to sea.

Ooo, I think you're in love with me.
I'll take your heart and lock it in a box.
Wrap it in lace with a cute bow on top.
I'll kiss you on our walk and let it drop off the dock
In our ocean of
Ooo, I think you're in love with me.

I wont make promises I can't keep.
I'll play with your hair and kiss your cheek
gently while you're trying to sleep.
Ooo, I think you're in love with me.

Sitting on a log, taking selfies n ****.
I'll grab your hand as we jump off the cliff.
Falling deeper in love - faster until we hit
the cold splash of all the times we've missed.

Ooo, the warmth of your kiss will increase the heat,
the breeze of your breath,
kiss on my skin.
a gentle caress.
Ooo, baby I'm in.

This is where I want us to be.
Your kiss! Oh it makes me weak.
Your smile! I'll constantly seek.
Ooo I think you're in love with me.
153 · Jul 2018
Bryce Simons Jul 2018
We feel tall inside these boxes. Many don't get the universe expanses. Thats why we built these houses. To feed our ego and feel important. door frames mere inches above our headses and we think our lives hold meanin's.

— The End —