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The  neighbor's stereo was playing tango music
too loud, it made me look at my red painted toes.
I realized, my feet have not even swayed
for so long now,
they've grown timid and wary
of making the wrong step.

All i want is to dance,
to be safe, warm,
close to one, as close as
cheek to cheek,
go left, then right,
lean, cling, then hold hands,
be held on the waist,
dip, then circle gracefully,
and step, a stretched arm away,
be brought closer once again,
hearing clearly the sighs
as the music reaches a high.

But, it was a chicken dance i had joined then,
the shaking and jiggling were so
it mattered not who fell out of the tempo.
the desire waned,
fires die,
fires died, alright.

My feet are raring to swing back
to be alive once more
on life's dance floor
no more falls, trips or missteps this time
i'd like to dance with a slower beat
with more grace now
who knows,
this could be my best dance

This has got to feed my jazzy mood
play my chosen music
maybe do the shimmy for a while,
then shift to the bossa nova,
swing to its cool, hip-py rhythm.

Whatever the beat may be,
my partner and i...
we shall blend it mambo,
the rumba, cha-cha, even tap dance,
to celebrate this new chance on life.
we shall dance the samba on the wide floor,
let the hours fly by.

Then, with a waltz,  we'll take it easy
until we finally get weary,
until we decide
to slow drag
the night



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

Children's voices from a nearby school
have softened
and slowly faded away...
the streets are cleared: no more school buses,
all gone
for the day...
people, stray dogs and cats are free,
roaming the streets,
having fun in the fading light,
even as the dark spreads...
faster, and

evening quickly creeps upon us,
the dark descends lazily on our
weary minds and bodies...
it roosts on our self-confidence,
too long at times...filling spaces
between moments of fresh air
and deep sighs...
sending in unwanted thoughts
things we would rather not remember...
dismal light from a lamppost
sneaks in through the windows,
and creates shadows that sway
and dance on the wall...
dormant figures gain consciousness,
dragons unconquered start to waken...
out in the dark they emerge:
blag!  blag!  .blag!  
heavy footfalls bringing tremors,
breathing out red flames,
and start spreading terror...

in the midst of a spacious arena
is where we find ourselves...
vulnerable, stripped of our courage,
hiding.....from these blinding,
fiery and scary scenes...
from earthbound ghosts of a dark past
that cower over us...
it is true, darkness fades with every morning,
it is also true,
ghosts come visit every once in a dark evening...

tonight is dark and quiet,
out here in the cold
and pitch black darkness,
i know they would come,
i could feel this weird coldness,
from a weird ghost of the past...
night of all nights!

i must not fall...

i am not alone in the dark!

i am not alone in the dark...

i am not...


warm is your one hand, now under my elbow,
the other, lightly resting on my shoulder...
you came, my dearest.
oh, please, let not your hands learn to
hold another's warm body.

may your eyes never stray from mine,

may your arms never falter,
may they never slide,
may they never

may you always,
a l w a y s,
hold  me right
never loose, never too tight
just hold me


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A Bayan
If you have in mind to give someone a gift
Love or just anything to bring a cheer’s lift
Don’t defer do it now before it’s too late
A time may come bitter to leave you in regret!

Don’t keep deferring a gift by pondering over it
Or thinking it can further wait in time’s endless pit
Tomorrow it may so happen that the one in mind is gone
Without ever having your gift leaving that work undone!

If you have in mind to gift someone a thing or two
Keep it not in abeyance make the now its time to do
Next time is a long time so it may never leave your heart
You delayed the gift too long and chance was swift to depart!

Once the wish grows in mind to give someone a gift
Hurry for tides may change sands may go for a shift
Do it now get it done and treasure the receiver’s smile
So you don’t have to regret the rest of your walking mile!
I 'm going back in time for a few moments, climb  into my "memory machine", and emerge back, into the mid to late forties. Yes, dear friends, I know its hard to believe, but I, too, was once a child.  Going to school Monday thru Friday, greatly anticipating the coming weekend, being able to play, all day, but most of all, going to the neighborhood theatre for......



The kids would gather early,
to form the ticket line-        
    the movie wouldn't start til ten,
and cost a penny, plus a dime.

Some lived close enough to walk,
some would ride their bikes-
They came from all directions,
so, say goodbye to peace, and quiet!

Mom and Dad would even bring 'em
pick'em up and take'em  home-
knowing that for about two hours,
They would have that time alone.(H'mm?)

It was where we saw our heroes,
knowing truth and justice would prevail-
As we watched those nasty villains,
being carted off to jail.

Those times now, have long been gone
But the memories will, forever stay-
I never will forget, the

Saturday Morning Matinee!

(a sequel, perhaps, maybe?)

copyright 06-04-2014 r. riddle
Moments, that have become so few,
   a faint whisper of affection,
A soft caress-
The look of endearment
    with tear-drenched eyes -
Such perfection of beauty,
     of purest love,
Seldom seen by one so blind-

copyright 05-26-2014- Bob Robinson
Posted on behalf of a good friend and co-worker. Thank you
Bob Robinson
For thirty years now
We've penned this book
A mystery the direction
Each chapter took

With our share of laughter
In its comedy
Mixed with a few tears
But not in tragedy

Chapter one started
On the day that we met
After thirty years, I'm still thinking yes

We fit each other
Like a well worn glove
Bound together to each other
With the tight thread of love

In both chapters two and three
We got to know each other well
Before we decided we no longer needed
To be by ourselves

So we bought extra paper
Along with more pens
In hopes that we could
Write a family in

So in chapter four
We wrote in our first child
Stock of blonde hair
With a touch of heavens smile

Two chapters later
We added number two
With the cry of perfection
If I may tell the truth

All of the chapters following
Have been quite the read
A national best seller
To say the least

And it could not have been done
If it weren't you and me
Taking the time to write this book
Of our destiny

To this day my co-author
I'm still standing with
That beautiful girl I still love
That thirty years ago I first kissed

And whatever writings lay ahead
I'm sure those final chapters will be
The very best that we've written
My co-author and me
A bright full moon invites,

midnight blue firmament is rich with starlight

while a gentle sea breeze blows on this starry night,

making stargazing such a delight...

Twas a house in a quaint village, with a dimly lit gazebo,

two shadows, two lovers' hearts are aglow .......

to Schubert's Serenade, they dance, embrace, like Romeo and Juliet

their bodies, clinging so close, now turn to moving silhouettes...

the night's romantic mood attunes with the weather...

in the garden's hidden corners,

further down, near the sea waters

nameless couples coo at each other...
hoping for that promise of union

waiting for its consummation...

             ­            lovers'

a captivating
                             ­     invites...



          ......  does
                        ... not
                                 ... excite...



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
I wrote your name in the clouds,
     But, the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
     But, the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
     And forever it will stay.
She sits or naps there almost every day.
She has other choices she could make.
Ten acres to roam,
Under the cover of large spreading trees.
Maybe the woodshed,
Or the old house near by,
Empty now and full of nice.
The Barn, filled with solitary places
in which to slumber or hide.
The Garages, an open boat, trucks,
several beds there for her use.
But she picks the convertible
roof on my diminutive Red Car,
Like the Little Girl in the "Three
Bears Story", it would seem that,
that canvas roof is, "Just Right".

Or could it be that my sweet
little cat Charlotte, loves that roof
because it's mine?
For Charlotte Grey Eyes
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