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When I left home
I left there a piece of my mind
What it keeps saying to me
Robs my peace of mind

Your attention not paid
For her cat clawed cut
Asking her if it still hurts
Should have got her a band-aid

Defocused out of sight
Forgot so much from last night

Never asked once
If by any chance
Her feet’s ache still remains

If she in her morn’s walk
Felt the pain
And she was home before the rains

I think of asking her all these
The questions I left behind
Some more some more

Then in the evening
As she opens the door
I remember some
Forget more

Maybe not even one
I can remember
The pains of her
Inside outside

At night by her side
Promise her
I’ll not be forgetful

See her clawed thumb-head
Plastered with band-aid
Her feet swollen

And she promises
She will not go out in the rain again.
Under the amber sky she flows as far as the sea
her bank on the other side is shrunk as eye can see
I have seen joys rise like tide tears mingle in hers
she is Ganga the one river mother of all rivers.

On her ceaseless journey from high up to the bay
melts snow in her flow springs life from her clay
worshiped as holy mother yet spoiled by her sons
she is ravaged time again slayed by evil demons.

For ages she has nurtured life tilled green her shore
around her have sown hopes its timeless folklore
her soils have sculpted cornfields and images of goddess
she is now an ebbing tide end's shadows on her face.

Hear once her moaning waves her ripples' silent sigh
from the silts clogging her breast her beds going dry
dying groans of the mother poisoned in effluent
choked by her people's waste killed without relent.
I have no words for so many things.

when god's brush slips from his hand
his colors splatter over the sky
the joy it brings in an autumn morn
as swims gaily white rafts on blue ocean
I find no words

for then my emotions
leave me for the kingdom of mountains
of many shapes and faces
landing only when
the sweet waft of jasmine
reminds of the anchor on this shore
where my root drinks soil's nectar
when filled to the brim
rests in melancholic dream
under homing bird sky
for a home
away from this home!
My Poet:

tho evening draws nigh,
on this our wedding day,
the stars, guardians of our canopy,
reminder twinkle it can never be
fully complete, for you always make
a moment in time for me,
today we wait, synchronizing seconds
until both pronounce,
I do

let my hands,
in my tenderest embracing grasp,
perforce, when I hold you face,
still cannot hold your entirety,
for you always make and leave a space
for me to seal our universe

today, you need me to fill you,
so together, ever forward,
we will define and explore
the edges of our redrawn,
now, single unified line,
our ever expanding contiguous boundary

our blood is not commingled
but when our bodies unified,
the physics of our conjoining,
illustrates that those in our
surround of time and space,
in the aura we create,
not so very great,  
and yet our oneness
'tis a shining upon the countenance of our place,
a luminous emittance upon this earth

when you write your poetry,
it always finishes with me,
I am the native child of thy words,
I am the filament webbing
illuminating the spaces between each line

but more than this,
I am your beginning,
you are my destination,
together we make,
The End

they ask me to vow,
demand I swear, make promises,
certify, preserve, record and store
the solemnity of this marriage born,
in ledgers of the city,
before an invisible god

I eschew all this
for nothing in life
ever guaranteed by words secured,
but this I know true

My Poet:

*what I shall give to you,
and you to us,
cannot be spoke,
the words, not yet,
have we originated

for each day
will we compose anew,
each day, shall be
a new combination
under new stars,
our canopy unfolded,
our joining sanctified,
by the simple truth of us
On the floor mat stains of blood are still not dry
The hole at back of head now clogged with blood clot
The body lies on its face the room is filled with her cry
The sleuth is hot on the trail to unravel the plot.

In solving such crimes the sleuth has spent a long stint
He has been through cases simple and macabre
Now as he examines on the windowsill a footprint
His lips break into a faint smile noticing the odd affair.

He moves to her saying I know how shattering your pain is
And I’ll not add to it by questions that at this moment hurt
Please be composed and point out when something I miss
I’ll recount the events as told by you from the start.

Last night your husband had come back unusually late
From your room you had drowsily heard his movement
He hadn’t come to you and his room too was soon quiet
Found him dead next morn as I gather from your statement.

You say ma'am you remember having closed that window
After you had your dinner and retired for the night
Someone got access through it and delivered him the blow
With the flower vase on the showcase with all his might.

So an outsider must have entered in the cover of the dark
Some enemy business rival that would love to see him dead
Only thing remaining unexplained is the windowsill’s footmark
Pointing the intruder had gone out through it and not entered.

It points too ma'am the culprit if entered from outside
Came not through the window but came in by the door
Even the worst of murderers their trails cannot hide
They leave some clue as visible as this body on the floor.

What happened is when last night he came home late drunk out
Poured on you his hatred’s venom you couldn’t stand anymore
I had enquired from your neighbor who had heard you shout
Go back and spend the night with that ******* *****.

She breaks down and her sobbing face is now ashen white
I hate to tell you the ******* was never a loving husband
In drunken brawl when he called me a **** on last night
I banged his head with the vase with full might of my hand.

I stole out of the window to leave thereupon a foot mark
Got in through the door feeling unburdened and light
No trace of guilt touched me as I lay in the dark
Dialed the police when ended my happiest night.

You can now give me up to the law having known the fact
I am ready for it in the delight that I did grab the chance
To let myself free from that devil and his wedlock’s pact
I won’t mind if I die now having achieved this great riddance.

The sleuth’s lip broke in smile as he gave her a knowing wink
I too ma'am am delighted to rightly track and follow the clue
But let me tell you I’m yet to discover this case’s missing link

Since your hand’s print is not on the vase
who was it that did it for you!
The thing I hate most
is when I have to switch off the light
paving way for ghosts
to rule my night!

When moonbeam peeped through window
night revealed her in the most beauteous glory
I would not fall asleep in that half-lit glow
till ma told me the eeriest ghost story!

She would tell me about imps and ghouls
the ones that roam to find if a child is sleepless
of spirits no more bound by earthly rules
moving in the hollows in faceless face!

There were ghosts good and crooks
souls that died in unfulfilled lust
their shadows crept in the dark nooks
their sighs echoed with the wind's gust!

I could feel their breath catch their whiff
the lurking bones lying for me in wait
that would not spare me even in my sleep
till they turned me their netherworld's mate!

To this day I feel a deadly gloom
pause before I put out the light
what if finding me alone in a room
visit me the fears of the night!
The store would soon be closing-
it was fifteen to the four-
When the bells began to jingle-
as the old gent came thru the door.

A "dapper" chap with a bowler hat-
a three piece suit, to look his best-
And when he turned, you could see it--
a watch fob, draped across his vest.

With a pale, and wrinkled fist
in his hand, he firmly grasped-
A black, and polished "walking stick",
which added to his class.

He stood there, as if frozen,
poised upon the floor-
As his eyes perused the displays,
neatly placed throughout the store.

"Gentlemen, I would like to see,
your "time pieces" of variety-
Pocket watches, by which they're known,
and since a child, I've always owned."

From his accent, he was English-
with a bit of Scottish brogue-
Perhaps, here on a visit-
or on a trip around the globe.

"Allow me sir," the clerk replied-
to show you all our stock-
"Some pieces are rather old and rare-
and kept under key and lock."

He laid his hat atop a case-
and propped the stick against a wall-
Then began an examination
of those "time pieces", one, and all.

The mantle clocks began to chime-
and a cuckoo came alive-
The old gent seemed astonished-
that his "time piece" noted "five."

"Gentlemen, I must apologize",
showing a little red upon his face,
"But, I'll be back on the 'morrow'
to this fascinating place."

With hat in hand, he placed it-
hiding hair of solid gray-
Then doffed his hat, and smiling-
stepped through the door and walked away.

At closing time, they still weren’t through-
for they all had a job to do-
They had to clean the entire shop-
and each had a choice, broom, or mop?

Shades were drawn across the doors-
as each began their chosen chores,
When one called out, in a voice so thick-
“that old gent forgot his stick!”

There it was, the "stick", often called a "cane",
for their use is much the same-
Standing *****, against the wall,
with a shaft, a half inch thick, and thirty-six tall

But, it was the "hilt", the handle,
also called a "haft”-
That was the perfect compliment
to that "straight and perfect" shaft.

It glistened, and reflected-
and a joy to behold-
For that haft was fashioned
in 18 karat gold.

Oh, it was beautiful, don't you see-
from a pharaoh's treasure, it could be-
How could such a piece be left behind,
a piece so intricately designed?

On many accessories of it's kind-
there is a space, that is designed,
Either on the top, or on the side-
to which a name can be applied.

Ah yes, a person, perhaps someone of fame-
for in old fashion, style, and script,
Was etched the name of
"Noah Zane."

The cane was wrapped in  jeweler's cloth,
and placed inside the safe-
For the "old gent" would be returning
to this "fascinating place."

With a sigh, I have to tell you,
tho' sad, but it's a fact-
That "old gent" who had the stick-
he never did come back!

Shops of like were "queried"
both jewelery and the pawn-
And neither hint, nor clue was found-
for that "old gent" was gone.

So, what has come of the "stick",
or "cane" you wish to call?
I'm sitting here looking at it-
for its mounted on my wall.

(Thanks folks, for your patience)
copyright-richard riddle- April 15, 2014
The walking stick/cane has been in possession of my family
for 83 years. In 1932, San Diego, California, my father was employed as a jeweler/watchmaker, and was working the day the "old gent" visited the store.
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